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Introduction to TensorFlow

Published by O'Reilly Media, Inc.

Intermediate to advanced content levelIntermediate to advanced

Learn to build, train and run deep neural networks using TensorFlow

In the first part of this course, you will learn the fundamentals of TensorFlow, such as computational graphs, auto-differentiation, sessions, placeholders and more. You will then learn how to apply this knowledge by building a simple logistic regression classifier, training it using stochastic gradient descent, and running it to make predictions. In the process you will also get a brief introduction (or reminder) to some of the fundamental concepts of Machine Learning, such as training sets/test sets, overfitting, cost function and gradient descent. In the second part of this course, you will learn about deep neural networks and techniques to train them efficiently using TensorFlow.

Google open sourced TensorFlow in November 2015, and since then it has grown into the most popular Deep Learning framework available today. Many companies are already using it to tackle complex tasks such as Natural Language Processing, image or speech recognition and much more, often gaining a decisive competitive advantage: don’t get left behind!

Join expert Aurélien Géron for a hands-on, in-depth exploration of TensorFlow. In this course, you’ll learn how to use TensorFlow to build, train and run state-of-the-art Deep Learning systems.

What you’ll learn and how you can apply it

  1. How TensorFlow relies on computation graphs, and how they are used.
  2. Stochastic Gradient Descent to optimize a cost function, using Automatic Differentiation to compute the gradients.
  3. How neural networks are built and how they can perform tasks such as image classification.

And you will be able to:

  1. Use TensorFlow for any kind of numerical computation.
  2. Build, train and run Deep Neural Networks.
  3. Train Convolutional Neural Networks to perform image classification.

This live event is for you because...

You are a Software Engineer, Data Scientist, or Data Analyst with little or no Machine Learning experience and need to learn how to use TensorFlow to build, train and run deep neural networks for image recognition, natural language processing or more.


Basic experience with the Python programming language.

Materials needed in advance/downloads:

A working Python 3.4+ installation with TensorFlow 0.12.0, NumPy and Jupyter.

System Test:

To test whether you will be able to run the jupyter notebooks in your upcoming training, please:

Navigate here: (This is the link to the test site)

  • Sign in with your Safari credentials
  • Click "start my server"
  • Click on "notebook .ipynb"
  • Run each of the code cells: click the cell then either press Shift+Return or click the triangle in the top menu
  • There may be a few second delay, but you should eventually see the graphs. If you do not, this probably means that your firewall is blocking JupyterHub's websockets. Please turn off your company VPN or speak with your system administrator to allow.

Recommended Preparation:

Getting started with TensorFlow (lesson)

Introduction to Python (video)

Analyzing Data with Python (webcast)


The time frames are only estimates and may vary according to how the class is progressing.

Segment 1 - Introduction Length 10min

Quick bio, deep learning frameworks, computation graphs, course objectives.

Segment 2 - TensorFlow basics Length 20min

Quick installation, construction phase, execution phase, sessions, graphs, constants, variables, initializers, evaluating nodes.

Segment 3 - Linear regression with TensorFlow Length 30min

Linear regression refresher, building the model and the cost function, manually computing the gradients, implementing gradient descent. Training the model. Making predictions using the model. Saving/Loading the model.

Segment 4 - Using autodiff and optimizers Length 20min

Automatic differentiation. Using autodiff to compute the gradients. Using TensorFlow optimizers.

Segment 5 - Feeding training data to the learning algorithm Length 20min

Using constants, using placeholders, using readers.

Segment 5 - TensorBoard

Length 20min Starting tensorboard, visualizing the computation graph, visualizing statistics and learning curves.

Segment 6 - Organizing your code Length 20min

Name scopes, sharing variables, organizing model components.

Segment 7 - Artificial neural networks Length 30min

Artificial neurons, perceptron, multi-layer perceptron, TensorFlow playground demo, building and training a deep neural network.

Segment 8 - Techniques for training deep nets Length 30min

Weight initialization, ReLU activation function, faster optimizers, transfer learning, unsupervised pretraining, regularization using dropout, data augmentation.

Segment 9 - Convolutional neural networks for image classification - part 1

Length 20min Visual cortex, convolutional layers

Segment 10 - Convolutional neural networks for image classification - part 2 Length 20min

Pooling layers, CNN architectures. Implementing a CNN to tackle MNIST.

Your Instructor

  • Aurélien Géron

    Aurélien Géron is a machine learning consultant and lecturer. A former Googler, he led YouTube’s video classification team from 2013 to 2016. He’s been a founder of and CTO at a few different companies: Wifirst, a leading wireless ISP in France; Polyconseil, a consulting firm focused on telecoms, media, and strategy; and Kiwisoft, a consulting firm focused on machine learning and data privacy. Before all that Aurélien was an engineer in a variety of domains: finance (JPMorgan and Société Générale), defense (Canada’s DOD), and healthcare (blood transfusion). He also published a few technical books (on C++, WiFi, and internet architectures) and lectured about computer science at a French engineering school. A few fun facts: he taught his three children to count in binary with their fingers (up to 1,023), he studied microbiology and evolutionary genetics before going into software engineering, and his parachute didn’t open on the second jump.
