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Linux Networking & Security Fundamentals

Published by Pearson

Beginner to intermediate content levelBeginner to intermediate

Learn how to connect and harden Linux servers.

  • Learn networking basics.
  • Explore how to harden and secure Linux systems, files, and users.
  • Build real-world Linux skills with in-depth hands-on labs.
  • Work with multiple Linux distros, including Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, and OpenSUSE.

Fundamental knowledge of Linux server networking and securing is vital for systems administrators, developers, and many other types of computer technicians. In some cases, these important basics are either underestimated, or are not properly incorporated into Linux environments. By implementing strong networking and security techniques, Linux systems can communicate more efficiently and safely, resulting in increased production, reduced downtime, and happier organizations.

What you’ll learn and how you can apply it

  • Learn how Linux servers and the various Linux networking services operate, and how to configure them.
  • Use networking utilities to test Linux systems and verify that they are functioning properly.
  • Learn about firewalls and user security.
  • Utilize tools such as SSH securely and effectively.

This live event is for you because...

  • You want to learn the fundamentals of Linux networking and Linux security.
  • You are an aspiring Linux administrator/systems administrator.
  • You wish to increase your overall knowledge of the Linux operating system.


  • Basic Linux terminal knowledge.
  • An understanding of how to create Linux virtual machines.
  • Ability to work with a text editor: Vim, nano, etc... (The instructor will focus on Vim).

Course Set-up

  • Access the course repository: Read the README!
  • Have at least two Linux virtual machines ready: One client and one server. The instructor will be working on a Debian client system (with the GNOME desktop installed) as well as various servers (Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, and OpenSUSE). See the repository readme file for details.

Recommended Preparation

Recommended Follow-up


The time frames are only estimates and may vary according to how the class is progressing.

Day 1: Linux Networking Fundamentals

Introduction: (10 min)

  • Course introduction
  • Overview of two-day agenda

Segment 1: Networking 101 (25 min)

  • What is a computer network?
  • How do computers communicate over the network? And why?
  • Introduction to Linux tools used for network analysis.

Q&A (2 minutes)

Segment 2: Networking Commands and Configurations (60 min)

  • ping
  • hostnames and resolution
  • Break – 2 minutes
  • ip
  • nmcli
  • Quiz

Q&A (2 minutes)

Segment 3: Linux Networking Services and Configuration Files (60 min)

  • networking.service
  • systemd-networkd

Break – 12 minutes

  • NetworkManager
  • Netplan
  • Quiz

Q&A (3 minutes)

Break – 2 minutes

Segment 4: Connecting Between Hosts with the Command Line (40 min)

  • SCP & rsync
  • SSH

Q&A (2 minutes)

Segment 5: Wrap-up for the Day (15 min)

Q&A (5 minutes)

Day 2: Linux Security Fundamentals

Introduction: (5 min)

  • Overview of day two agenda
  • Poll Question

Segment 1: Security 101(20 min)

  • Nothing is 100% Secure!
  • The Security Mindset
  • The CIA Triad
  • Quiz

Q&A (3 minutes)

Segment 2: Working with Services (40 min)

  • Displaying Services and their Status
  • Starting/Stopping, Enabling/Disabling Services
  • Reducing the Attack Surface... with less Services!

Q&A (2 minutes) Break – 2 minutes

Segment 3: Updates & Upgrades (20 min)

  • Debian/Ubuntu (apt)
  • Fedora/Red Hat/CentOS (dnf)

Q&A (2 minutes)

Segment 4: Firewalls (40 min)

  • Types of Firewalls
  • nfables and nft
  • Scanning the firewall
  • Quiz

Q&A (2 minutes) Break – 12 minutes

Segment 5: User Security (35 min)

  • User & Group Security
  • su, sudo, and Passwords
  • Modifying password criteria in Debian

Segment 6: Using SSH Properly (50 min)

  • Utilizing RSA keys

Break – 2 minutes

  • Modifying the SSH inbound port
  • Timeouts, and other security best practices
  • Quiz

Segment 7: Course wrap-up (5 min)

  • Final Q & A
  • Survey
  • Ending statement

Your Instructor

  • David L. Prowse

    David Prowse has more than 20 years of experience in the IT field. He is an advocate of lifelong learning, self-improvement, building confidence, and the sharing of knowledge. You can contact him at his website:; on discord; and on his Youtube channel