Setting Resources

This chapter describes how to set resource variables that determine application features such as color, geometry, fonts, and so on. It describes the syntax of resource definition files such as .Xresources, as well as the operation of xrdb, a client that can be used to change resource definitions dynamically, and make resources available to clients running on other machines.

In This Chapter:

Resource Naming Syntax

Syntax of Toolkit Client Resources

Tight Bindings and Loose Bindings

Instances and Classes

Precedence Rules for Resource Specification

Some Common Resources

Event Translations

The Syntax of Event Translations

xterm Translations to Use xclipboard

How to Set Resources

A Sample Resources File

Specifying Resources from the Command Line

The -xrm Option

The -name Option

Setting Resources with xrdb

Querying the Resource Database

Loading New Values into the Resource Database

Saving Active Resource Definitions in a File

Removing Resource Definitions

Listing the Current Resources for a Client: appres

Other Sources of Resource Definition


Setting Resources

Virtually all X clients are customizable. You can specify how a client looks on the screen—its size and placement, its border and background color or pattern, whether or not the window has a scrollbar, and so on. Some applications even allow you to redefine the keystrokes or pointer actions used to control the application.

Traditional UNIX applications rely on command line options to allow users to customize the way they work. As we’ve already discussed in Chapter 8, Command Line Options, X applications support command line options too, but often not for all of their features. Also, there can be so many customizable features in an application that a command line to set them all would be completely impractical. (Imagine the aggravation of misspelling an option in a command that was three lines long.)

X offers an alternative to customizing an application on the command line. Almost every feature of a program can be controlled by a variable called a resource; you can change the behavior or appearance of a program by changing the value associated with a resource variable. (All of the standard X Toolkit Command Line Options described in Chapter 8 have corresponding resource variable names. See Table 8-1 for more information.)

Resource variables may be Boolean (such as scrollBar: True) or take a numeric or string value (borderwidth: 2 or foreground: blue). What’s more, in applications written with the X Toolkit (or other object-oriented systems), resources may be associated with separate objects (or “widgets”) within an application. There is a syntax that allows for separate control over both a class of objects in the application and an individual instance of an object. This is illustrated by the following resource specifications for a hypothetical application called xclient:

xclient*Buttons.foreground:   blue
xclient*help.foreground:      red

The first resource specification makes the foreground color of all buttons in the xclient application (in the class Buttons) blue; the second resource specification makes the foreground color of the help button in this application (an instance of the class Buttons) red.

The values of resources can be set as application defaults using a number of different mechanisms, including resource files in your home directory and a program called xrdb (X resource database manager). As we’ll see, the xrdb program stores resources directly in the server, thus making them available to all clients, regardless of the machine the clients are running on.

Placing resources in files allows you to set many resources at once, without the restrictions encountered when using command line options. In addition to a primary resource file (often called .Xdefaults or .Xresources) in your home directory, which determines defaults for applications you run, you can create system-wide resource files to set application defaults. You can also create resource files to set some resources only for the local machine, some for all machines in a network, and some for one or more specific machines.

The various resource files are automatically read in and processed in a certain order within an application by a set of routines called the resource manager. The syntax for resource specifications and the rules of precedence by which the resource manager processes them are intended to give you the maximum flexibility in setting resources, with the minimum amount of text. You can specify a resource that controls only one feature of a single application, such as the red help button in the hypothetical xclient settings above. You can also specify a resource that controls one feature of multiple objects within multiple applications with a single line.

It is important to note that command line options normally take precedence over any prior resource settings, so you can set up the files to control the way you normally want your application to work, and then use command line options to specify changes you need for only one or two instances of the application.

In this chapter, we’ll first look at the syntax of resource specifications. Then we’ll consider some methods of setting resources, primarily some special command line options and the xrdb program. Finally, we’ll take a brief look at the section “Other Sources of Resource Definition,” additional files that can be created or edited to set application resources.

Resource Naming Syntax

The basic syntax of a resource definition file is fairly simple. Each client recognizes certain resource variables that can be assigned a value. The variables for each client are documented on its reference page in Part Three of this guide.

