Say Less

“In Maine we have a saying that there’s no point in speaking unless you can improve on silence.”

—EDMUND MUSKIE,former U.S. Senator and Secretary of State

Don’t Over-Salt

Detail is like salt. You can always add more. (If others want more, they’ll ask questions.) But once in, you can’t take it out.

Consider what your audience wants to know. But also, and every bit as important, what they don’t want to know—because they’ve got no time, no interest, they’re preoccupied with 10,000 other things, and they’d gladly pay you a boatload of money if you simply didn’t tell them.

“Describe yourself,” one CEO asks job applicants, “in three words or less.”

What would you say? Probably not “wordy and repetitive.”

But how focused are you? ...

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