Understanding Basic HTML Techniques
HTML can help you customize and organize your theme. To understand how HTML and CSS work together, think of it this way: If a Web site were a building, HTML is the structure (the studs and foundation) and CSS is the paint.
HTML contains the elements that CSS provides the styles for. All you have to do to apply a CSS style is use the right HTML element. Here is a very basic block of HTML that we can break down for this example:
<body> <div id="content"> <h1>Headline Goes Here</h1> <p>This is a sample sentence of body text. <blockquote>The journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step.</blockquote> I'm going to continue on this sentence and end it here. </p> <p>Click <a href="http://corymiller.com">here</a> to visit my website.</p> </div> </body>
All HTML elements must have opening and closing tags. Opening tags are contained in less-than (<) and greater-than (>) symbols. Closing tags are the same, except they are preceded by a forward-slash (/).
For example:
<h1>Headline Goes Here</h1>
Note that the HTML elements must be properly nested. In line four of the example above, a paragraph tag is opened (<p>). Later in that line, a block quote is opened (<blockquote>) and nesting inside the paragraph tag. When editing this line, you could not end the paragraph (</p>) before you ended the block quote (</blockquote>). Nested elements must close before the elements they are nested within close.
Finally, proper tabbing, or indenting, is important ...
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