Most of the common clients are written to use the X Toolkit. As described in Chapter 7, Other Clients, toolkits are a mechanism for simplifying the design and coding of applications, and making them operate in a consistent way. Toolkits provide a standard set of objects, or “widgets,” such as menus, command buttons, dialog boxes, scrollbars, and so on. As we’ll see, the naming syntax for certain resources parallels the object hierarchy that is built into X Toolkit programs.*

The most basic line you can have in a resource definition file consists of the name of a client, followed by a period or an asterisk and the name of a variable. A colon and whitespace separate the client and variable names from the actual value of the resource variable. The following line specifies that all instances of the xterm application have a scrollbar:

xterm*scrollBar:   True

*If a client was built with the X Toolkit, this should be noted on the reference page. In addition to certain application-specific resource variables, clients that use the X Toolkit have a common set of resource variables. These common variables may not be shown on each reference page, but all of the Toolkit variables are listed in Table 8-1, in Chapter 8, Command Line Options and are described in slightly greater detail on the X reference page in Part Three of this guide. A few of the more common variables also appear in Table 9-1 later in this chapter.

If the name of the client is omitted, the variable applies to all instances of all clients (in this case, all clients that can have a scrollbar). If the same variable is specified as a global variable and a client-specific variable, the value of the client-specific variable takes precedence for that client. Note, however, that if the name of the client is omitted, the line should generally begin with an asterisk.

Be sure that you don’t inadvertently omit the colon at the end of a resource specification. This is an easy mistake to make and the resource manager provides no error messages. If there is an error in a resource specification (including a syntax error like the omission of the colon or a misspelling), the specification is ignored. The value you set will simply not take effect. To include a comment in a resource file or comment out one of the resource specifications, begin the line in question with an exclamation point (!). If the last character on a line is a backslash (\), the resource definition on that line is assumed to continue on the next line.

Syntax of Toolkit Client Resources

As mentioned above, X Toolkit applications are made up of predefined components called widgets. There can be widgets within widgets (e.g., a command button within a dialog box). The syntax of resource specifications for Toolkit clients parallels the levels of the widget hierarchy. Accordingly, you should think of a resource specification as having the following format:

object.subobject[.subobject. . .].attribute:   value


object is the client program, or a specific instance of the program. (See The –name Option later in this chapter.)
subobjects correspond to levels of the widget hierarchy (usually the major structures within an application, such as windows, menus, scrollbars, etc.).
attribute is a feature of the last subobject (perhaps, a command button), such as background color or a label that appears on it.
value is the actual setting of the resource attribute, i.e., the label text, color, or other feature.

The type of value to supply should usually be evident from the name of the resource or from the description of the resource variable on the reference page. Most of these values are similar to those used with the command line options described in Chapter 8, Command Line Options.

For example, various resources, such as bordercolor or background, take color specifications; geometry takes a geometry string, font takes a font name, and so on. Logical values, such as the values taken by scrollBar, can be generally specified as on or off, as yes or no, or as True or False.

Tight Bindings and Loose Bindings

Binding refers to the way in which components of a resource specification are linked together. Resource components can be linked in two ways:

•    By a tight binding, represented by a dot (.).

•    By a loose binding, represented by an asterisk (*).

A tight binding means that the components on either side of the dot must be next to one another in the widget hierarchy. A loose binding is signalled by an asterisk, a wildcard character, which means there can be any number of levels in the hierarchy between the two surrounding components.

If you want to specify tight bindings, you must be very familiar with the widget hierarchy. It’s easy to use tight bindings incorrectly.

For example, the following resource specification to request that xterm windows be created with a scrollbar doesn’t work:

xterm.scrollBar:   True

This specification ignores the widget hierarchy of xterm, in which the VT102 window is considered to be one widget, the Tektronix window another, and the menus a third. This means that if you want to use tight bindings to request that xterm windows be created with a scrollbar, you should specify:

xterm.vt100.scrollBar: True

Of course, rather than decipher the widget hierarchy (which may even change with subsequent versions of an application), it is far simpler just to use the asterisk connector in the first place:

xterm*scrollBar:   True

In an application that supports multiple levels of widgets, you can mix asterisks and periods. In general, though, the developers of X recommend always using the asterisk rather than the dot as the connector even with simple applications, since this gives application developers the freedom to insert new levels in the hierarchy as they produce new releases of an application.

Instances and Classes

Each component of a resource specification has an associated class. Several different widgets, or widget attributes, may have the same class. For example, in the case of xterm, the color of text (foreground), the pointer color, and the text cursor color are all defined as instances of the class Foreground. This makes it possible to set the value of all three with a single resource specification. That is, if you wanted to make the text, the pointer, and the cursor dark blue, you could specify either:

xterm*foreground:   darkblue
xterm*cursorColor:  darkblue
xterm*pointerColor: darkblue


xterm*Foreground:   darkblue

Initial capitalization is used to distinguish class names from instance names. Class names always begin with an uppercase letter, while instance names always begin with a lowercase letter. Note however that if an instance name is a compound word (such as cursor-Color), the second word is usually capitalized.

