Chapter 2. Managing Trust

Trust management is perhaps the most important component of a zero trust network. We are all familiar with trust to some degree—you probably trust members of your family, but not a stranger on the street, and certainly not a stranger who looks threatening or menacing. Why is that?

For starters, you actually know your family members. You know what they look like, where they live; perhaps you’ve even known them your whole life. There is no question of who they are, and you are more likely to trust them with important matters than others.

A stranger, on the other hand, is someone completely unknown. You might see their face, and be able to tell some basic things about them, but you don’t know where they live, and you don’t know their history. They might appear perfectly cromulent, but you likely wouldn’t rely on them for important matters. Watch your stuff for you while you run to the bathroom? Sure. Make a quick run to the ATM for you? Definitely not.

In the end, you are simply taking in all the information you can tell about the situation, a person, and all you may know about them, and deciding how trustworthy they are. The ATM errand requires a very high level of trust, whereas watching your stuff needs much less, but not zero.

You may not even trust yourself completely, but you can definitely trust that actions taken by you were taken by you. In this way, trust in a zero trust network always originates with the operator. Trust in a zero trust network ...

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