Chapter ThirteenCase Study 3

Rehousing Somalia’s IDPs: From Emergency Housing to a Long-Term Urban Solution

13.1 (a, top) Disaster relief tents donated every three years to the same families do not provide a permanent infrastructure. (b, middle) The home starts off as a steel vault with canvas sides, and upgrades to a permanent dwelling with locally made soil cement block walls and earth-sheltered roof to keep cool in summer. (c, bottom) Replacing tents to create permanent settlement.

13.1 (a, top) Disaster relief tents donated every three years to the same families do not provide a permanent infrastructure. (b, middle) The home starts off as a steel vault with canvas sides, and upgrades to a permanent dwelling with locally made soil cement block walls and earth-sheltered roof to keep cool in summer. (c, bottom) Replacing tents to create permanent settlement.

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