The real power of class and instance naming is not apparent in applications like xterm that have a simple widget hierarchy. In complex applications written with the X Toolkit, class and instance naming allows you to do such things as specify that all buttons in dialog box be blue, but that one particular button be red. For example, in the hypothetical xclient application, you might have a resource file that reads:

xclient*buttonbox*Buttons*foreground:   blue
xclient*buttonbox*delete*foreground:    red

where Buttons is a class name and the delete button is an instance of the Buttons class. This type of specification works because an instance name always overrides the corresponding class name, for that instance. Class names thus allow default values to be specified for all instances of a given type of object. Instance names can be used to specify exceptions to the rules outlined by the class names. Note that a class name can be used with a loose binding to specify a resource for all clients. For example, the following specification would say that the foreground colors for all clients should be blue:

*Foreground:     blue

The reference page for a given program should always give you both instance and class names for every resource variable you can set. You’ll notice that in many cases, the class name is identical to the instance name, with the exception of the initial capital letter. Often (but not always) this means that there is only one instance of that class. In other cases, the instance with the same name is simply the primary or most obvious instance of the class.

Precedence Rules for Resource Specification

Even within a single resource file, such as .Xresources, resource specifications often conflict. For instance, recall the example from the first page of the chapter, involving the hypothetical xclient application:

xclient*Buttons.foreground:     blue
xclient*help.foreground:        red

The first resource specification makes the foreground color of all buttons (in the class Buttons) blue. The second resource specification overrides the first in one instance: it makes the foreground color of the help button (an instance of the class Buttons) red. In the event of conflicting specifications, there are a number of rules that the resource manager follows in deciding which resource specification should take effect.

We’ve already seen two of these rules, which are observable in the way the resource manager interprets definitions in a user-created resource file. (The first rule applies in the xclient example above.)

•    Instance names take precedence over class names.

•    Tight bindings take precedence over loose bindings.

From just these two rules, we can deduce a general principle: the more specific a resource definition is, the more likely it is to be honored in the case of a conflict.

However, for cases in which you want to set things up very carefully, you should know a bit about how programs interpret resource specifications.

For each resource, the program has both a complete, fully-specified, tightly-bound instance name and class name. In evaluating ambiguous specifications, the program compares the specification against both the full instance name and the full class name. If a component in the resource specification matches either name, it is accepted. If it matches more than one element in either name, it is evaluated according to the following precedence rules:

1.   The levels in the hierarchy specified by the user must match the program’s expectations, or the entry will be ignored. For example, if the program expects either of the following:

xterm.vt100.scrollBar: value instance name
XTerm.VT100.ScrollBar: value class name

the resource specification:

xterm.scrollBar:    True

won’t work, because the tight binding is incorrect. The objects xterm and scrollBar are not adjacent in the widget hierarchy. There is another widget, vt100, between them. The specification would work if you used a loose binding, however:

xterm*scrollBar:    True

(Note that the class name of xterm is XTerm, not xterm as you might expect.)

2.   Tight bindings take precedence over loose bindings. That is, entries with instance or class names prefixed by a dot are more specific than entries with names prefixed by an asterisk, and more specific entries take precedence. For example, the entry xterm.vt100.geometry will take precedence over the entry xterm*geometry.

3.   Similarly, instances take precedence over classes. For example, the entry *scrollBar will take precedence over the entry *Scrollbar.

4.   An instance or class name that is explicitly stated takes precedence over one that is omitted. For example, the entry xterm*scrollbar is more specific than the entry *scrollBar.

5.   Left components carry more weight than right components. For example, the entry xterm*background will take precedence over *background.

To illustrate these rules, let s consider the following resource specifications for the hypothetical Toolkit application xclient, as shown in Example 9-1.

Example 9-1. Sample resources

xclient.toc*Command.activeForeground:       black
*Command.Foreground:    green

The program would try to match these specifications against the complete tightly-bound instance and class specifications following:

xclient.toc.messageFunctions.include.activeForeground     instance name
Xclient.Box.SubBox.Command.Foreground                     class name

Note that these specifications are the instance and class names for the same resource. Each component of the instance name belongs to the class in the corresponding component of the class name. Thus, the instance toc occurs in the class Box, the messageFunctions instance name is from the class SubBox, etc.

