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Artificial Intelligence (AI)

API Superstream: Generative AI for APIs

Published by O'Reilly Media, Inc.

Beginner to advanced content levelBeginner to advanced

Design, development, and security

Generative AI is dominating the headlines more than ever, but how does it really affect APIs? What considerations do you need to make around API design, development, and security to ensure you’re ahead of the curve?

Join our host Mike Amundsen and our speakers to understand how you can consider generative AI in your API work right now. Understand how to integrate artificial intelligence into API management, build generative AI-powered applications for the web, integrate AI services into your own application, boost product features, and deal with technical vulnerabilities. Learn what’s worth considering, how to evaluate pros and cons, and how best to move forward.

What you’ll learn and how you can apply it

  • Explore the convergence of AI technology and API governance, efficiency, and scalability, and discover the key strategies for success
  • Understand how to work with generative AI APIs to successfully build generative AI-powered applications for the web
  • Learn how you can use generative APIs to boost the features of products with generative AI at their core

This live event is for you because...

  • You’re a software engineer or developer who wants to understand how generative AI technology and APIs are converging.
  • You work with generative AI APIs and want to understand best practices and considerations.


  • Come with your questions
  • Have a pen and paper handy to capture notes, insights, and inspiration

Recommended follow-up:


The time frames are only estimates and may vary according to how the class is progressing.

Mike Amundsen: Introduction (5 minutes) - 8:00am PT | 11:00am ET | 3:00pm UTC/GMT

  • Mike Amundsen welcomes you to the API Superstream.

David Roldán Martínez: Artificial Intelligence and API Management (20 minutes) - 8:05am PT | 11:05am ET | 3:05pm UTC/GMT

  • In an era defined by rapid technological advancement, the integration of artificial intelligence into API management represents a significant paradigm shift. David Roldán Martínez explores the convergence of AI technology, particularly large language models (LLMs) and generative pre-trained transformers (GPT models), with API governance, efficiency, and scalability. He delves into the fundamental concepts of AI and its application within the context of API management, highlighting practical use cases and transformative capabilities. By embracing AI-powered self-governing APIs, organizations can gain a competitive edge, driving innovation, streamlining operations, and delivering exceptional customer experiences in an increasingly interconnected world. Join David to discover the key strategies for success in this evolving landscape.
  • David Roldán Martínez is a seasoned professional with over 25 years of experience as a senior business, enterprise, and solutions architect whose expertise in APIs, API governance, AI, and smart ecosystems has established his track record of addressing diverse challenges in API management and digital transformation. He’s also an author and speaker whose background includes a PhD in telecommunication engineering and multiple master's degrees.

Tejas Kumar: AI APIs for Web Developers (20 minutes) - 8:25am PT | 11:25am ET | 3:25pm UTC/GMT

  • Tejas Kumar posits a working definition of "AI engineer" as someone who’s “building experiences using AI, usually over serverless APIs.” He explores practical use cases and building modern AI-enabled apps using popular techniques like retrieval augmented generation and more, all powered by serverless APIs.
  • Tejas Kumar is an international keynote speaker and software engineer as well as the author of Fluent React, a book that has helped inspire confidence in React developers worldwide.
  • Break (5 minutes)

Natalia Venditto: GenAI API Developer Setup Best Practices (20 minutes) - 8:50am PT | 11:50am ET | 3:50pm UTC/GMT

  • We know that a great developer experience is the ability to go from code to deployment and runtime as fast as possible with the fewest number of issues and steps. Machine learning and data analysis experts are confident in their setup to work with generative AI APIs, but what about software developers building applications? What are the best practices and conventions for developer setup to successfully build generative AI-powered applications for the web? What flows and use cases should we consider and how do we make sure we establish reliable contracts? Natalia Venditto explores these questions and more.
  • Natalia Venditto leads the end-to-end developer experience for JavaScript and Node.js on Azure at Microsoft. She’s worked as a frontend and full stack developer, technical lead, software architect, and solutions architect. She’s also an open source contributor, part of the Google Developer Experts program for Angular and web technologies, a Google mentor, and an Microsoft MVP in developer technologies.

Ruben Sitbon: Securely Boosting Any Product with Generative AI APIs (20 minutes) - 9:10am PT | 12:10pm ET | 4:10pm UTC/GMT

  • ChatGPT has changed the way people and companies perceive the value of artificial intelligence. Many startups have launched products with generative AI at their core, and innovative SaaS players have all integrated GenAI extensions or plugins, but it’s now clear that users will continue to expect bigger and better GenAI upgrades to the features of products they use on a daily basis. Ruben Sitbon describes how a framework relying on generative AI in-house APIs can be used to easily boost product features, improve answers through a trainer API, and bundle security and continuous compliance.
  • Ruben Sitbon, lead solutions architect at Sipios (Theodo Group), brings a dynamic approach to fintech innovations, specializing in API integration and optimization. He has diverse expertise in web technologies such as frontend development, API design and integration, and more recently, the application of LLMs to the fintech industry.
  • Break (5 minutes)

Ash Ryan Arnwine: AI for the Mere Mortal Web Developer (20 minutes) - 9:35am PT | 12:35pm ET | 4:35pm UTC/GMT

