Web Services Essentials

Book description

As a developer new to Web Services, how do you make sense of thisemerging framework so you can start writing your own servicestoday? This concise book gives programmers both a concreteintroduction and a handy reference to XML web services, first byexplaining the foundations of this new breed of distributedservices, and then by demonstrating quick ways to create serviceswith open-source Java tools. Web Services make it possible fordiverse applications to discover each other and exchange dataseamlessly via the Internet. For instance, programs written in Javaand running on Solaris can find and call code written in C# thatrun on Windows XP, or programs written in Perl that run on Linux,without any concern about the details of how that service isimplemented. A common set of Web Services is at the core ofMicrosoft's new .NET strategy, Sun Microsystems's Sun One Platform,and the W3C's XML Protocol Activity Group. In this book, authorEthan Cerami explores four key emerging technologies:

  • XML Remote Procedure Calls (XML-RPC)

  • SOAP - The foundation for most commercial WebServices development

  • Universal Discovery, Description and Integration(UDDI)

  • Web Services Description Language (WSDL)

  • For each of these topics, Web Services Essentials provides aquick overview, Java tutorials with sample code, samples of the XMLdocuments underlying the service, and explanations offreely-available Java APIs. Cerami also includes a guide to thecurrent state of Web Services, pointers to open-source tools and acomprehensive glossary of terms. If you want to break through theWeb Services hype and find useful information on these evolvingtechnologies, look no further than Web Services Essentials.

