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Angular in 4 Hours

Published by Pearson

Intermediate content levelIntermediate

Learn How To Create Well-Structured Angular Applications by Example

Angular is an open-source web application framework inspired by Google. Angular is widely used to create compelling, modular, and well-structured single page applications. This training will help you understand how to create an Angular application, create components, and assemble components together to create a rich user interface. You'll learn about view techniques such as data binding, pipes, forms, and routing. You'll also learn how to implement logic in service classes, and how to use dependency injection to utilize this behavior in your components.

Andy Olsen, experienced trainer and author, provides worked examples so you can follow along and get the experience you need. Andy will provide full source code and solutions online, plus bonus materials you can take away for additional exploration and added value.

What you’ll learn and how you can apply it

  • Creating an Angular application using Angular CLI
  • Creating and assembling components
  • Using data binding, pipes, and forms
  • Working with asynchronous data
  • Implementing and injecting service classes
  • Routing

This live event is for you because...

  • You’re a frontend developer and you want to use Angular to create modular and well-structured web applications
  • You have experience with another front-end frameworks such as React or Vue.js, and you want to learn how Angular is different


  • Experience with HTML and CSS
  • Familiarity with TypeScript

Course Set-up

Recommended Preparation

Recommended Follow-up


The time frames are only estimates and may vary according to how the class is progressing.

Segment 1: Getting Started with Angular (30 min)

  • Introduction to Angular
  • Overview of a simple Angular application
  • Understanding the HTML page
  • Understanding the TypeScript code
  • Example: Creating a Angular baseline web application

Segment 2: Data Binding (40 min)

  • Binding properties and events
  • Two-way data binding
  • Delaying data binding
  • Structural directives (if, if-then, for, switch)
  • Example: Data binding techniques

Break (5 min)

Segment 3: View Techniques (50 min)

  • Pipes
  • Asynchronous data
  • Custom pipes
  • Forms
  • Example: Using view techniques

Segment 4: Using Angular CLI (20 min)

  • Introduction to Angular CLI
  • Creating an application using Angular CLI
  • Building and serving the application

Break (5 min)

Segment 5: Component Hierarchies (45 min)

  • Creating multiple components
  • Passing input parameters into a component
  • Generating output events from a component
  • Example: Creating a modular application

Segment 6: Additional techniques (45 min)

  • Dependency injection and services
  • Calling REST services
  • Routing
  • Example: Creating a single page application

Course wrap-up and next steps

Your Instructor

  • Andy Olsen

    Andy Olsen is a freelance consultant, instructor, and developer with more than 30 years of experience in IT. Andy began his professional career as a C/C++ developer and has also worked in Rust, Go, and other languages as the years passed. Andy is actively involved in a wide range of technologies including full-stack development, cloud native applications, data science, and more. Andy is passionate about technology education and runs training courses around the world across diverse market sectors.