domain controller
Change properties of, change role of, force replication of Active Directory on, manage, and promote or demote a domain controller.
The first step in each of these procedures identifies the console being used from Administrative tools (for the Active Directory Schema console see schema in this chapter). For related procedures see domain and trust in this chapter, and forest and tree.
Change Properties of a Domain Controller
Active Directory Users and Computers → Select domain → select OU → right-click on a domain controller → Properties
The important settings here are:
- General
The setting “Trust computer for delegation” should be selected, otherwise the Message Queuing Service cannot run on the machine.
- Location
Specifying a location will help users find the computer in Active Directory.
Change Role of a Domain Controller
See domain controller for a discussion of the five different operations-master roles that a Windows 2000 domain controller can assume.
To determine whether your domain controller is running in one of the following roles:
- Infrastructure master, PDC emulator, or relative ID master roles
Active Directory Users and Computers → right-click on Active Directory Users and Computers → Operations Master
If an Infrastructure, PDC, or RID tab is visible, your domain controller is running in that role.
- Domain naming master role
Active Directory Domains and Trusts → right click on Active Directory Domains and Trusts → Operations Master
- Schema master ...
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