SVG Colors, Patterns & Gradients

Book description

As a vector graphics format, SVG uses precisely-defined geometric shapes to build an image. But that doesn't mean that SVG graphics have to look like technical drawings. SVG graphics can be shaded, textured, built from partially-transparent overlapping layers, or even filled with photographic images.

SVG Colors, Patterns, and Gradients takes an in-depth look at the different ways SVG text and shapes can be painted on the screen or page. You’ll start with an overview of how color is defined, including the various ways you can control the transparency of SVG content. You’ll then dive deep into the concept of an SVG paint server: gradients, patterns, and other complex graphical content that can be used to fill-in or outline other SVG shapes and text.

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Table of contents

  1. Preface
    1. What We’ll Cover
    2. About This Book
      1. About the Examples
      2. Using Code Examples
      3. Conventions Used in This Book
    3. Safari® Books Online
    4. How to Contact Us
    5. Acknowledgments
  2. 1. Things You Should Already Know
    1. SVG Is Drawing with Code
    2. SVG Is Always Open Source
    3. SVG Is XML (and Sometimes HTML)
    4. SVG Is Squishable
    5. Pictures Are a Collection of Shapes
    6. Images Can Have Images Inside Them
    7. Text Is Art
    8. Art Is Math
    9. An SVG Is a Limited View of an Infinite Canvas
    10. SVG Has Structure
    11. SVG Has Style
    12. Behind All Good Markup Is a Great DOM
    13. SVG Can Move
    14. SVG Can Change
  3. 2. The Painter’s Model
    1. Fill ’Er Up with the fill Property
    2. Stroke It with the stroke Property
    3. Stroking the Fill and Filling the Stroke
    4. Take a Hint with Rendering Properties
  4. 3. Creating Colors
    1. Misty Rose by Any Other Name
    2. A Rainbow in Three Colors
    3. Custom Colors
    4. Mixing and Matching
  5. 4. Becoming Transparent
    1. See-Through Styles
    2. The Net Effect
  6. 5. Serving Paint
    1. Paint and Wallpaper
    2. Identifying Your Assets
    3. The Solid Gradient
  7. 6. Simple Gradients
    1. Gradiated Gradients
    2. Transparency Gradients
    3. Controlling the Color Transition
  8. 7. Gradients in All Shapes and Sizes
    1. The Gradient Vector
    2. The Object Bounding Box
    3. Drawing Outside the Box
    4. Gradients, Transformed
  9. 8. And Repeat
    1. How to Spread Your Gradient
    2. Reflections on Infinite Gradients
    3. Repeating Without Reflecting
    4. Using (and Reusing) Gradients in HTML
  10. 9. Radial Gradients
    1. Radial Gradient Basics
    2. Filling the Box
    3. Scaling the Circle
    4. Adjusting the Focus
    5. Transforming Radial Gradients
    6. Grand Gradients
  11. 10. Tiles and Textures
    1. Building a Building Block
    2. Stretching to Fit
    3. Laying Tiles
    4. Transformed Tiles
  12. 11. Picture-Perfect Patterns
    1. The Layered Look
    2. Preserved Patterns
    3. Background Images, SVG-Style
  13. 12. Textured Text
    1. Bounding Text
    2. Switching Styles Midstream
  14. 13. Painting Lines
    1. Beyond the Edges
    2. The Empty Box
    3. Using the Coordinate Space
    4. Patterned Lines
  15. 14. Motion Pictures
    1. Animation Options
    2. Coordinated Animation
    3. Animated Interactions
  16. A. Color Keywords and Syntax
  17. B. Elements, Attributes, and Style Properties
    1. <linearGradient>
    2. <radialGradient>
    3. <stop>
    4. <pattern>
  18. Index

Product information

  • Title: SVG Colors, Patterns & Gradients
  • Author(s): Amelia Bellamy-Royds, Kurt Cagle
  • Release date: October 2015
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9781491933749