Hit ’Em Where They Ain’t

When I was five, my dad bought me a kid-sized baseball bat and set out to teach me the great American game. As he pitched ball after ball, he served up a steady stream of advice. “Bend your knees. Elbows up. Watch the ball. Step into it. Level swing. Follow through.” But the advice that comes back to me now is the advice he gave me later, when I asked him how I could improve my batting average. He said, “Hit ’em where they ain’t.”

Dad was echoing the words of Wee Willie Keeler, the smallest man in the history of baseball. At only 5'4" and 140 pounds, Keeler amassed a streak of 200-hit seasons that lasted from 1894 to 1902, and after 19 years in the major leagues he retired with a lifetime batting average of .347. ...

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