Webmaster in a Nutshell, Third Edition

Book description

First, there was HTML. Then along came JavaScript. Close on the heels of JavaScript came CSS and before you mastered that, along came XML. Behind every successful web page is an overworked and underappreciated webmaster with a big pile of books about various web technologies spilling out across their desk. That collection of books is a valuable resource for delving into the topics at depth (and at leisure). But when you need an answer fast, the dog-eared book you'll turn to again and again is the new third edition of Webmaster in a Nutshell. This concise and portable quick reference distills an immense amount of information on several languages and technologies into one compact reference book. This is one book that will pay for itself a thousand times over in time saved and increased productivity. Webmaster in a Nutshell puts a fast-paced introduction, detailed reference section, and quick reference guide to each technology all within easy reach. It's packed full of the genuinely useful information a webmaster needs daily, whatever the technology, including:

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • XML

  • CGI

  • JavaScript

  • HTTP

  • PHP

  • Apache

This thorough, clear, and accessible reference makes it easy to find the information you want about the technologies you use. You'll keep your other books on the shelf; you'll keep Webmaster in a Nutshell next to your keyboard.

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Table of contents

  1. Webmaster in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition
    1. Preface
      1. Contents
        1. Part I: HTML
        2. Part II: CSS
        3. Part III: XML
        4. Part IV: JavaScript
        5. Part V: CGI and Perl
        6. Part VI: PHP
        7. Part VII: HTTP
        8. Part VIII: Server Configuration
      2. Conventions Used in This Book
      3. Comments and Questions
      4. Acknowledgments
    2. 1. The Web in a Nutshell
      1. Clients and Servers
      2. Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)
      3. Web Content: HTML, XML, CGI, JavaScript, and PHP
      4. The HTTP Protocol
      5. Web Servers
      6. Who Are the Webmasters?
      7. Recommended Books
    3. I. HTML
      1. 2. HTML Overview
        1. HTML Document Structure
        2. HTML Syntax
        3. XHTML
        4. Dynamic Content
          1. Event Handler Attributes
          2. Mouse-Related Events
          3. Keyboard Events
          4. Document Events
          5. JavaScript URLs
      2. 3. HTML Reference
        1. Core Attributes
        2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions
          1. <a>
          2. <abbr>
          3. <acronym>
          4. <address>
          5. <applet>
          6. <area>
          7. <b>
          8. <base>
          9. <basefont>
          10. <bdo>
          11. <bgsound>
          12. <big>
          13. <blink>
          14. <blockquote>
          15. <body>
          16. <br>
          17. <button>
          18. <caption>
          19. <center>
          20. <cite>
          21. <code>
          22. <col>
          23. <colgroup>
          24. <comment>
          25. <dd>
          26. <del>
          27. <dfn>
          28. <dir>
          29. <div>
          30. <dl>
          31. <dt>
          32. <em>
          33. <embed>
          34. <fieldset>
          35. <font>
          36. <form>
          37. <frame>
          38. <frameset>
          39. <hn>
          40. <head>
          41. <hr>
          42. <html>
          43. <i>
          44. <iframe>
          45. <ilayer>
          46. <img>
          47. <input type=button>
          48. <input type=checkbox>
          49. <input type=file>
          50. <input type=hidden>
          51. <input type=image>
          52. <input type=password>
          53. <input type=radio>
          54. <input type=reset>
          55. <input type=submit>
          56. <input type=text>
          57. <ins>
          58. <isindex>
          59. <kbd>
          60. <keygen>
          61. <label>
          62. <layer>
          63. <legend>
          64. <li>
          65. <link>
          66. <listing>
          67. <map>
          68. <marquee>
          69. <menu>
          70. <meta>
          71. <multicol>
          72. <nobr>
          73. <noembed>
          74. <noframes>
          75. <noscript>
          76. <object>
          77. <ol>
          78. <optgroup>
          79. <option>
          80. <p>
          81. <param>
          82. <plaintext>
          83. <pre>
          84. <q>
          85. <s>
          86. <samp>
          87. <script>
          88. <select>
          89. <server>
          90. <small>
          91. <spacer>
          92. <span>
          93. <strike>
          94. <strong>
          95. <style>
          96. <sub>
          97. <sup>
          98. <table>
          99. <tbody>
          100. <td>
          101. <textarea>
          102. <tfoot>
          103. <th>
          104. <thead>
          105. <title>
          106. <tr>
          107. <tt>
          108. <ul>
          109. <var>
          110. <wbr>
          111. <xmp>
      3. 4. Frames
        1. Frame Layout
        2. Nested Framesets
        3. The <frame> Tag
        4. Frame Targets
        5. Frame Border Attributes
      4. 5. Tables
        1. The <table> Tag
        2. The <caption> Tag
        3. The <tr> Tag
