
xs:redefine — Inclusion of a W3C XML Schema for the same namespace with possible override.


           id             = xs:ID
           schemaLocation = xs:anyURI
           {any attributes with non-schema namespace}
           Content: (xs:annotation | (xs:simpleType | xs:complexType | xs:group |

May be included in: xs:schema


xs:redefine is similar to xs:include with one exception: the definition of simple and complex types and attribute and element groups can be changed. Changes performed on these components must lead to components that are valid restrictions or extensions of the original ones.

Simple and complex types are redefined using the usual mechanism of derivation: the new types must be defined as derivations by restriction or extension of their previous definition, which is considered to be the base type.

Element and attribute groups are redefined by giving a new definition, and may refer to themselves to indicate that the content of their original definition must be included. In this case, this self-reference is not considered a recursive definition (which is forbidden in element and attribute groups), but an extension of the original group.

When xs:redefine is used and no redefinitions are specified, its effect is similar to xs:include.


xs:redefine can be used only to include schemas with either the same target namespace or no target namespace. There is no equivalent to import and redefine schema definitions in a single operation. The ...

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