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Change Management

Managing Resistance to Change

Published by O'Reilly Media, Inc.

Intermediate content levelIntermediate

Learn resistance patterns and overcome objections

Course outcomes

  • Recognize resistance patterns
  • Design supportive strategies for change
  • Learn reflection techniques to enhance self-awareness and emotional regulation when you’re challenged by resistance

Course description

Join expert Michelle Pauk to learn the strategies used by executive coaches and organizational change experts for handling resistance to change respectfully and effectively. Through a series of interactive exercises and problem-solving scenarios, you’ll explore the psychology of effective change and apply negotiation strategies, gain pragmatic approaches you can apply to your own change efforts, and acquire a more relaxed and confident mindset for leading change.

What you’ll learn and how you can apply it

  • Understand sources of resistance and typical resistance behaviors
  • Learn how to apply more supportive approaches to resistance
  • Recognize how your own behavior can mitigate resistance

This live event is for you because...

  • You’re a manager or coach who’s trying to implement a change.
  • You’re an Agile practitioner or scrum master who needs to address resistance on your team.
  • You’re an individual contributor who wants to be more open to new ideas.


The time frames are only estimates and may vary according to how the class is progressing.

Understanding resistance (60 minutes)

  • Hands-on exercise and group discussion: Reflect on resistance to change within your own experience by responding to empathy-based prompts; map typical behaviors to the three change personas
  • Presentation: Three common “change personas”; Net-Promoter Score response categories (promoters, passives, detractors); SCARF Model approach/avoid states and perceived threats/rewards from change
  • Hands-on exercise: Create your own empathy map for a sample persona
  • Break

Strategies to support change (60 minutes)

  • Group discussion: Share responses to empathy map exercise
  • Presentation: Humble inquiry and motivational interviewing concepts and techniques for building rapport with change resistors
  • Hands-on exercise: Practice respectful inquiry and interviewing techniques with role-play scenario worksheets
  • Group discussion: Share insights from exercise; reflective prompts for integrating learning into real-world practice

Your Instructor

  • Michelle Pauk

    Michelle Pauk is an agile coach by trade and executive coach by training. Over the last decade, she has supported change and transformation efforts in a variety of industries and organizations, helping leaders and teams experiment with new ways of working to unlock their potential. She has spoken about agility and resistance to change at international conferences, including Agile 2022, XP 2022, and the Global Scrum Gathering 2019, and she blogs about what we can learn from resistance on her website, Streamside Coaching.
