Writing for Social Media

Book description

Engaging with customers through social media is essential for businesses in this day and age. Writing for social media can be difficult to get right and even big brands can get it wrong. This book walks you through how to deliver maximum benefit for your business through your social media writing.

Table of contents

  1. Front Cover
  2. Half-Title Page
  4. Title Page
  5. Copyright Page
  6. Contents
  7. Author
  8. Preface
  9. 1. What is Social Media?
    1. What do businesses do on social media?
    2. Ch-ch-ch changes
    3. How to become a social media mogul
    4. Social media: The skills that matter
    5. Key takeaways
  10. 2. Know What You Want to Achieve
    1. Smart thinking
    2. Find the why
    3. Curb your enthusiasm
    4. Key takeaways
  11. 3. Different Strokes for Different Folks
    1. Who’s on Facebook?
    2. Who’s on LinkedIn?
    3. Who’s on Instagram?
    4. Who’s on Twitter?
    5. Who’s on Pinterest?
    6. Who uses instant messaging apps?
    7. Who’s on SnapChat?
    8. Who’s doing it every day?
    9. Don’t forget the focused sites
    10. Key takeaways
  12. 4. Who are You?
    1. Picking your persona
    2. The pillars of a brand persona
    3. Be consistent, but be sensible
    4. Key takeaways
  13. 5. Big Ideas in Small Spaces
    1. What you can post vs what you should post on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter
    2. Character and hashtag limits on other social platforms
    3. Key takeaways
  14. 6. How to Write for Social Media on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and the Rest
    1. How to write for every social network
    2. Things to think about when you’re writing for Facebook
    3. Things to think about when you’re writing for LinkedIn
    4. Things to think about when you’re writing for Twitter
    5. Key takeaways
  15. 7. How to Write Things People Want to Share
    1. Eleven and a half ways to create content people will share
    2. Key takeaways
  16. 8. Ready! Fire! Aim! Thirteen Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Social Media Content
    1. 1 Not having a plan
    2. 2 Trying to be funny when you’re not funny
    3. 3 Excessive self-promotion
    4. 4 Spamming
    5. 5 One-way communication
    6. 6 Thinking one size fits all
    7. 7 Doing too much in too many places
    8. 8 Irrelevant content
    9. 9 Low value content
    10. 10 Posting too frequently
    11. 11 Posting too rarely
    12. 12 Causing offence
    13. 13 Using social media solely for marketing
    14. Key takeaways
  17. 9. Timing is Everything: When to Post to Social Media
    1. Auspicious times for Facebook
    2. Auspicious times for Twitter
    3. Auspicious times for Instagram
    4. Auspicious times for LinkedIn
    5. Auspicious times for other forms of social media
    6. The importance of knowing your audience
    7. Key takeaways
  18. 10. Everyone’s Offended: When Businesses’ Social Media Posts Go Badly Wrong
    1. 1 Keurig (coffee machines)
    2. 2 H&M (retail)
    3. 3 American Apparel (retail)
    4. 4 US Airways (transportation)
    5. 5 Miracle Mattress (bedding)
    6. Key takeaways
  19. 11. Do Not Feed the Trolls: How to Handle Online Unpleasantness
    1. The unhappy customer
    2. The critic
    3. The prankster
    4. Campaigners for a particular cause
    5. Trolls
    6. Key takeaways
  20. 12. Tools of the Trade: From Apps to Analytics
    1. Post schedulers
    2. Analytics
    3. Social media dashboards
    4. Key takeaways
  21. Afterword
  22. Appendix: The Top Eleven Social Networks People are Actually Using
  23. References
  24. Index
  25. Back Cover

Product information

  • Title: Writing for Social Media
  • Author(s): Carrie Marshall
  • Release date: November 2018
  • Publisher(s): BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT
  • ISBN: 9781780174525