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Graphs and Network Algorithms for Everyone

Published by Pearson

Intermediate to advanced content levelIntermediate to advanced

Explore and Analyze Network Data in Python

Trees, graphs and networks are fundamental data structures that underlie much of the recent developments in data science and computer science algorithms. Technologies and applications like social networks, cloud and distributed computing, cryptocurrencies and traffic routing and directions all rely on the proper use of graph concepts.

In this course we will build, step by step, a mini toolkit of network representations and algorithms that will allow students to understand the fundamental ideas and concepts that lie at the base of state of art algorithms (such as PageRank and recommendation systems), technologies (such as graph databases) and tools (like web crawlers).

What you’ll learn and how you can apply it

  • Understand the similarities and differences between trees and graphs
  • Identify data sets and problems that can be best represented in graph form
  • Apply graph algorithms to practical data science problems
  • Use graph algorithms for recommendation and optimization
  • Build the rudiments of a graph library using nothing but basic Python

This live event is for you because...

  • Want to use network feature to improve ML predictive models
  • You work with data that describes the relationships between elements
  • Want to understand the effect of network topology on the performance of graph algorithms
  • Are curious about the best way of model social and technological networks
  • Want to apply networks to recommendation and optimization problems


  • Basic Python
  • Numpy
  • Matplotlib
  • Jupyter

Course Set-up:

  • Scientific Python distribution like Anaconda

Recommended Preparation:

Watch Learning Data Structures and Algorithms (video)

Recommended Follow-up:


The time frames are only estimates and may vary according to how the class is progressing.

Segment 1 - Networks and Graphs (50 min)

  • Graph theory
  • Network and graph examples
  • Types of graphs
  • Tree and graph representations
  • Break (10 min)

Segment 2 - Graph Properties (40 min)

  • Degree distributions
  • Nearest neighbors
  • Weight distributions
  • Degree and weight correlations
  • Break (10 min)

Segment 3 - Graph Algorithms (60 min)

  • Paths and walks on graphs
  • Epidemic and viral spreading
  • Graph sampling
  • Shortest paths and maximum spanning trees
  • Graph diameter and friendship paradox
  • Random walks and markov chains
  • Break (10min)

Segment 4 - Applications to Empirical Social and Technological Networks (40 min)

  • Temporal networks
  • Multi-layer networks
  • Bipartite networks and recommender systems
  • Graphs and optimization

Your Instructor

  • Bruno Gonçalves

    Bruno Gonçalves is currently a Head of Data Science working at the intersection of AI, Blockchain Technologies, and Finance. Previously, he was a Data Science Fellow at NYU's Center for Data Science while on leave from a tenured faculty position at Aix-Marseille Université. Since the completion of his PhD in the Physics of Complex Systems in 2008, he has pursued the use of Data Science and Machine Learning to the large-scale study of human behavior. In 2015, he was awarded the Complex Systems Society's Junior Scientific Award for "outstanding contributions in Complex Systems Science," and in 2018 he was named a Science Fellow of the Institute for Scientific Interchange in Turin, Italy.
