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Machine Learning

Intro to Data Structures and Algorithms (Machine Learning Foundations)

Published by Pearson

Beginner to intermediate content levelBeginner to intermediate

Computer Science for Developing and Deploying the Most Efficient ML Models

The Machine Learning Foundations series of online trainings provides a comprehensive overview of all of the subjects — mathematics, statistics, and computer science — that underlie contemporary machine learning techniques, including deep learning and other artificial intelligence approaches. Extensive curriculum detail can be found at the course’s GitHub repo.

All of the classes in the ML Foundations series bring theory to life through the combination of vivid full-color illustrations, straightforward Python examples within hands-on Jupyter notebook demos, and comprehension exercises with fully-worked solutions.

The focus is on providing you with a practical, functional understanding of the content covered. Context will be given for each topic, highlighting its relevance to machine learning. You will be better positioned to understand cutting-edge machine learning papers and you will be provided with resources for digging even deeper into topics that pique your curiosity.

There are 14 classes in the series, organized into four subject areas:

Linear Algebra (three classes)

  • Intro to Linear Algebra
  • Linear Algebra II: Matrix Tensors
  • Linear Algebra III: Eigenvectors

Calculus (four classes)

  • Intro to Calculus
  • Calculus II: Automatic Differentiation
  • Calculus III: Partial Derivatives
  • Calculus IV: Gradients and Integrals

Probability and Statistics (four classes)

  • Intro to Probability
  • Probability II and Information Theory
  • Intro to Statistics
  • Statistics II: Regression and Bayesian

Computer Science (three classes)

  • Intro to Data Structures and Algorithms
  • DSA II: Hashing, Trees, and Graphs
  • Optimization

You’re welcome to pick and choose between any of the 14 individual classes based on your particular interests or your existing familiarity with the material. Note that each of the four subject areas are fairly independent, however theory within a given subject area generally builds over the 3-4 classes — topics in later classes of a given subject area often assume an understanding of topics from earlier classes.

(Note that at any given time, only a subset of the ML Foundations classes will be scheduled and open for registration. To be pushed notifications of upcoming classes in the series, sign up for the instructor’s email newsletter at

This class, Intro to Data Structures and Algorithms, is a primer on the most important computer science topics for machine learning, enabling you to design and deploy efficient models that run more quickly and consumer fewer resources. Through the measured exposition of theory paired with interactive examples, you’ll develop a working understanding of big “O” notation and how it enables us to optimize the efficiency of a given computational task. The content covered in this class is itself foundational for the DSA II: Hashing, Trees, and Graphs class.

What you’ll learn and how you can apply it

  • Use big “O” notation to characterize the time efficiency and space efficiency of a given algorithm, enabling you to select or devise the most sensible approach for tackling a particular machine learning problem with the hardware resources available to you.
  • Become familiar with all of the most important list-based and set-based data structures as well as their relevance to machine learning.
  • As a means to appreciate the typical trade-off between computational efficiency and memory efficiency, develop a hands-on understanding of the standard algorithms for searching and sorting data.

This live event is for you because...

  • You use high-level software libraries (e.g., scikit-learn, Keras, TensorFlow) to train or deploy machine learning algorithms, and would now like to understand the fundamentals underlying the abstractions, enabling you to expand your capabilities
  • You’re a software developer who would like to develop a firm foundation for the deployment of machine learning algorithms into production systems
  • You’re a data scientist who would like to reinforce your understanding of the subjects at the core of your professional discipline
  • You’re a data analyst or A.I. enthusiast who would like to become a data scientist or data/ML engineer, and so you’re keen to deeply understand the field you’re entering from the ground up (very wise of you!)


  • Programming: All code demos will be in Python so experience with it or another object-oriented programming language would be helpful for following along with the code examples.
  • Mathematics: You should either have attended the Linear Algebra II: Matrix Tensors live training or be familiar with the content in Lessons 1-6 of Jon Krohn’s Linear Algebra for ML LiveLessons

Materials, downloads, or Supplemental Content needed in advance

  • During class, we’ll work on Jupyter notebooks interactively in the cloud via Google Colab. This requires zero setup and instructions will be provided in class.


  • If you’re feeling extremely ambitious, you can get a headstart on the content we’ll be covering in class by viewing Lessons 7-9 of Jon Krohn’s Linear Algebra for ML LiveLessons

The remainder of Jon’s ML Foundations curriculum is split across the following videos:


The time frames are only estimates and may vary according to how the class is progressing.

Segment 1: Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms (90 min)

  • A Brief History of Data and Algorithms
  • Applications of DSA to ML
  • “Big O” Notation
  • Q&A and Break

Segment 2: List-Based Data Structures (30 min)

  • Lists
  • Arrays
  • Linked and Doubly-Linked Lists
  • Stacks
  • Queues
  • Deques
  • Q&A and Break

Segment 3: Searching and Sorting Data (90 min)

  • Binary Search
  • Bubble Sort
  • Merge Sort
  • Quick Sort
  • Final Exercises and Q&A

Your Instructor

  • Jon Krohn

    Jon Krohn is Co-Founder and Chief Data Scientist at the machine learning company Nebula. He authored the book Deep Learning Illustrated, an instant #1 bestseller that was translated into seven languages. He is also the host of SuperDataScience, the data science industry’s most listened-to podcast. Jon is renowned for his compelling lectures, which he offers at leading universities and conferences, as well as via his award-winning YouTube channel. He holds a PhD from Oxford and has been publishing on machine learning in prominent academic journals since 2010.