        4. The <th> and <td> Tags
          1. Cell Spanning
        5. Border Color and Backgrounds
        6. Advanced Table Tags
          1. Table Section Tags
          2. Column Grouping
      5. 6. Forms
        1. The <form> Tag
        2. The <input> Tag
          1. Password Fields
          2. File-Selection Fields
          3. Checkboxes
          4. Radio Buttons
          5. Submission Buttons
          6. Reset Buttons
          7. Custom Buttons
          8. Hidden Fields
        3. The <textarea> Tag
        4. The <select> Tag
        5. An Example Form
      6. 7. Character Entities
      7. 8. Color Names and Values
    4. II. CSS
      1. 9. Cascading Style Sheets
        1. The Elements of Styles
          1. Inline Styles
          2. Document-Level Styles
          3. External Style Sheets
            1. Linked external style sheets
            2. Imported external style sheets
        2. Style Syntax
          1. Multiple Selectors
          2. Contextual Selectors
          3. Style Classes
            1. Regular classes
            2. Generic classes
            3. Using IDs as classes
            4. Style pseudo-classes
            5. Class inheritance
        3. Style Properties
          1. Property Values
            1. Keyword property values
            2. Length property values
            3. Percentage property values
            4. URL property values
            5. Color property values
          2. Property Inheritance
        4. CSS Reference
        5. background
          1. background
        6. background-attachment
          1. background-attachment
        7. background-color
          1. background-color
        8. background-image
          1. background-image
        9. background-position
          1. background-position
        10. background-repeat
          1. background-repeat
        11. border
          1. border
        12. border-bottom
          1. border-bottom
        13. border-bottom-width
          1. border-bottom-width
        14. border-color
          1. border-color
        15. border-left
          1. border-left
        16. border-left-width
          1. border-left-width
        17. border-right
          1. border-right
        18. border-right-width
          1. border-right-width
        19. border-style
          1. border-style
        20. border-top
          1. border-top
        21. border-top-width
          1. border-top-width
        22. border-width
          1. border-width
        23. clear
          1. clear
        24. color
          1. color
        25. display
          1. display
        26. float
          1. float
        27. font
          1. font
        28. font-family
          1. font-family
        29. font-size
          1. font-size
        30. font-style
          1. font-style
        31. font-variant
          1. font-variant
        32. font-weight
          1. font-weight
        33. height
          1. height
        34. letter-spacing
          1. letter-spacing
        35. line-height
          1. line-height
        36. list-style
          1. list-style
        37. list-style-image
          1. list-style-image
        38. list-style-position
          1. list-style-position
        39. list-style-type
          1. list-style-type
        40. margin
          1. margin
        41. margin-bottom
          1. margin-bottom
        42. margin-left
          1. margin-left
        43. margin-right
          1. margin-right
        44. margin-top
          1. margin-top
        45. padding
          1. padding
        46. padding-bottom
          1. padding-bottom
        47. padding-left
          1. padding-left
        48. padding-right
          1. padding-right
        49. padding-top
          1. padding-top
        50. text-align
          1. text-align
        51. text-decoration
          1. text-decoration
        52. text-indent
          1. text-indent
        53. text-transform
          1. text-transform
        54. vertical-align
          1. vertical-align
        55. word-spacing
          1. word-spacing
        56. white-space
          1. white-space
        57. width
          1. width
    5. III. XML
      1. 10. XML
        1. XML Terminology
          1. Unlearning Bad Habits
          2. An Overview of an XML Document
          3. A Simple XML Document
            1. Namespaces
          4. A Simple Document Type Definition (DTD)
          5. A Simple XSL Style Sheet
        2. XML Reference
          1. Well-Formed XML
          2. Special Markup
            1. <?xml ...?>
            2. <?...?>
            3. <!DOCTYPE>
            4. <!-- ... -->
            5. CDATA
          3. Element and Attribute Rules
          4. XML Reserved Attributes
            1. xml:lang
            2. xml:space
        3. Entity and Character References
        4. Document Type Definitions
          1. Element Declarations
          2. ANY and PCDATA
            1. Multiple sequences
            2. Grouping and recurrence
            3. Mixed content
            4. Empty elements
          3. Entities
            1. General entities
            2. Parameter entities
            3. External entities
            4. Unparsed entities
            5. Notations
          4. Attribute Declarations in the DTD
            1. Attribute modifiers
            2. Datatypes
          5. Included and Ignored Sections
            1. Internal subsets