Both resource specifications in Example 9-1 match these instance and class names. However, with its tight bindings and instance names, xclient.toc*Command.activeForeground matches more explicitly; i.e., with higher precedence. That resource is set: the foreground color of the include button in its active state is set to black.

The specification *Command.Foreground also matches the instance and class names, but is composed entirely of class names which are less specific. Thus, it takes lower precedence than the first line in Example 9-1 (which sets the include button to black).

However, since the second line is an acceptable specification, hypothetically it would set the foreground color of other objects in the Command class. This would be true for xclient, as well as any other application, since the line begins with the asterisk wildcard. So if there were other xclient command buttons comparable to the include button in the hierarchy, this second line would set the foreground color of these buttons to green. If you want a more detailed description of how resource precedence works, see Section 9.2.3 of Volume Four, X Toolkit Intrinsics Programming Manual.

Some Common Resources

Most applications written using the X Toolkit have a set of class and instance names in common. These Toolkit resources correspond to the Toolkit options described in Chapter 8, Command Line Options. Among those Toolkit resource variables you might want to set are:

Table 9-1. Core Toolkit Resources


Note that in a complex Toolkit application, these values can occur at every level in a widget hierarchy. For example, our hypothetical xclient application might support the following complete instance names:


These resources would specify the background color for the application window, the button box area, any command buttons, and the quit command button, respectively.

Of course, the specification:


would match any and all of them. See Table 8-1 for a comprehensive list of the common X Toolkit resources.

Event Translations

We’ve discussed the basics of resource naming syntax. From the sample resource settings, it appears that what many resource variables do is self-evident, or nearly so. Among the less obvious resource variables, there is one type of specification, an event translation, that can be used with many clients and warrants somewhat closer examination.

User input and several other types of information pass from the server to a client in the form of events. An event is a packet of information that tells the client something it needs to act on, such as keyboard input. As mentioned in Chapter 4, The xterm Terminal Emulator, moving the pointer or pressing a key, etc., causes input events to occur. When a program receives a meaningful event, it responds with some sort of action.

For many clients, the resource manager recognizes mappings between certain input events (like a pointer button click) and some sort of action by the client program (like selecting text). A mapping between one or more events and an action is called a translation. A resource containing a list of translations is called a translation table.

Many event translations are programmed into an application and are invisible to the user.* For our purposes, we are only concerned with very visible translations of certain input events, primarily the translation of keystrokes and pointer button clicks to particular actions by a client program.

*For more information on events and translations, see Volume Four, X Toolkit Programming Manual.

The Syntax of Event Translations

The operation of many clients, notably xterm, is partly determined by default input event translations. For example, as explained in Chapter 4, The xterm Terminal Emulator, selecting text with the first pointer button (an event) saves that text into memory (an action).

In this case, the input “event” is actually three separate X events:

1.  Pushing the first pointer button down.

2.  Moving the pointer while holding the first button down.

3.  Releasing the button.

Each of these input events performs part of the action of selecting text:

1.  Unselects any previously selected text and begins selecting new text.

2.  Extends the selection.

3.  Ends the selection, saving the text into memory (both as the PRIMARY selection and CUT_BUFFER0).

The event and action mappings would be expressed in a translation table as follows:

<BtnlDown>: select-start()\n\
<BtnlMotion>: select-extend()\n\
<BtnlUp>: select-end(PRIMARY,CUT_BUFFER0)

where each event is enclosed in angle brackets (<>) and produces the action that follows the colon. A space or tab generally precedes the action, though this is not mandatory:

<event>: action

A translation table must be a continuous string. In order to link multiple mappings as a continuous string, each event-action line should be terminated by a newline character (\n), which is in turn followed by a backslash (\) to escape the actual newline.

These are default translations for xterm.* All of the events are simple, comprised of a single button motion. As we’ll see, events can also have modifiers, i.e., additional button motions or keystrokes (often Control or Meta) that must be performed with the primary event to produce the action. (Events can also have modifiers that must not accompany the primary event if the action is to take place.)

As you can see, the default actions listed in the table are hardly intuitive. The event-action mappings that can be modified using translation resources are usually described on the reference page for the particular client.

*They are actually slightly simplified versions of default translations. Before you can understand the actual translations listed on the xterm reference page in Part Three of this guide, you must learn more about the syntax of translations. In addition to the current chapter, read Appendix H, Translation Table Syntax.

