Book description
First, there was HTML. Then along came JavaScript. Close on the heels of JavaScript came CSS and before you mastered that, along came XML. Behind every successful web page is an overworked and underappreciated webmaster with a big pile of books about various web technologies spilling out across their desk. That collection of books is a valuable resource for delving into the topics at depth (and at leisure). But when you need an answer fast, the dog-eared book you'll turn to again and again is the new third edition of Webmaster in a Nutshell. This concise and portable quick reference distills an immense amount of information on several languages and technologies into one compact reference book. This is one book that will pay for itself a thousand times over in time saved and increased productivity. Webmaster in a Nutshell puts a fast-paced introduction, detailed reference section, and quick reference guide to each technology all within easy reach. It's packed full of the genuinely useful information a webmaster needs daily, whatever the technology, including:
This thorough, clear, and accessible reference makes it easy to find the information you want about the technologies you use. You'll keep your other books on the shelf; you'll keep Webmaster in a Nutshell next to your keyboard.
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Table of contents
Webmaster in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition
- Preface
- 1. The Web in a Nutshell
- 2. HTML Overview
3. HTML Reference
- Core Attributes
HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions
- <a>
- <abbr>
- <acronym>
- <address>
- <applet>
- <area>
- <b>
- <base>
- <basefont>
- <bdo>
- <bgsound>
- <big>
- <blink>
- <blockquote>
- <body>
- <br>
- <button>
- <caption>
- <center>
- <cite>
- <code>
- <col>
- <colgroup>
- <comment>
- <dd>
- <del>
- <dfn>
- <dir>
- <div>
- <dl>
- <dt>
- <em>
- <embed>
- <fieldset>
- <font>
- <form>
- <frame>
- <frameset>
- <hn>
- <head>
- <hr>
- <html>
- <i>
- <iframe>
- <ilayer>
- <img>
- <input type=button>
- <input type=checkbox>
- <input type=file>
- <input type=hidden>
- <input type=image>
- <input type=password>
- <input type=radio>
- <input type=reset>
- <input type=submit>
- <input type=text>
- <ins>
- <isindex>
- <kbd>
- <keygen>
- <label>
- <layer>
- <legend>
- <li>
- <link>
- <listing>
- <map>
- <marquee>
- <menu>
- <meta>
- <multicol>
- <nobr>
- <noembed>
- <noframes>
- <noscript>
- <object>
- <ol>
- <optgroup>
- <option>
- <p>
- <param>
- <plaintext>
- <pre>
- <q>
- <s>
- <samp>
- <script>
- <select>
- <server>
- <small>
- <spacer>
- <span>
- <strike>
- <strong>
- <style>
- <sub>
- <sup>
- <table>
- <tbody>
- <td>
- <textarea>
- <tfoot>
- <th>
- <thead>
- <title>
- <tr>
- <tt>
- <ul>
- <var>
- <wbr>
- <xmp>
- 4. Frames
- 5. Tables
- 6. Forms
- 7. Character Entities
- 8. Color Names and Values
9. Cascading Style Sheets
- The Elements of Styles
- Style Syntax
- Style Properties
- CSS Reference
- background
- background-attachment
- background-color
- background-image
- background-position
- background-repeat
- border
- border-bottom
- border-bottom-width
- border-color
- border-left
- border-left-width
- border-right
- border-right-width
- border-style
- border-top
- border-top-width
- border-width
- clear
- color
- display
- float
- font
- font-family
- font-size
- font-style
- font-variant
- font-weight
