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Object-Oriented Programming in Python

Published by Pearson

Intermediate content levelIntermediate

How do you write classes and methods in Python? What does init mean? What is object-oriented programming and when should I use it?

This course will help you move beyond scripting and teach you how to write object-oriented code in Python. Along the way, we will also cover other intermediate features of the Python language, like decorators (@), dunder methods (_ name _), *args, **kwargs, and exceptions.

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a paradigm commonly used in back-end languages like Java, C++, Ruby, and Python. But while Java forces OOP style coding, Python gives you the flexibility to code in a style that feels right to you. There are many benefits to an object-oriented approach, including cleaner code that’s easier to reuse and extend. Additionally, many popular Python libraries, like the Django web framework, require object-oriented programming for writing even the most basic application.

So whether you want to make the next Instagram or you just want to better understand how the library you’re using works, adding object-oriented programming to your tool belt is a must for any Python developer.

What you’ll learn and how you can apply it

  • The difference between procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming
  • How to use and create classes, attributes, and methods
  • How Python handles “inheritance”, “encapsulation”, and “polymorphism”

This live event is for you because...

  • You’re a novice Python developer who is ready for intermediate concepts
  • You’re a Python developer who’s been scripting and wants to learn about OOP
  • You’re an intermediate/experienced developer who is new to Python
  • You’ve attended Introduction to Python Programming (live online training course) by Arianne Dee


  • Some experience coding in Python 2 or 3
  • Basic understanding of the following concepts in Python: types, functions, conditionals, lists, while loops, and for loops

Course Set-up

Recommended Preparation

Recommended Follow-up


The time frames are only estimates and may vary according to how the class is progressing.

Segment 1: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming and Python Review Length (45 min)

  • Install Python and PyCharm
  • Review Python Basics
  • What is Object-Oriented Programming
  • Q&A / Break (15 min)

Segment 2: Use and Create Classes in Python Length (45 min)

  • Look at how to use and create classes, properties, and methods
  • Learn about initializers, destructors and Python’s dunder methods
  • Learn about class methods and decorators in Python
  • Q&A / Break (15 min)

Segment 3: Intermediate Topics Length (45 min)

  • Learn about core object-oriented concepts: abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism
  • Understand exceptions, *args, and **kwargs
  • Q&A / Break (15 min)

Segment 4: Refactoring to OOP Length (50 min)

  • Start with a basic script for a game
  • Refactor it to use OOP

Course wrap-up, next steps, Q&A (10 min)

Your Instructor

  • Arianne Dee

    Arianne is a full-stack software developer and freelancer, with a passion for user-focused design for the public good. She has bachelor’s degrees in Civil Engineering and Computer Science from the University of British Columbia, and has taught thousands of students, aged 9 – 99 through Engineers Without Borders, Canada Learning Code, and Pearson on the O’Reilly platform. Arianne’s most popular videos and live trainings help beginners and experienced developers get up to speed with Python