You can specify non-default translations using a translation table (a resource containing a list of translations). Since actions are part of the client application and cannot be modified, what you are actually doing is specifying alternative events to perform an action.*

The basic syntax for specifying a translation table as a resource is as follows:

[object*[subobject...]]*translations:      #override\
     [modifier]<event>:   action

The first line is basically like any other resource specification, with a few exceptions. First, the final argument is always translations, indicating that one (or more) of the event-action bindings associated with the [object* [subobject . . .]] are being modified.

Second, note that #override is not the value of the resource; it is literal and indicates that what follows should override any default translations. In effect, #override is no more than a pointer to the true value of the resource: a new event-action mapping (on the following line), where the event may take a modifier.

A non-obvious principle behind overriding translations is that you only literally “override” a default translation when the event(s) of the new translation match the event(s) of a default translation exactly. If the new translation does not conflict with any existing translation, it is merely appended to the defaults.

In order to be specified as a resource, a translation table must be a single string. The #override is followed by a backslash (\) to indicate that the subsequent line should be a continuation of the first.

In the basic syntax example above, the value is a single event-action mapping. The value could also be a list of several mappings, linked by the characters \n\ to make the resource a continuous string.

The following xterm translation table shows multiple event-action mappings linked in this manner:

*VT100.Translations:    #override\
     <BtnlDown>:    select-start()\n\
     <BtnlMotion>:  select-extend()\n\
     <BtnlUp>:      select-end(PRIMARY,CUT_BUFFER0)

*As we’ll see, in certain cases you may be able to supply an alternative argument (such as a selection name) to an action. These changes are interpreted by the resource manager.

†The use of modifiers can actually become quite complicated, sometimes involving multiple modifiers. For our purposes, we’ll deal only with simple modifiers. For more information on modifiers, see Appendix H, Translation Table Syntax, in this guide, and Volume Four, X Toolkit Programming Manual.

xterm Translations to Use xclipboard

As stated in Chapter 4, The xterm Terminal Emulator, you can specify xterm translations to have copied text made the CLIPBOARD selection. The CLIPBOARD selection is the property of the xclipboard client. If you are running xclipboard and you copy text to be made the CLIPBOARD selection, this text automatically appears in the xclipboard window. The xclipboard window allows you to store text that can then be copied to other windows.

Some sample translations that would allow you to use the xclipboard in this way follow:

*VT100.Translations:   #override\
        Button1 <Btn3Down>:   select-end(CLIPBOARD)\n\
        -Ctrl -Meta <Btn2Up>: insert-selection(PRIMARY,CLIPBOARD)

According to this table, while selecting text with Button1 (the modifier), the event of pressing the third pointer button (Btn3Down) (while continuing to hold down the first button), produces the action of making the text the CLIPBOARD selection. (Notice that we’ve taken the select-end action and combined it with the argument CLIPBOARD. The default translation uses the arguments PRIMARY,CUT_BUFFER0.)

The second line modifies the way selected text is pasted into a window so that the CLIPBOARD selection can be pasted. As described in Chapter 4, The xterm Terminal Emulator, pressing the second pointer button pasted the contents of the PRIMARY selection, by default. If there is no PRIMARY selection, the contents of the cut buffer are pasted. The default translation that sets this behavior is as follows:

-Ctrl  -Meta <Btn2Up>:     insert-selection(PRIMARY,CUT_BUFFER0)

This translation specifies that releasing pointer button 2, while pressing any modifier button or key other than Control or Meta, inserts text from the PRIMARY selection, or if the selection is empty, from cut buffer 0. In the second line of our translation table, we’ve replaced CUT_BUFFER0 with the CLIPBOARD selection. The new behavior is that releasing the second pointer button pastes the PRIMARY selection, or if there is none, the CLIPBOARD selection.

Thus, according to the translations in the example, if you select text as usual with the first pointer button, and then additionally push the third button down (while continuing to hold the first button), the text becomes the CLIPBOARD selection and appears automatically in the xclipboard window, as in Figure 9-1.

Since our first translation specifies a different event/action mapping than the default translation for selecting text (discussed in the previous section), the default translation still applies. If you select text with the first pointer button alone, that text is still made the PRIMARY selection and fills CUT_BUFFER0. To send text to the xclipboard, you would need to use the third pointer button as well. Thus, not all selected text need be made the CLIPBOARD selection (and sent automatically to the xclipboard).

There are advantages to making only certain selections CLIPBOARD selections. You can keep xclipboard running and make many text selections by the default method (first pointer button), without filling up the xclipboard window. And chances are you don’t want to save every piece of text you copy for an extended period of time, anyway.


