Chapter 14It’s Showtime!
There will be time, there will be time
To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet.
—T.S. Eliot1
Mission Statement
Interviews: It’s all about the audience.
When I was a young girl, money (like it is for so many of us) was a real issue. I was determined to graduate from high school with honors (which I did), get into a great college (which I did), and pay for most of it myself (which I wasn’t sure I could do). While I worked nights and weekends at Lett’s Fashions as a sales clerk, the most I could pay for was my wardrobe (which made me the envy of the “in-crowd” and welcome at every cafeteria table in my high school). What it didn’t do was provide leftover income for my higher education.
Determined to help my strapped ...
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