Domain-Driven Design for Data Architectures
Published by O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Learn domain modelling from a data-centric perspective and evolve your target data architecture
- Understand how strategic DDD concepts can unlock your data architecture and reduce complexity at a global (enterprise) level.
- Consider how you might determine data boundaries, data ownership and cross-domain sharing of data.
- Learn a repeatable process that will enable you to evolve a strategic town-plan architecture, continously aligning portfolio/product, technology and business SMEs.
- Explore how modelling continuously evolves for new and existing business outcomes.
- Discover how team alignment, data governance, platform capabilities and balancing team autonomy with enterprise decisions can be explored throughout the process.
- Learn how this approach helps mitigate common anti-patterns.
Domain-driven design principles are often followed when domain and data models are initiated but are rarely revisited when new requirements are discovered or when a holistic view of the enterprise wide data architecture is required.
Join expert Vanessa Turney to learn how the factors relating to data impact domain modelling, and how to iteratively and incrementally evolve your domain models guided by business and user need. These techniques can apply to all companies who want to realize the power and value of unlocking data from your domains and how this modelling translates to your target architecture.
What you’ll learn and how you can apply it
- Why DDD for data is important and what often happens when we don’t evolve our domain models
- How to revisit your domain modelling based on factors affecting the data in and across your domains
- How the high-level concepts surrounding DDD with Data enable incremental evolution to a distributed data, SaaS, DaaS, or Data Mesh target architecture
This live event is for you because...
- You’re interested in DDD but unsure how it might apply to data
- You work in portfolio/product, technology or are a domain/business SME and want to understand how to get more involved in domain modelling within your organisation.
- You’ve participated in Event Storming or a similar exercise, identified bounded contexts and data models, but you’re not sure how to continue.
- You’re looking to transition to a distributed, SaaS, DaaS, or Data Mesh target architecture, but you’re unsure how to get there.
- An understanding of DDD fundamentals and event storming
Recommended preparation:
- Take Domain-Driven Design Boot Camp (live online course with Sandeep Jagtap) Domain-Driven
- Take Design: First Steps (live online course with Andrew Harmel-Law)
Recommended follow-up:
- Read Data Mesh by Zhamak Dehghani (book)
- Take Evolutionary Architecture Fundamentals (on-demand course)
- Read Building Evolutionary Architectures (book)
- Watch Software Architecture Hour: Building a Data Mesh (video)
The time frames are only estimates and may vary according to how the class is progressing.
Introduction (20 minutes)
- Presentation: Why DDD for data architecture is important, What if we don’t evolve our domain models with data in mind?
- Presentation: Introduction to the scenario and how to get started on your DDD and Data journey.
Domain Modelling Part I (40 minutes)
- Presentation: Bounded Contexts - Finding seams across your landscape
- Presentation: Modelling - Boundaries and Responsibilities.
- Interactive [exercise]: Based on key factors (distributed data, boundaries/seams, domain responsibilities, business capabilities, team alignment, data integrity), how might the modelling evolve?
Domain Modelling Part II (60 minutes)
- Presentation: Modelling - Contextual Meaning and Identification.
- Presentation: Modelling - Data Ownership (bounded data).
- Presentation: Modelling - Data Integration (cross-domain).
- Interactive [exercise]: Based on key factors (data identifiers, data modelling, PII, governance, data capabilities, operational / analytical data, interface modelling, producers and consumers), how might the modelling evolve?
Strategic Town-plan Architecture (10 minutes)
- Presentation: How our data domain models enable us to create a strategic town-plan architecture, continuously aligning portfolio/product, technology and business SMEs.
Evolving Domain Models (Delivering business outcomes) (35 minutes)
- Presentation: Key factors to consider: non-/cross-functional requirements, measures of success, use cases, data characteristics, data usage patterns.
- Interactive [exercise]: Based on those factors how might the modelling evolve?
Evolving to Data Mesh (15 minutes)
- Presentation: Monolith > Evolutionary [Data] Architecture with DDD > Data Mesh. How encompassing DDD and data concepts can enable an incremental and evolving transition towards Data Mesh.
- Q&A
Your Instructor
Vanessa Turney
Vanessa Turney is a Thoughtworks Technical Principal with over nineteen years of experience in Software Engineering. With an emphasis on enabling and working alongside teams to follow best practices, consider different design approaches, patterns, and architecture with a realization towards high quality, evolutionary and resilient delivery. Ultimately empowering others to adapt to change in evolving environments via practices that include DDD.