Figure 9-1. Selected text appears automatically in the xclipboard window

The CLIPBOARD selection and the xclipboard client also get around the potential problems of selection ownership discussed in Chapter 4. Once text becomes the CLIPBOARD selection, it is owned by the xclipboard client. Thus, if the client from which text was copied (the original owner) goes away, the selection is still available, owned by the xclipboard, and can be transferred to another window (and translated to another format if necessary).

The operation of many clients can be modified by specifying event translations as resources. See the relevant client reference pages in Part Three of this guide.

For information about events, actions, and translation table syntax, see Appendix H, Translation Table Syntax, in this guide, and Volume Four, X Toolkit Programming Manual.

How to Set Resources

Learning to write resource specifications is a fairly manageable task, once you understand the basic rules of syntax and precedence. In contrast, the multiple ways you can set resources—for a single system, for multiple systems, for a single user, for all users—can be confusing. For our purposes, we are primarily concerned with specifying resources for a single user running applications both on the local system and on remote systems in a network.

As we’ve said, resources are generally specified in files. A resource file can have any name you like. Resources are generally “loaded” into the X server by the xrdb client, which is normally run from your startup file or run automatically by xdm when you log in. (See Appendix A, System Management, for information about startup files and xdm.) Prior to Release 2 of X, there was only one resource file called .Xdefaults, placed in the user’s home directory. If no resource file is loaded into the server by xrdb, the .Xdefaults file will still be read.

Remember that X allows clients to run on different machines across a network, not just on the machine that supports the X server. The problem with the older .Xdefaults mechanism was that users who were running clients on multiple machines had to maintain multiple .Xdefaults files, one on each machine. By contrast, xrdb stores the application resources directly in the server, thus making them available to all clients, regardless of the machine the clients are running on. As we’ll see, xrdb also allows you to change resources without editing files.

Of course, you may want certain resources to be set on all machines and others to be set only on particular machines. See the section “Other Sources of Resource Definition” later in this chapter for information on setting machine-specific resources. This section gives an overview of additional ways to specify resources, using a variety of system files.

In addition to loading resource files, you can specify defaults for a particular instance of an application from the command line using two options: -xrm and -name.

First we’ll consider a sample resources file. Then we’ll take a look at the use of the -xrm and -name command line options. Finally, we’ll discuss various ways you can load resources using the xrdb program and consider “Other Sources of Resource Definition.”

A Sample Resources File

Figure 9-2 shows a sample resources file. This file sets the border width for all clients to a default value of 2 pixels, and sets other specific variables for xclock and xterm. The meaning of each variable is fairly obvious from its name (for example, xterm*scrollBar: True means that xterm windows should be created with a scrollbar.

Note that comments are preceded by an exclamation point (!).

For a detailed description of each possible variable, see the appropriate client reference pages in Part Three of this guide.


Figure 9-2. A sample resources file

Specifying Resources from the Command Line

Two command line options that are supported by all clients written with the X Toolkit can be useful in specifying resources.

The -xrm Option

The -xrm option allows you to set on the command line any specification that you would otherwise put into a resources file. For example:

% xterm -xrm 'xterm*Foreground: blue' &

Note that a resource specification on the command line must be quoted using the single quotes in the line above.

The -xrm option only specifies the resource(s) for the current instance of the application. Resources specified in this way do not become part of the resource database.

The -xrm option is most useful for setting classes, since most clients have command line options that correspond to instance variable names. For example, the -fg command line option sets the foreground attribute of a window, but -xrm must be used to set Foreground.

Note also that a resource specified with the -xrm option will not take effect if a resource that takes precedence has already been loaded with xrdb. For example, say you’ve loaded a resource file that includes the specification:

xterm*pointerShape:  pirate

The following command line specification of another cursor will fail:

% xterm -xrm '*pointerShape:  gumby' &

because the resource xterm*pointerShape is more specific than the resource *pointerShape. Instead, you’ll get an xterm with the previously specified pirate cursor.

To override the resource database (and get the Gumby cursor), you’d need to use a resource as or more specific, such as the following:

% xterm -xrm 'xterm*pointerShape:  gumby' &
The -name Option

The -name option, which lets you name one instance of a client using an arbitrary alias, can also be used to set resources. If a client supports the -name option, you can create instance resources using the arbitrary alias as the object. You can then run the client using the alias as the -name argument. The client automatically uses the resources that begin with that alias.

