WordPress For Dummies, 9th Edition

Book description

Get to know WordPress with this simple and approachable reference  

WordPress For Dummies, 9th Edition helps readers discover the power of the WordPress web content building tool. Web builders have created 75 million websites using WordPress and this book will show you how to add your blogs and websites to that count. 

WordPress For Dummies, 9th Edition drops you right into the fast lane to publishing your first website or blog by teaching you to: 

·         Customize a theme  

·         Create your first post  

·         Use WordPress as a content management system  

·         Work with multimedia formats  

·         Add plugins to your site  

·         Establish a publishing routine 

Perfect for new bloggers, experienced bloggers converting to WordPress for the first time, and people accustomed to WordPress who want to learn more about the full potential of the technology, WordPress for Dummies, 9th Edition  is an indispensable addition to the library of every blogger and webmaster.  

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. Foreword
  5. Introduction
    1. About This Book
    2. Foolish Assumptions
    3. Icons Used in This Book
    4. Beyond the Book
    5. Where to Go from Here
  6. Part 1: Introducing WordPress
    1. Chapter 1: What WordPress Can Do for You
      1. Discovering the Benefits of WordPress
      2. Choosing a WordPress Platform
    2. Chapter 2: WordPress Basics
      1. Shining the Spotlight on WordPress
      2. Dipping Into WordPress Technologies
      3. Using WordPress as a Content Management System
      4. Moving On to the Business of Publishing
  7. Part 2: Setting Up WordPress
    1. Chapter 3: Setting Up Your WordPress Base Camp
      1. Establishing Your Domain
      2. Finding a Home for Your Website
      3. Understanding Secure File Transfer Concepts
      4. Installing WordPress
      5. Exploring Preinstalled WordPress
    2. Chapter 4: Understanding the WordPress.org Dashboard
      1. Logging In to the Dashboard
      2. Navigating the Dashboard
      3. Arranging the Dashboard to Your Tastes
      4. Finding Inline Documentation and Help
      5. Setting Options in the Dashboard
      6. Configuring the Settings
      7. Creating Your Personal Profile
      8. Setting Your Site’s Format
    3. Chapter 5: Establishing Your Publishing Routine
      1. Staying on Topic with Categories
      2. Examining a Post’s Address: Permalinks
      3. Discovering the Many WordPress RSS Options
      4. Writing Your First Entry
      5. Using the Block Editor
      6. Refining Your Post Options
      7. Publishing Your Post
      8. Being Your Own Editor
      9. Look Who’s Talking on Your Site
  8. Part 3: Flexing and Extending WordPress
    1. Chapter 6: Media Management: Images, Audio, and Video
      1. Inserting Images into Your Content
      2. Using the Columns Block to Insert Multiple Images in a Row
      3. Inserting a Cover Image into a Post
      4. Inserting a Photo Gallery
      5. Inserting Video Files into Your Posts
      6. Inserting Audio Files into Your Blog Posts
      7. Inserting Audio Using the Embed Block
      8. Podcasting with WordPress
    2. Chapter 7: Making the Most of WordPress Plugins
      1. Finding Out What Plugins Are
      2. Exploring the Plugins Page
      3. Identifying Core Plugins
      4. Using Plugins: Just the Basics
      5. Installing Plugins Manually
      6. Uploading and Activating Plugins
      7. Setting Plugin Options
      8. Uninstalling Plugins
      9. Understanding the Open-Source Environment
      10. Finding Plugins Beyond WordPress.org
      11. Comparing Free and Commercial Plugins
    3. Chapter 8: Finding and Installing WordPress Themes
      1. Getting Started with Free Themes
      2. Installing a Theme
      3. Exploring Premium Theme Options
      4. Examining the Default Theme: Twenty Twenty
      5. Enhancing Your Theme with Widgets
  9. Part 4: Customizing WordPress
    1. Chapter 9: Understanding Themes and Templates
      1. Using WordPress Themes: The Basics
      2. Contemplating the Structure of a WordPress Website
      3. Examining the Anatomy of a Template Tag
      4. Getting Familiar with the Four Main Templates
      5. Putting a Theme Together
      6. Using Tags with Parameters for Sidebars
    2. Chapter 10: Tweaking WordPress Themes
      1. Styling with CSS: The Basics
      2. Changing the Background Graphics with CSS
      3. Using Your Own Header Image
      4. Customizing Colors in Twenty Twenty
      5. Creating Custom Navigation Menus
      6. Changing Font Family, Color, and Size
      7. Understanding Basic HTML Techniques
    3. Chapter 11: Understanding Parent and Child Themes
      1. Customizing Theme Style with Child Themes
      2. Modifying Theme Structure with Child Themes
      3. Preparing a Parent Theme
    4. Chapter 12: WordPress As a Content Management System
      1. Creating Different Page Views Using WordPress Templates
      2. Creating a Template for Each Post Category
      3. Using Sidebar Templates
      4. Creating Custom Styles for Sticky, Category, and Tag Posts
      5. Working with Custom Post Types
      6. Adding Support for Taxonomies
      7. Adding Support for Post Thumbnails
      8. Optimizing Your WordPress Site
    5. Chapter 13: Hosting Multiple Sites with WordPress
      1. Deciding When to Use the Multisite Feature
      2. Understanding the Difference between Sites and Blogs
      3. Considering Web-Hosting Services
      4. Enabling the WordPress Network Feature
      5. Installing the Network on Your Site
      6. Exploring the Network Admin Dashboard Menu
      7. Managing Your Network
      8. Stopping Spam Signups and Splogs
    6. Chapter 14: Upgrading, Backing Up, and Migrating
      1. Getting Notified of an Available Upgrade
      2. Backing Up Your Database
      3. Upgrading WordPress Automatically
      4. Upgrading WordPress Manually
      5. Migrating Your Existing Site to WordPress
      6. Importing from WordPress
      7. Moving Your Website to a Different Host
  10. Part 5: The Part of Tens
    1. Chapter 15: Ten Popular WordPress Plugins
      1. Custom Post Type UI
      2. Jetpack
      3. Limit Login Attempts Reloaded
      4. Cookie Notice for GDPR & CCPA
      5. Yoast SEO
      6. BackupBuddy
      7. WP Super Cache
      8. WooCommerce
      9. Google XML Sitemaps
      10. Sucuri Security
    2. Chapter 16: Ten Free WordPress Themes
      1. Hybrid Core
      2. Hestia
      3. Responsive
      4. Ashe
      5. Prefer Blog
      6. BlackBird
      7. Storefront
      8. Sinatra
      9. Nisarg
      10. Optics
  11. Index
  12. About the Author
  13. Advertisement Page
  14. Connect with Dummies
  15. End User License Agreement

Product information

  • Title: WordPress For Dummies, 9th Edition
  • Author(s): Lisa Sabin-Wilson
  • Release date: January 2021
  • Publisher(s): For Dummies
  • ISBN: 9781119696971