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Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Generative AI for Healthcare

Published by O'Reilly Media, Inc.

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The Next Frontier in Medicine and Patient Care

Generative AI has the potential to transform every aspect of healthcare—from personalized patient care and drug discovery to enhanced medical imaging and robot-assisted surgeries. Physicians are taking advantage of state-of-the-art tools like ChatGPT to better connect with their patients and manage medical records. Like any emerging technology, there are benefits and challenges to using AI in medicine.

Join us and leading industry experts to learn more about the next-generation AI tools, techniques, and applications driving innovation in healthcare.

What you’ll learn and how you can apply it

  • Uncover the benchmarks and best practices enabling academic medical centers, pharmaceuticals, and health IT companies to build real-world LLM-based applications
  • Discover how graph databases are reshaping life sciences, catalyzing breakthroughs, and steering healthcare toward impactful, personalized outcomes
  • Explore powerful new generative AI tools designed to enhance the search capabilities of AI models and provide highly accurate LLMs for medical Q&A and summarization
  • Learn how to develop LangChain applications for disease diagnosis and screening
  • Discover generative, predictive, and hybrid AI models that offer comprehensive solutions for complex medical challenges

This live event is for you because...

  • You’re an AI/ML engineer or data practitioner who wants to broaden your skill set and apply your knowledge to the healthcare industry.
  • You’re a medical practitioner looking to explore the latest advancements in AI technology.
  • You’re a healthcare leader who wants to implement AI technology in your organization.


  • Come with your questions
  • Have a pen and paper handy to capture notes, insights, and inspiration

Recommended follow-up:


The time frames are only estimates and may vary according to how the class is progressing.

Lorien Pratt: Introduction (5 minutes) - 8:00am PT | 11:00am ET | 3:00pm UTC/GMT

  • Lorien welcomes you to Generative AI for Healthcare.

David Talby: Benchmarks of Common Applications of Generative AI in Healthcare (30 minutes) - 8:05am PT | 11:05am ET | 3:05pm UTC/GMT

  • Large language models provide a leap forward in our capacity to understand medical language and context—from passing the US medical licensing exam to summarizing clinical notes. But they also suffer from a broad range of issues that require significant effort to test and adapt for: accuracy, safety, bias, robustness, privacy, and truthfulness, among others. David Talby shares benchmarks and best practices developed at John Snow Labs through the process of enabling academic medical centers, pharmaceuticals, and health IT companies to build real-world LLM-based applications.
  • David Talby is the chief technology officer at John Snow Labs, helping companies apply artificial intelligence to solve real-world problems in healthcare and life science. He has extensive experience building and running web-scale software platforms and teams gained while working with Microsoft’s Bing in the US and Europe, scaling Amazon’s financial systems in Seattle and the UK, and various startups. He holds a PhD in computer science and master’s degrees in computer science and business administration. He was named USA CTO of the Year by the Global100 Awards and GameChangers Awards in 2022.

Hector Zenil: Is GenAI Ready for Healthcare? The Next Frontier—Combining Generative, Predictive, and Hybrid AI (30 minutes) - 8:35am PT | 11:35am ET | 3:35pm UTC/GMT

  • GenAI has transformative potential for healthcare, but healthcare companies and practitioners must also understand its implementation difficulties, such as versioning, stability, transferability, and address bias concerns and regulatory challenges to ensure these technologies truly benefit patients and healthcare professionals. Hector Zenil discusses how GenAI, integrated with predictive AI, can generate new insights and models, enabling more accurate disease prediction and diagnoses and personalized treatment. You’ll also hear about the development of hybrid AI systems that marry generative and predictive capabilities, offering a comprehensive solution for complex medical challenges.
  • Dr. Hector Zenil serves as a board director for several startups in the areas of healthcare and fintech in the UK, Canada, and Sweden. He’s the sole founder and chief visionary officer of Oxford Immune Algorithmics, an AI spin-off from the University of Oxford. He has held industry and academic senior staff and faculty positions at institutions across several countries and cities, including the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge as a faculty member and senior researcher, and at the Alan Turing Institute in London at the British Library. He was assistant professor at the Unit of Computational Medicine and later lab leader at the Algorithmic Dynamics Lab at the Center for Molecular Medicine at the Karolinska Institute, and as part of the Wolfram|Alpha team, he contributed to the code behind the AI engine of Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, and other systems that enabled these computational linguistics’ systems to understand and answer contextual factual questions. Dr. Zenil is also the author of over 120 peer-reviewed papers in high-impact journals such as Nature and the Transactions of the Royal Society and has authored 10 books.

