Engage Commitment to Achieve Big Things


If you want something done, ask a woman.



What you engage and focus on is where you will yield results.



Women are tycoons of commitment. The average woman has more complex responsibilities than the crew of NASA's mission control, and handles every one of them. Forget Superman, Iron Man and Batman. I'll take Wonder-Working Woman any time. By nature, women are giving and nurturing, ready to engage the devil himself when loved ones are at risk. And this natural edge is a mighty force when we engage any challenge. Because we are tenaciously faithful to the commitments we undertake, possibilities stretch to infinity.

Yet not just any commitment will do. To achieve big, you have to engage big. Women who commit to a passionate vision reach the highest level of wicked success.

Our complex society of family, friends, career and spiritual and social obligations constantly pulls us in different directions. Social media adds yet another layer of complexity, and our always-on devices give us instant access to the world via email, texting and Skype, but they also give the world instant access to us. Opportunities ...

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