Chapter 8. The Community: Where Do You Fit In?
Alan Lastufka
It sounds dirty, doesn't it? It may sound sordid and calculating and, well, corporate, but we all do it every day. Networking has come to mean so much more than flashy business cards and stiff suits, high-powered lunches, and rubbing elbows with folks you think might be useful to your career one day. Networking on a site like YouTube helps you make friends, some of whom may become just as important to you, if not more so, than the friends you have in "real life." As I mentioned briefly in the previous chapter, interacting and having fun on YouTube is what will keep you coming back. Anyone registering an account with dollar signs in their eyes will surely leave the site for some other pursuit within the first month. I was on YouTube for more than a year before I made a single dollar, but I didn't care. I was making art, I was having fun, and I was making friends.
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