- height
- letter-spacing
- line-height
- list-style
- list-style-image
- list-style-position
- list-style-type
- margin
- margin-bottom
- margin-left
- margin-right
- margin-top
- padding
- padding-bottom
- padding-left
- padding-right
- padding-top
- text-align
- text-decoration
- text-indent
- text-transform
- vertical-align
- word-spacing
- white-space
- width
9. Cascading Style Sheets
10. XML
- XML Terminology
- XML Reference
- Entity and Character References
- Document Type Definitions
- The Extensible Stylesheet Language
- XSLT Style Sheet Structure
- Templates and Patterns
XSLT Elements
- <xsl:apply-imports>
- <xsl:apply-templates>
- <xsl:attribute>
- <xsl:attribute set>
- <xsl:calltemplate>
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:comment>
- <xsl:copy>
- <xsl:copy-of>
- <xsl:decimalformat>
- <xsl:element>
- <xsl:fallback>
- <xsl:for-each>
- <xsl:if>
- <xsl:import>
- <xsl:include>
- <xsl:key>
- <xsl:message>
- <xsl:namespace-alias>
- <xsl:number>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:output>
- <xsl:param>
- <xsl:preserve-space>
- <xsl:processing-instruction>
- <xsl:sort>
- <xsl:strip-space>
- <xsl:stylesheet>
- <xsl:template>
- <xsl:text>
- <xsl:value-of>
- <xsl:variable>
- <xsl:when>
- <xsl:with-param>
- XPath
- XPointer and XLink
10. XML
IV. JavaScript
11. JavaScript
- Versions of JavaScript
- Syntax
- Client-Side JavaScript
- JavaScript API Reference
- Anchor
- Applet
- Arguments
- Array
- Attr
- Boolean
- Comment
- DOMException
- DOMImplementation
- Date
- Document
- DocumentFragment
- Element
- Error
- Event
- Form
- Function
- Global
- History
- Image
- Input
- Layer
- Link
- Location
- Math
- Navigator
- Node
- Number
- Object
- Option
- RegExp
- Screen
- Select
- String
- Style
- Text
- Textarea
- Window
11. JavaScript
V. CGI and Perl
- 12. CGI Overview
- 13. Server Side Includes
14. The Module
- HTML Tag Generation
- Importing Method Groups
- Maintaining State
- Named Parameters
- Using JavaScript Features
- Debugging
- Reference
- Accept
- append
- auth_type
- autoEscape
- button
- checkbox
- checkbox_group
- cookie
- defaults
- delete
- delete_all
- dump
- end_html
- filefield
- header
- hidden
- image_button
- import_names
- isindex
- keywords
- nph
- param
- password_field
- path_info
- path_translated
- popup_menu
- radio_group
- raw_cookie
- ReadParse
- redirect
- referer
- remote_host
- remote_user
- request_method
- reset
- save
- script_name
- scrolling_list
- self_url
- start_html
- startform
- start_multipart_form
- submit
- textarea
- textfield
- url
- use_named_parameters
- user_agent
- user_name
15. Web Server Programming with mod_perl
- Installing mod_perl
- Design of mod_perl
- mod_perl Handlers
- Running CGI Scripts with mod_perl
- Server Side Includes with mod_perl
- <Perl> Sections
- Apache:: Modules
The Perl API
- aborted
- allow_options
- allowed
- args
- as_string
- auth_name
- auth_type
- auth_type
- bytes_sent
- connection
- content
- content_encoding
- content_languages
- content_type
- current_callback
- custom_response
- dir_config
- dir_config
- document_root
- err_header_out
- err_headers_out
- filename
- fileno
- get
- get_basic_auth_pw
- get_handlers
- get_remote_host
- get_remote_logname
- get_server_port
- gid
- handler
- hard_timeout
- header_only
- header_out
- headers_in
- headers_out
- hostname
- internal_redirect
- internal_redirect_handler
