Chapter 6. XSLT Elements
This chapter provides an alphabetical list of reference entries, one for each of the XSLT elements. Each entry gives:
A short description of the purpose of the element
Changes in 2.0: A quick summary of changes to this element since XSLT 1.0
Format: A pro forma summary of the format, defining where the element may appear in the stylesheet, what its permitted attributes are, and what its content (child elements) may be
Effect: A definition of the formal rules defining how this element behaves
Usage: A section giving usage advice on how to exploit this XSLT element
Examples: Coding examples of the element, showing the context in which it might be used (where appropriate, the Usage and Examples sections are merged into one)
See also: Cross-references to other related constructs
The Format section for each element includes a syntax skeleton designed to provide a quick reminder of the names and types of the attributes and any constraints on the context. The format of this is designed to be intuitive: it only gives a summary of the rules, because you will find these in full in the Position, Attributes, and Content sections that follow.
There are a number of specialized terms used in this chapter, and it is worth becoming familiar with them before you get in too deeply. There are fuller explanations in Chapters 2 and 3, and the descriptions in the following table are really intended just as a quick memory-jogger.
For a more comprehensive definition of terms, refer to the ...
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