Alexander Jarasch: Transforming Healthcare with Generative AI and Knowledge Graphs (Sponsored by Neo4j) (30 minutes) - 9:05am PT | 12:05pm ET | 4:05pm UTC/GMT

  • Graph databases are reshaping life sciences, catalyzing breakthroughs, and steering healthcare toward impactful, personalized outcomes. Dr. Alexander Jarasch explains how knowledge graphs transform target identification and drug repurposing by revealing hidden relationships and therapeutic avenues, which in turn enhances efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and innovation. He also explores how large language models amplify this synergy, aiding nuanced queries, information extraction, and context-based interpretations. Learn how this combination of technologies can empower informed decisions, hypothesis generation, and novel insights while mitigating hallucination effects.
  • Dr. Alexander Jarasch is technical consultant for Neo4j, combining his expertise in machine learning and data engineering with a deep domain knowledge in pharma and life sciences. He also serves as a board member for the nonprofit organization HealthECCO. Previously, he was head of data and knowledge management at the German Center for Diabetes Research, and he has received numerous awards for the innovative use of advanced analytics techniques to combat widespread diseases like diabetes. With his background in bioinformatics, Alexander’s expertise extends across several industries including chemistry, biotech, pharma, and IT.
  • This session will be followed by a 30-minute Q&A in a breakout room. Stop by if you have more questions for Dr. Jarasch.
  • Break (10 minutes)

Kerrie Holley: Med-PaLM 2 and Vertex AI for Healthcare (30 minutes) - 9:45am PT | 12:45pm ET | 4:45pm UTC/GMT

  • Kerrie Holley delves into the cutting-edge advancements in artificial intelligence and how they’re shaping the future of technology. He’ll focus on Google Cloud's Vertex AI, Vertex AI Search, and the groundbreaking Med-PaLM model, all of which are at the forefront of AI-driven healthcare solutions. You’ll explore Vertex AI, which accelerates the development of AI applications; Vertex AI Search, a powerful tool designed to enhance the search capabilities of AI models; and Med-PaLM, a highly accurate LLM for medical Q&A and summarization.
  • Kerrie Holley is a director at Google, where he focuses on challenges for payers, providers, health plans, medical technology, biopharma, and life science organizations. He works with organizations on health equity, AI adoption, leveraging cloud technologies, and generative AI. He’s also an author and inventor who holds more than 30 patents. In 2023, Kerrie was elected to the National Academy of Engineering, among the highest professional distinctions accorded to an engineer.

Ivan Reznikov: Developing LangChain Applications for Disease Diagnosis and Screening (30 minutes) - 10:15am PT | 1:15pm ET | 5:15pm UTC/GMT

  • Ivan Reznikov delves into the transformative impact of artificial intelligence on disease diagnosis and screening in healthcare, exploring how AI technologies are enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of disease detection in the medical field with checklists of symptoms and suggested treatment plans. He also discusses implementing modern NLP technologies and developing real-world applications with LangChain.
  • Dr. Ivan Reznikov is a principal data scientist at QBurst. He has over 12 years of Python and data science expertise and more than six years of experience as a university lecturer. He’s working on the book LangChain for Life Sciences, to be published by O'Reilly. He’s also a Kaggle Competition Expert, a leader of multiple data science teams, and a sought-after speaker, having graced prestigious stages like TEDx, GITEX/PyCON MEA, CodersHQ, and GITEX. Ivan holds a PhD in Chemistry.

Lorien Pratt: Closing Remarks (5 minutes) - 10:45am PT | 1:45pm ET | 5:45pm UTC/GMT

  • Lorien closes out today’s event.

Your Host

  • Lorien Pratt

    Computer scientist Dr. Lorien Pratt is cofounder of Quantellia and one of the pioneers of artificial intelligence. Recognized among Women Innovators and Inventors as the inventor of transfer learning, she continues to push the boundaries of technology as a creator of and evangelist for decision intelligence. She’s the author of Link: How Decision Intelligence Connects Data, Actions, and Outcomes for a Better World and The Decision Intelligence Handbook (O’Reilly, 2023). With appearances on CSPAN and NPR, DI leadership at Europe’s Earth Systems Predictability forum, plus many keynotes and podcasts, Lorien’s work in AI and DI has broad implications for “wicked,” invisible, exponential, multi-link problems—including climate, inequality, energy, and complex problems faced by commercial organizations in a changing world—whose mitigation or solutions depend on better decisions by billions of people. Pratt blogs at

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