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Certified Blockchain Solutions Architect (CBSA) Certification Crash Course

Published by Pearson

Intermediate content levelIntermediate

This training is focused on preparing IT professionals to successfully pass the Certified Blockchain Solutions Architect (CBSA) Exam by the Blockchain Training Alliance. It is also a primer for Blockchain architecture and design principals. Topics that will be covered include Blockchain terminology overview, Blockchain deployment models, Consensus Algorithms, Blockchain use cases as well as Ethereum and Hyperledger blockchain basics required for the exam. This course will also provide insight into how to successfully study, practice and pass the exam. This course provides a concise study guide to help you prepare for the CBSA Exam.

What you’ll learn and how you can apply it

  • Understand the objectives for the Certified Blockchain Solutions Architect (CBSA) Exam
  • Blockchain Architecture basics and advanced concepts
  • Choose appropriate blockchain systems for various use cases
  • Work effectively with both public and permissioned blockchain systems
  • Blockchain Terminology critical to know for the exam
  • Resources to help study for the exam

This live event is for you because...

  • You are new to blockchain technology and want to understand basic concepts of blockchain and what materials to study for a Blockchain certification.
  • Anyone who has interest in Blockchain technology and would be interested in obtaining the Certified Blockchain Solutions Architect (CBSA) Certification
  • You need an introduction to the objectives of the Certified Blockchain Solutions Architect (CBSA) exam in a concise format that provides study materials
  • You are an aspiring blockchain architect that would like to validate your knowledge with the industry leading blockchain architecture certification
  • You need to understand the use cases for blockchain and resources to help get started in the blockchain space.




The time frames are only estimates and may vary according to how the class is progressing.

Segment 1 Introduction to the Certified Blockchain Solution Architect (CBSA) Exam (30 mins)

Segment 2 Blockchain Terminology (30 mins)

Segment 3 Blockchain Deployments Models (30 mins)

Break 10 Minutes

Segment 4 Blockchain Use Cases (60 mins)

Segment 5 Ethereum and Hyperledger, Resources to review to prepare (30 mins)

Your Instructor

  • Joe Holbrook

    Joe Holbrook has been in the IT field since 1993, when he was exposed to several HP-UX systems on board the US Navy flagship USS JFK. Over his career, he’s migrated from the Unix networking world to storage area networking (SAN) and then to enterprise cloud/virtualization and blockchain architectures while working for companies like HDS, 3PAR Data, Brocade, Dimension Data, EMC, Northrop Grumman, ViON, iBASIS,, SAIC, and Siemens Nixdorf. Based in Jacksonville, FL, Joe is the owner of a new upstart learning blog, TechCommanders. He’s also a widely published course author and instructor for outlets such as O’Reilly, LinkedIn Learning, QuickStart, INE, and Udemy and has been a contract technical trainer for HPE (3PAR), Hitachi Data Systems, Training Associates, ITpreneurs, and Global Knowledge. Joe holds industry-leading certifications from Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Brocade, Hitachi Data Systems, EMC, VMware, CompTIA, HP 3PAR, Cloud Credential Council, Palo Alto Networks, and numerous other organizations. He’s also a dad, a blockchain and cryptocurrency geek, an ice hockey fan, and an avid fisherman.