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    Table of contents

    1. Dedication
    2. A Note Regarding Supplemental Files
    3. Preface
      1. Audience
      2. Organization
        1. Part I, Introduction to Web Services
        2. Part II, XML-RPC
        3. Part III, SOAP
        4. Part IV, WSDL
        5. Part V, UDDI
      3. Conventions Used in This Book
      4. Comments and Questions
      5. Acknowledgments
    4. I. Introduction to Web Services
      1. 1. Introduction
        1. Introduction to Web Services
          1. The Web Today: The Human-Centric Web
          2. Web Services: The Application-Centric Web
          3. The Web Services Vision: The Automated Web
          4. The Industry Landscape
        2. Web Service Architecture
          1. Web Service Roles
          2. Web Service Protocol Stack
          3. Architectural Snapshot: The IBM Web Services Browser
        3. XML Messaging
          1. XML-RPC
          2. SOAP
        4. Service Description: WSDL
        5. Service Discovery: UDDI
        6. Service Transport
          1. HTTP
          2. BEEP
        7. Security Considerations
          1. Confidentiality
          2. Authentication
          3. Network Security
        8. All Together Now
          1. Service Request Perspective
          2. Service Provider Perspective
        9. Standards and Coherence
    5. II. XML-RPC
      1. 2. XML-RPC Essentials
        1. XML-RPC Overview
        2. Why XML-RPC?
          1. Scenario 1: Glue Code with XML-RPC
          2. Scenario 2: Publishing Services with XML-RPC
        3. XML-RPC Technical Overview
          1. XML-RPC Data Model
          2. XML-RPC Request Structure
          3. XML-RPC Response Structure
        4. Developing with XML-RPC
        5. Beyond Simple Calls
    6. III. SOAP
      1. 3. SOAP Essentials
        1. SOAP 101
          1. The SOAP Request
          2. The SOAP Response
        2. The SOAP Message
          1. Envelope
          2. Header
          3. Body
          4. Fault
        3. SOAP Encoding
          1. Scalar Types
          2. Compound Types
          3. Literal Encoding
        4. SOAP via HTTP
        5. SOAP and the W3C
        6. SOAP Implementations
          1. SOAP Interoperability
      2. 4. Apache SOAP Quick Start
        1. Installing Apache SOAP
          1. Downloading the Required Java Files
          2. Setting Up the Tomcat CLASSPATH
          3. Configuring Tomcat
          4. Starting Tomcat
          5. Running the SOAP Administrator
        2. Hello, SOAP!
          1. Service Code
          2. Client Code
            1. The RPC Call object
            2. Setting parameters
            3. Invoking a remote service
            4. Checking for errors
            5. Extracting the return value
        3. Deploying SOAP Services
          1. Web-Based Administrator
          2. ServiceManagerClient Command-Line Tool
        4. The TcpTunnelGui Tool
        5. Web Resources
      3. 5. Programming Apache SOAP
        1. Working with Arrays
          1. Service Code
          2. Client Code
        2. Working with JavaBeans
          1. The ProductBean
          2. Service Code
          3. Client Code
        3. Working with Literal XML Documents
          1. Service Code
          2. Client Code
        4. Handling SOAP Faults
          1. Service Code
          2. Client Code
        5. Maintaining Session State
          1. Service Code
          2. Client Code
    7. IV. WSDL
      1. 6. WSDL Essentials
        1. The WSDL Specification
        2. Basic WSDL Example: HelloService.wsdl
          1. definitions
          2. message
          3. portType
          4. binding
            1. SOAP binding
          5. service
        3. WSDL Invocation Tools, Part I
          1. GLUE
          2. SOAP::Lite for Perl
          3. IBM Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF)
        4. Basic WSDL Example: XMethods eBay Price Watcher Service
        5. WSDL Invocation Tools, Part II
          1. The GLUE Console
          2. SOAPClient.com
        6. Automatically Generating WSDL Files
          1. GLUE java2wsdl Tool
        7. XML Schema Data Typing
          1. Arrays
            1. Automatically invoking array services
          2. Complex Types
            1. Automatically invoking complex type services
    8. V. UDDI
      1. 7. UDDI Essentials
        1. Introduction to UDDI
          1. A Brief History of UDDI
        2. Why UDDI?
          1. Scenario 1: Publishing to UDDI
          2. Scenario 2: Searching UDDI
        3. UDDI Technical Overview
        4. UDDI Data Model
          1. The businessEntity
          2. The businessService
          3. The bindingTemplate
          4. The tModel
        5. Searching UDDI
          1. Web-Based Searching
          2. The UDDI Inquiry API
            1. The find_business function
            2. The get_businessDetail function
            3. The find_service function
            4. The get_serviceDetail function
            5. The get_bindingDetail function
            6. The get_tModelDetail function
            7. Error handling
        6. Publishing to UDDI
          1. Web-Based Publishing
            1. Security and user authentication
            2. Publishing a business entity
            3. Publishing a business service
            4. Publishing a tModel record
          2. The UDDI Publishing API
            1. Authenticating users
            2. Saving UDDI data
            3. Deleting/hiding UDDI data
        7. UDDI Implementations
          1. Java
          2. Microsoft COM
          3. Perl
        8. Web Resources
      2. 8. UDDI Inquiry API: Quick Reference
        1. The UDDI Inquiry API
        2. Find Qualifiers
      3. 9. UDDI 4J
        1. Getting Started
          1. Technical Overview
        2. Finding and Retrieving UDDI Data
          1. Searching for Businesses
            1. FindQualifiers
            2. IdentifierBag
            3. CategoryBag
          2. Retrieving a businessEntity Record
        3. Publishing UDDI Data
        4. UDDI4J Quick Reference API
          1. The com.ibm.uddi Package
          2. The com.ibm.uddi.client Package
          3. The com.ibm.uddi.datatype Package
          4. The com.ibm.uddi.datatype.binding Package
          5. The com.ibm.uddi.datatype.business Package
          6. The com.ibm.uddi.datatype.service Package
          7. The com.ibm.uddi.datatype.tmodel Package
          8. The com.ibm.uddi.response Package
          9. The com.ibm.uddi.util Package
    9. Glossary
    10. Index
    11. About the Author
    12. Colophon
    13. Copyright

    Product information

    • Title: Web Services Essentials
    • Author(s): Ethan Cerami
    • Release date: February 2002
    • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
    • ISBN: 9780596002244