For example, you could put the following entries into a resource file such as .Xresources:

XTerm*Font:           8x13
smallxterm*Font:      6x10
smallxterm*Geometry:  80x10
bigxterm*Font:        9x15
bigxterm*Geometry:    80x55

You could then use the following commands to create xterms of different sizes:

% xterm &

would create an xterm with the default specifications, while:

% xterm -name smallxterm &

would create a small xterm, 80 characters across by 10 lines down, displaying in the font 6x10. In addition:

% xterm -name bigxterm &

would create a big xterm, 80 characters across by 55 lines down, displaying in the font 9x15.

Setting Resources with xrdb

The xrdb program saves you from the difficulty of maintaining multiple resource files if you run clients on multiple machines. It stores resources in the X server, where they are accessible to all clients using that server. (Technically speaking, the values of variables are stored in a data structure referred to as the RESOURCE_MANAGER property of the root window of screen 0 for that server. From time to time, we may refer to this property colloquially simply as the resource database.)

The appropriate xrdb command line should normally be placed in your .xinitrc file or .xsession file to initialize resources at login, although it can also be invoked interactively. It has the following syntax:


The xrdb client takes several options, all of which are documented on the reference page in Part Three of this guide. Several of the most useful options are discussed in subsequent sections. (Those that are not discussed here have to do with xrdb’s ability to interpret C preprocessor-style defined symbols; this is an advanced topic. For more information, see the xrdb reference page in Part Three of this guide, and the cpp(1) reference page in your UNIX Reference Manual.)

The optional filename argument specifies the name of a file from which the values of client variables (resources) will be read. If no filename is specified, xrdb will expect to read its data from standard input. That is, the program will appear to hang, until you type some data, followed by an end-of-file (Control-D). Note that whatever you type will override the previous contents of the RESOURCE_MANAGER property, so if you inadvertently type xrdb without a filename argument, and then quit with Control-D, you will delete any previous values. (You can append new settings to current ones using the -merge option discussed later in this chapter.)

The resource filename can be anything you want. Two commonly used names are .Xdefaults and .Xresources.

You should load a resource file with the xrdb -load option. For example, to load the contents of your .Xresources file into the RESOURCE_MANAGER, you would type:

% xrdb -load .Xresources

Querying the Resource Database

You can find out what options are currently set by using the -query option. For example:

% xrdb -query
XTerm*ScrollBar:      True
bigxterm*font:        9x15
bigxterm*Geometry:    80x55
smallxterm*Font:      6x10
smallxterm*Geometry:  80x10
xterm*borderWidth:    3

If xrdb has not been run, this command will produce no output.

Loading New Values into the Resource Database

By default, xrdb reads its input (either a file or standard input) and stores the results into the resource database, replacing the previous values. If you simply want to merge new values with the currently active ones (perhaps by specifying a single value from standard input), you can use the -merge option. Only the new values will be changed; variables that were already set will be preserved rather than overwritten with empty values.

For example, let’s say you wanted to add new resources listed in the file new.values. You could say:

% xrdb -merge new.values

As another example, if you wanted all subsequently run xterm windows to have scrollbars, you could use standard input, and enter:

% xrdb -merge
xterm*scrollBar:    True

and then press Control-D to end the standard input. Note that because of precedence rules for resource naming, you may not automatically get what you want. For example, if you specify:

xterm*scrollBar:  True

and the more specific value:

xterm*vt100.scrollBar: False

has already been set, your new, less specific setting will be ignored. The problem isn’t that you used the -merge option incorrectly—you just got caught by the rules of precedence.

If your specifications don’t seem to work, use the -query option to list the values in the RESOURCE_MANAGER property, and look for conflicting specifications.

Note also that when you add new specifications, they won’t affect any programs already running, but only programs started after the new resource specifications are in effect. (This is also true even if you overwrite the existing specifications by loading a new resource file. Only programs run after this point will reflect the new specifications.)

Saving Active Resource Definitions in a File

Assume that you’ve loaded the RESOURCE_MANAGER property from an .Xresources or other file. However, you’ve dynamically loaded a different value using the -merge option, and you’d like to make the new value your default.

You don’t need to edit the file manually (although you certainly could.) The -edit option allows you to write out the current value of the RESOURCE_MANAGER property into a file. If the file already exists, it is overwritten with the new values. However, xrdb is smart enough to preserve any comments and preprocessor declarations in the file being overwritten, replacing only the resource definitions.

For example:

% xrdb -edit ˜/.Xresources

will save the current contents of the RESOURCE_MANAGER property in the file .Xresources in your home directory.

If you want to save a backup copy of an existing file, use the -backup option as follows:

% xrdb -edit .mydefaults -backup old

The string following the -backup option is used as an extension to be appended to the old filename. In the example shown above, the previous copy of .mydefaults would be saved as .mydefaults.old.

