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SQL fundamentals for data

Published by O'Reilly Media, Inc.

Beginner content levelBeginner

A hands-on course for beginners

Join Thomas Nield for a hands-on introduction to core database and SQL fundamentals—concepts that are critical in today’s business and technology landscape. Businesses are gathering data at exponential rates, and there’s an equally growing demand for people who know how to access it meaningfully. Through a combination of lecture and exercises—and Thomas’s pragmatic approach to teaching—you’ll gain proficiency with SQL fundamentals and database design. Using the simplicity and power of SQLite, you can practice designing and working with databases at home without a database server environment.

Whether you’re a project manager, IT professional, business analyst, programmer, engineer, or simply a person with basic computing skills and an interest in data, you’ll make the leap to data proficiency with this course.

What you’ll learn and how you can apply it

By the end of this live, hands-on, online course, you’ll understand:

  • By the end of this live, hands-on, online course, you’ll understand:
  • Basic data analysis and writing tasks using SQL
  • Principles for creating resilient database designs
  • The data technology landscape and the role of relational databases versus NoSQL databases

And you’ll be able to:

  • Quickly apply knowledge to most relational database platforms (Oracle, MySQL, etc)
  • Aggregate and join data to get a more complete picture
  • Read, write, and transform data in tables
  • Execute basic data analysis to create aggregations and establish relationships

This live event is for you because...

  • You’re a business analyst who has done some data analysis and now needs to access larger datasets and make sense of them
  • You’re a data science professional who wants to tap into data sources directly rather than rely on text files.
  • You’re an IT professional who wants to get involved in accessing and managing data, and understand core principles of database design
  • You’re an engineer who wants to collect data and integrate it into your systems, products, or projects
  • You’re a programmer who needs to work with and build solutions around data
  • You’re a project manager who needs to manage a team of data analysts and engineers, so you can fully understand the feasibility of projects as well as quality control


  • Experience with basic data analysis using Excel or other spreadsheet tools will be helpful.

Required materials and setup:

  • Download class resources from GitHub
  • Download and launch SQLite client preferably SQLiteStudio, or just use

Recommended follow-up:


The time frames are only estimates and may vary according to how the class is progressing.


Understanding databases (20 minutes)

  • Definition of database
  • Relational databases
  • Normalization
  • SQL versus NoSQL
  • Lightweight versus centralized databases
  • EXERCISES: Identifying lightweight vs centralized databases

Using SQLite (10 minutes)

  • Introduction to SQLite
  • Setting up SQLiteStudio or SQLiteOnline
  • Importing and navigating databases
  • 10 minute break

SELECT (20 minutes)

  • Retrieving and viewing data with SELECT
  • Expressions in SELECT statements
  • Text concatenation
  • EXERCISES: Selecting columns and expressions

WHERE (40 minutes)

  • Filtering records with WHERE
  • Using WHERE on numbers
  • AND, OR, and IN statements
  • Using WHERE on text
  • Understanding True/False (boolean) values
  • Handling NULL
  • Grouping conditions
  • EXERCISES: Filtering weather records with WHERE
  • 10 minute break

GROUP BY and ORDER BY (40 minutes)

  • Grouping records
  • Ordering records
  • Aggregate functions
  • Filtering aggregates with HAVING
  • Getting DISTINCT records
  • EXERCISES: Aggregating and summarizing weather data

CASE statements (30 minutes)

  • The CASE statement
  • Grouping CASE statements
  • The "zero/null" CASE trick
  • EXERCISES: Aggregating weather data by quarter


JOIN (50 minutes)

  • Stitching multiple tables together
  • Other JOIN types
  • Joining multiple tables
  • Using GROUP BY with a JOIN
  • EXERCISES: Joining and aggregating customers and customer orders
  • 10 minute break

Database design and Creation (50 minutes)

  • Decisions in planning a database
  • Understanding and Preventing SQL Injection
  • The SurgeTech conference
  • Turning SurgeTech entities into tables
  • Primary and foreign keys
  • The final schema
  • Using CREATE TABLE to build the SurgeTech database
  • Setting the primary/foreign keys
  • Creating views
  • 10 minute break

Managing and Writing a database (40 minutes)

  • Adding data with INSERT
  • Changing data with UPDATE
  • Deleting data with DELETE
  • Truncating and dropping tables
  • Indexes and transactions
  • Specialized data types (dates and times)
  • EXERCISES: Writing and modifying conference attendees

Your Instructor

  • Thomas Nield

    Thomas Nield is the founder of Nield Consulting Group and an instructor at O’Reilly Media and the University of Southern California, teaching classes on data analysis, machine learning, mathematical optimization, AI system safety, and practical artificial intelligence. He’s authored multiple books including Getting Started with SQL and Essential Math for Data Science, both for O’Reilly. He’s also the founder and inventor of Yawman Flight, a company that develops universal handheld controls for flight simulation and unmanned aerial vehicles. Thomas enjoys making technical content relatable and relevant to those unfamiliar with or intimidated by it.