- is_initial_req
- is_main
- is_virtual
- kill_timeout
- last
- local_addr
- location
- log_error
- log_error
- log_reason
- loglevel
- lookup_file
- lookup_uri
- main
- method
- method_number
- names
- next
- no_cache
- note_basic_auth_failure
- notes
- path_info
- perl_hook
- pnotes
- port
- post_connection
- prev
- protocol
- proxyreq
- push_handlers
- read
- register_cleanup
- remote_addr
- remote_host
- remote_ip
- remote_logname
- request
- request_time
- requires
- reset_timeout
- run
- send_cgi_header
- send_fd
- send_http_header
- server
- server_admin
- server_hostname
- server_root_relative
- set_handlers
- soft_timeout
- status
- status_line
- subprocess_env
- the_request
- uid
- unescape_url
- unescape_url_info
- uri
- user
- warn
- warn
VIII. Server Configuration
18. Apache Configuration
- Understanding Apache
- Basic Server Configuration: Core Directives
- AcceptPathInfo
- AccessConfig
- AccessFileName
- AddDefaultCharSet
- AllowOverride
- AuthName
- AuthType
- CGIMapExtension
- ContentDigest
- DefaultType
- <Directory>
- <DirectoryMatch>
- DocumentRoot
- ErrorDocument
- ErrorLog
- FileETag
- <Files>
- <FilesMatch>
- ForceType
- Group
- HostNameLookups
- IdentityCheck
- <IfDefine>
- <IfModule>
- Include
- KeepAlive
- KeepAliveTimeOut
- <Limit>
- <LimitExcept>
- LimitRequestBody
- LimitRequestFields
- LimitRequestFieldsize
- LimitRequestLine
- LimitXMLRequestBody
- Listen
- ListenBacklog
- <Location>
- <LocationMatch>
- LockFile
- LogLevel
- MaxClients
- MaxKeepAliveRequests
- MaxMemFree
- MaxRequestsPerChild
- MaxSpareServers
- MinSpareServers
- NameVirtualHost
- Options
- PidFile
- require
- RLimitCPU
- RLimitMEM
- Satisfy
- ScoreBoardFile
- SendBufferSize
- ServerAdmin
- ServerAlias
- ServerName
- ServerPath
- ServerRoot
- ServerSignature
- ServerTokens
- ServerType
- SetHandler
- SetInputFilter
- SetOutputFilter
- StartServers
- TimeOut
- UseCanonicalName
- User
- <VirtualHost>
19. Apache Modules
- mod_access
- mod_actions
- mod_alias
- mod_auth
- mod_auth_anon
- mod_auth_dbm
- mod_autoindex
- mod_cern_meta
- mod_cgi
- mod_cgid
- mod_dav
- mod_deflate
- mod_dir
- mod_env
- mod_example
- mod_expires
- mod_headers
- mod_imap
- mod_include
- mod_info
- mod_isapi
- mod_log_config
- mod_logio
- mod_mime
- mod_mime_magic
- mod_negotiation
- mod_proxy
- mod_rewrite
- mod_setenvif
- mod_so
- mod_speling
- SSLCACertificateFile
- SSLCACertificatePath
- SSLCARevocationFile
- SSLCARevocationPath
- SSLCertificateChainFile
- SSLCertificateFile
- SSLCertificateKeyFile
- SSLCipherSuite
- SSLEngine
- SSLMutex
- SSLOptions
- SSLPassPhraseDialog
- SSLProtocol
- SSLProxyCACertificateFile
- SSLProxyCACertificatePath
- SSLProxyCARevocationFile
- SSLProxyCARevocationPath
- SSLProxyCipherSuite
- SSLProxyEngine
- SSLProxyMachineCertificateFile
- SSLProxyMachineCertificatePath
- SSLProxyProtocol
- SSLProxyVerify
- SSLProxyVerifyDepth
- SSLRandomSeed
- SSLRequire
- SSLRequireSSL
- SSLSessionCache
- SSLSessionCacheTimeout
- SSLVerifyClient
- SSLVerifyDepth
- mod_status
- mod_suexec
- mod_unique_id
- mod_userdir
- mod_usertrack
- mod_vhost_alias
- 20. Web Performance
18. Apache Configuration
- Index
- Colophon
Product information
- Title: Webmaster in a Nutshell, Third Edition
- Author(s):
- Release date: December 2002
- Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
- ISBN: 9780596003579
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