Removing Resource Definitions

You can delete the definition of the RESOURCE_MANAGER property from the server by calling xrdb with the -remove option.

There is no way to delete a single resource definition, other than to read the current xrdb values to a file. For example:

% xrdb -query > filename

Use an editor to edit and save the file, deleting the resource definitions you no longer want.

% vi filename

Then read the edited values back into the RESOURCE_MANAGER with xrdb:

% xrdb -load filename

Listing the Current Resources for a Client: appres

The appres (application resource) program, available as of Release 4, lists the resources that currently might apply to a client. These resources may be derived from several sources, including the user’s .Xresources file and a system-wide application defaults file. The directory /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults contains application default files for several clients. The function of these files is discussed in the next section. For now, be aware that all of the resources contained in these files begin with the class name of the application.

Also be aware that appres has one serious limitation: it cannot distinguish between valid and invalid resource specifications. It lists all resources that might apply to a client, whether the resources are correctly specified or not.

appres lists the resources that apply to a client having the class_name and/or instance_name you specify. Typically, you would use appres before running a client program to find out what resources the client program will access.

For example, say you want to run xterm, but you can’t remember the latest resources you’ve specified for it, whether you’ve loaded them, or perhaps what some of the application defaults are, etc. You can use the appres client to check the current xterm resources. If you specify only a class name, as in the following command line:

% appres XTerm

appres lists the resources that any xterm would load. In the case of xterm, this is an extensive list, encompassing all of the system-wide application defaults, as well as any other defaults you have specified in a resource file.

You can additionally specify an instance name to list the resources applying to a particular instance of the client, as in the following:

% appres XTerm bigxterm

If you omit the class name, xappres assumes the class -NoSuchClass-, which has no defaults, and returns only the resources that would be loaded by the particular instance of the client.

Note that the instance can simply be the client name, for example, xterm. In that case, none of the system-wide application defaults would be listed, since all begin with the class name XTerm. For example, the command:

% appres xterm

might return resources settings similar to the following:

xterm.vt100.scrollBar:  True
xterm*PhonyResource:    youbet
xterm*pointerShape:     gumby
xterm*iconGeometry:     +50+50
*VT100.Translations:    #override\
    Button1 <Btn3Down>:    select-end(CLIPBOARD)\n\
    -Ctrl -Meta <Btn2Up>:  insert-selection(PRIMARY,CLIPBOARD)

Most of these resources set obvious features of xterm. The translation table sets up xterm to use the xclipboard. Notice also that appres has returned an invalid resource called PhonyResource that we created for demonstration purposes. You can’t rely on appres to tell you what resources a client will actually load, because the appres program cannot distinguish a valid resource specification from an invalid one. Still it can be fairly useful to jog your memory as to the defaults you’ve specified in your .Xresources file, as well as the system-wide application defaults.

Other Sources of Resource Definition

If xrdb has not been run, the RESOURCE_MANAGER property will not be set. Instead, the resource manager looks for a file called .Xdefaults in the user’s home directory. As we discussed earlier, resources found in this way are only available to clients running on the local machine.

Whether or not resources have been loaded with xrdb, when a client is run the following sources of resource definition are consulted in this order:

1.   A file with the same name as the client application, in the directory /usr/lib/X11/appdefaults will be loaded into the resource manager.

2.   Files in the directory named by the environment variable XAPPLRESDIR, or if the variable is not set, in the user’s home directory, with the name Class where Class is the class name of a client program.

3.   Resources loaded into the RESOURCE_MANAGER property of the root window with xrdb; these resources are accessible regardless of the machine on which the client is running.

If no resources are loaded in this way, the resource manager looks for a .Xdefaults file in the user’s home directory; these resources are only available on the local machine.

4.   Next, the contents of any file specified by the shell environment variable XENVIRONMENT will be loaded.

If this variable is not defined, the resource manager looks for a file named .Xdefaults-hostname in the user’s home directory, where hostname is the name of the host where the client is running. These methods are used to set machine-specific resources.

5.   Any values specified on the command line with the -xrm option will be loaded for that instance of the program.

All of these various sources of defaults will be loaded and merged, according to the precedence rules described above in the section “Precedence Rules for Resource Specification.”

The client will then merge these various defaults specified by the user with its own internal defaults, if any.

Finally, if the user has specified any options on the command line (other than with the -xrm option), these values will override those specified by resource defaults, regardless of their source.

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