  • You've probably used an AI chatbot, but integrating AI services into your own application might seem daunting. If you code but aren’t a large language model expert and you want to sprinkle some AI magic into your app, Ash Ryan Arnwine can help by demystifying AI services for web app and API developers. You'll see an example of AI integrated into a web app, how to get started at the code level, a few AI services you can use today, and a list of points to consider when setting out on your journey.
  • Ash Ryan Arnwine is director of developer relations at Nylas, where he leads the developer advocacy and documentation teams. Previously, Ash led the developer experience team for Adobe Creative Cloud. A committed JavaScript and OpenAPI enthusiast, Ash loves tinkering on Node.js API servers and exploring the edges of AI's impact on APIs and the developers who use them. He’s also cohost of I'd Rather Be Scripting, a podcast dedicated to exploring the fun side of developer technology, and co-organizer of the Astoria Tech Meetup in Queens, NYC.

Matt Feigal: API Security in the Era of Generative AI (20 minutes) - 9:55am PT | 12:55pm ET | 4:55pm UTC/GMT

  • Generative AI is unlocking new ways for organizations to create business APIs, run their IT and API operations, and deliver new customer experiences through custom-built or off-the-shelf generative models. This wave also brings a new range of security risks, from sophisticated bad actors to well-intentioned but not well-governed citizen developers. Join Matt Feigal to explore both the positive developments and the risks in specific security areas where generative AI is already making an impact—and discover four patterns seen at Google and at its customers that will help you prepare for these changes.
  • Matt Feigal is head of engineering on Google's self-driving bike team. But when people don’t believe him, he admits to being a lead partner engineer, where he helps his favorite partners fall in love with the technical side of Apigee and Google Cloud. Matt started his career as a mobile developer and architect at a pacemaker company and then IKEA. A bit frustrated with their slow pace, he joined Google in 2012 and has been running to keep up ever since. He loves helping people do exciting things faster, teaching them lessons drawn from Google's experience, and helping them succeed with whatever technology they use.

Katie Paxton-Fear: I’m an API Hacker and Here’s How I Hack Everything from the Military to AI (20 minutes) - 10:15am PT | 1:15pm ET | 5:15pm UTC/GMT

  • Are you a hacker who loves APIs? Katie Paxton-Fear understands why: they’re really vulnerable! Even if organizations don’t have huge technical vulnerabilities, people often make silly mistakes and developers forget things, leaving their organizations open to incursion and disaster. Learn about four of the best bug bounty finds, how they were discovered, and how you can find them too.
  • Katie Paxton-Fear is a technical marketing manager at Traceable, but she's probably better known for her hobby. In her free time she's a hacker who has found more than 30 vulnerabilities in software in production. In her first attempt at a live hacking event in 2019, she discovered two bugs in Uber’s API. After finding even more API bugs at DEFCON, she started making videos to teach others how to do it. She now has 70,000 subscribers to her YouTube channel, InsiderPhD. Her speciality is access control and business logic issues, finding the vulnerabilities scanners miss.

Mike Amundsen: Closing Remarks (5 minutes) - 10:35am PT | 1:35pm ET | 5:35pm UTC/GMT

  • Mike Amundsen closes out today’s event.

Your Hosts and Selected Speakers

  • Mike Amundsen

    An internationally known author and speaker, Mike Amundsen consults with organizations around the world on network architecture, web development, and the intersection of technology and society. He helps companies large and small capitalize on the opportunities provided by APIs, microservices, and digital transformation. Mike has authored numerous books and papers. His book Design and Build Great Web APIs (Pragmatic Programmers) is an oft-cited reference. Mike’s other works include the O’Reilly books RESTful Web API Patterns and Practices Cookbook, RESTful Web Clients, and Microservice Architecture (coauthor), and he also contributed to O’Reilly’s popular Continuous API Management.

  • David Roldán Martinez

    David Roldán Martínez is a seasoned professional with over 25 years of experience as a senior business, enterprise, and solutions architect whose expertise in APIs, API governance, AI, and smart ecosystems has established his track record of addressing diverse challenges in API management and digital transformation. He’s also an author and speaker whose background includes a PhD in telecommunication engineering and multiple master's degrees.

  • Tejas Kumar

    Tejas Kumar is an international keynote speaker and software engineer as well as the author of Fluent React, a book that has helped inspire confidence in React developers worldwide.

  • Natalia Venditto

    Natalia Venditto leads the end-to-end developer experience for JavaScript and Node.js on Azure at Microsoft. She’s worked as a frontend and full stack developer, technical lead, software architect, and solutions architect. She’s also an open source contributor, part of the Google Developer Experts program for Angular and web technologies, a Google mentor, and an Microsoft MVP in developer technologies.

  • Katie Paxton-Fear

    Katie Paxton-Fear is a technical marketing manager at Traceable, but she's probably better known for her hobby. In her free time she's a hacker who has found more than 30 vulnerabilities in software in production. In her first attempt at a live hacking event in 2019, she discovered two bugs in Uber’s API. After finding even more API bugs at DEFCON, she started making videos to teach others how to do it. She now has 70,000 subscribers to her YouTube channel, InsiderPhD. Her speciality is access control and business logic issues, finding the vulnerabilities scanners miss.