Use translate
with an empty replace string. For
example, the following code can strip whitespace from a string:
&xd;", "")
translate( )
is a versatile string function that is
often used to compensate for missing string-processing capabilities
in XSLT. Here you use the fact that translate( )
will not copy characters in the input string that are in the
string but do not have a corresponding
character in the to
You can also use translate
to remove all but a
specific set of characters from a string. For example, the following
code removes all non-numeric characters from a string:
translate($string, translate($string,'0123456789',''),'')
The inner translate( )
removes all characters of
interest (e.g., numbers) to obtain a from
for the outer translate( )
, which removes these
non-numeric characters from the original string.
Sometimes you do not want to remove all occurrences of whitespace,
but instead want to remove leading, trailing, and redundant internal
whitespace. XPath has a built-in function, normalize-space( )
which does just that. If you ever
needed to normalize based on characters other than spaces, then you
might use the following code (where C is the character you want to
translate(normalize-space(translate($input,"C "," C")),"C "," C")
However, this transformation won’t work quite right
if the input string contains whitespace characters other than spaces,
i.e., tab (#x9), newline (#xA), and carriage return (#xD). The reason
is that the code swaps space with the character to normalize and then
normalizes the resulting spaces and swaps back. If nonspace
whitespace remains after the first transformation, it will also be
normalized, which might not be what you want. Then again, the
applications of nonwhitespace normalizing are probably rare anyway.
Here you use this technique to remove extra -
<xsl:template match="/"> <xsl:variable name="input" select=" '---this --is-- the way we normalize non-whitespace---' "/> <xsl:value-of select="translate(normalize-space( translate($input,'- ',' -')),'- ',' -')"/> </xsl:template>
The result is:
this -is- the way we normalize non-whitespace
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