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Serverless Architecture

Learn Serverless Application Development with Webtask

Published by Pearson

Beginner content levelBeginner

Beyond the Hype – Migrate to Serverless Deployment for Ease of Use and Ease of Cost

Serverless has been getting an incredible amount of attention (and hype) over the past year. It is a huge topic and can dramatically change how you deploy applications. This training will introduce the high level concepts, discuss various options, and then spend time with one of the simplest serverless frameworks to learn, Webtask.

What you’ll learn and how you can apply it

  • What serverless means, what it’s appropriate for, and where it doesn’t make sense
  • Webtask basics
  • Serving static files for your serverless applications.
  • Local testing and debugging

This live event is for you because...

  • You’ve heard about serverless but feel overwhelmed on how to start
  • You want to see some practical examples of how to use serverless with your applications
  • You are an application developer who needs to build back in services in a simpler form
  • You are a front end developer looking to build back end services but want to simplify the setup of your APIs


  • Basic web development skills
  • Basic JavaScript skills
  • Basic understanding of APIs

Course Set-up

  • httpster, a npm module that makes it easy to start a web server from the CLI
  • A decent editor with web support – strongly recommend Visual Studio Code

Recommended Preparation

Recommended Follow-up


The time frames are only estimates and may vary according to how the class is progressing.

Segment 1: Wrapping Your Head Around Serverless (35 minutes)

Defining Serverless

  • What it is
  • What it isn’t
  • Where it makes sense
  • Where it doesn’t make sense
  • Options (IBM Cloud Functions, Google Cloud Functions, AF, Lambda, Webtask)

Segment 2: Using Webtask (35 minutes)

  • Signing up
  • Online editor, CLI
  • Basic function form
  • Context form
  • HTTP control
  • Exercise 1 – Pig Latin app

Break – 10 minutes

Segment 3: Deeper into Webtask (Context) (35 mins)

  • Context object
  • Query param
  • Body param
  • Headers
  • Secrets
  • Meta
  • Exercise 1 – Pig Latin (HTTP Post version)

Segment 4: Storage (35 mins)

  • The storage object (when it makes sense and when it doesn’t)
  • The API
  • Visual editor
  • Exercise 1 – Score reporter (records score, total, average)

Break – 10 minutes

Segment 5: NPM Modules (20 mins)

  • How to add (CLI or visual editor)
  • Using request/request-promise
  • Exercise 1 – Building an API wrapper

Segment 6: Middleware (35 mins)

  • What it is and why you would use it
  • An example for security
  • Describing compilers and showing an example
  • Exercise – Add security to API wrapper

Break – 10 mins

Segment 7: Testing and wrap-up (35 mins)

  • Testing locally (tip on skipping the func and using Node as a script)
  • Debugging locally
  • Logging (visual editor)
  • Resources (learning more about webtask, serverless in general)
  • Final Q/A

Your Instructor

  • Raymond K. Camden

    Raymond Camden is a senior developer advocate for Auth0 Extend. His work focuses on Extend, serverless, and the web in general. He's a published author and presents at conferences and user groups on a variety of topics. Raymond can be reached at his blog (, @raymondcamden on Twitter, or via email at
