Determining Where You Need to Participate

Communication is such an important part of social media, and communication is a two-way street. In social media, communication isn't a bullhorn; you need to interact with people. If you want the rewards of participation, you need to listen, as well as talk. This idea often gets lost when people start using social media to promote their content.

Determining who you want to interact with and where to interact with them is a large part of using social media in your marketing strategy. Finding the best communities in which you can participate and actively engage in conversations is the quickest way to build a loyal audience.

image Although reaching out to audiences known for being receptive to your blog's content is a good strategy, you may find that you're following a well-trod path. Other bloggers may have already found success there. Don't be afraid to try out areas where others who have blogs similar to yours aren't participating if you think the audience is there. Be original and trail-blaze a little.

As a blogger, you often work as the marketing person for your own blog. In order to gain readership, you need to participate with your potential audience in communities where they are already participating. Additionally, you can really leverage participating in these communities if you understand the bloggers in your niche, work with them to possibly ...

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