7.2. A schema Element with Every Attribute
Section 7.4.1 discusses all the possible XML schema attributes of the schema element. Listing 7.2 is a complete XML schema in which the schema element has all possible attributes. Many of the ensuing explanations in Section 7.4.1 refer to Listing 7.2.
Listing 7.2. A schema Element with Every Attribute (fullFeaturedSchema.xsd)
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:ffs="http://www.XMLSchemaReference.com/examples/Ch07/fullFeaturedSchema" xmlns:ra="http://www.XMLSchemaReference.com/examples/Ch07/randomAttributes" xmlns="http://www.XMLSchemaReference.com/examples/Ch07/fullFeaturedSchema" targetNamespace="http://www.XMLSchemaReference.com/examples/Ch07/fullFeaturedSchema" elementFormDefault="unqualified" ... |
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