        5. The Extensible Stylesheet Language
          1. Formatting Objects
        6. XSLT Style Sheet Structure
        7. Templates and Patterns
          1. Parameters and Variables
          2. Style Sheet Import and Rules of Precedence
          3. Loops and Tests
          4. Numbering Elements
          5. Output Method
        8. XSLT Elements
          1. <xsl:apply-imports>
          2. <xsl:apply-templates>
          3. <xsl:attribute>
          4. <xsl:attribute set>
          5. <xsl:calltemplate>
          6. <xsl:choose>
          7. <xsl:comment>
          8. <xsl:copy>
          9. <xsl:copy-of>
          10. <xsl:decimalformat>
          11. <xsl:element>
          12. <xsl:fallback>
          13. <xsl:for-each>
          14. <xsl:if>
          15. <xsl:import>
          16. <xsl:include>
          17. <xsl:key>
          18. <xsl:message>
          19. <xsl:namespace-alias>
          20. <xsl:number>
          21. <xsl:otherwise>
          22. <xsl:output>
          23. <xsl:param>
          24. <xsl:preserve-space>
          25. <xsl:processing-instruction>
          26. <xsl:sort>
          27. <xsl:strip-space>
          28. <xsl:stylesheet>
          29. <xsl:template>
          30. <xsl:text>
          31. <xsl:value-of>
          32. <xsl:variable>
          33. <xsl:when>
          34. <xsl:with-param>
        9. XPath
          1. Axes
          2. Predicates
          3. Functions
          4. Additional XSLT Functions and Types
        10. XPointer and XLink
          1. Unique Identifiers
          2. ID References
          3. XPointer
            1. Fragment-identifier syntax
            2. XPointer datatypes
            3. Manipulation of points, ranges, and positions
          4. XLink
          5. Building Extended Links
            1. Extended links
            2. Resource elements
            3. Locator elements
            4. Arc elements
            5. Title elements
            6. Linkbases
          6. XBase
    6. IV. JavaScript
      1. 11. JavaScript
        1. Versions of JavaScript
        2. Syntax
          1. Case-Sensitivity
          2. Whitespace
          3. Semicolons
          5. Identifiers
          6. Keywords
          7. Variables
          8. Data Types
            1. Numbers
            2. Booleans
            3. Strings
            4. Objects
            5. Arrays
            6. Functions and methods
            7. null and undefined
          9. Expressions and Operators
          10. Statements
            1. Expression statements
            2. Compound statements
            3. Empty statements
            4. Labeled statements
            5. Alphabetical statement reference
          11. Object-Oriented JavaScript
          12. Regular Expressions
            1. Literal characters
            2. Character classes
            3. Repetition
            4. Grouping and alternation
            5. Anchoring match position
          13. Versions of JavaScript
        3. Client-Side JavaScript
          1. JavaScript in HTML
            1. The <script> tag
            2. Event handlers
            3. JavaScript URLs
          2. The Window Object
            1. Simple dialog boxes
            2. The status line
            3. Timers
            4. System information
            5. Browser navigation
            6. Window control
            7. Multiple windows and frames
          3. The Document Object
          4. The Legacy DOM
            1. Dynamically generated documents
            2. Dynamic forms
            3. Form validation
            4. Image rollovers
            5. Working with cookies
          5. The W3C DOM
            1. Finding elements by ID
            2. Finding elements by tag name
            3. Traversing a document tree
            4. Node types
            5. HTML attributes
            6. Manipulating document elements
            7. Changing document text
            8. Changing document structure
          6. IE 4 DOM
            1. Accessing document elements
            2. Traversing the document tree
            3. Modifying document content and structure
            4. DOM compatibility
          7. DHTML: Scripting CSS Styles
          8. Events and Event Handling
            1. Event handlers as JavaScript functions
            2. Advanced event handling
          9. JavaScript Security Restrictions
        4. JavaScript API Reference
        5. Anchor
          1. Anchor
        6. Applet
          1. Applet
        7. Arguments
          1. Arguments
        8. Array
          1. Array
        9. Attr
          1. Attr
        10. Boolean
          1. Boolean
        11. Comment
          1. Comment
        12. DOMException
          1. DOMException
        13. DOMImplementation
          1. DOMImplementation
        14. Date
          1. Date
        15. Document
          1. Document
        16. DocumentFragment
          1. DocumentFragment
        17. Element
          1. Element
        18. Error
          1. Error
        19. Event
          1. Event
        20. Form
          1. Form
        21. Function
          1. Function
        22. Global
          1. Global
        23. History
          1. History
        24. Image
          1. Image
        25. Input
          1. Input
        26. Layer
          1. Layer
        27. Link
          1. Link
        28. Location
          1. Location
        29. Math
          1. Math
        30. Navigator
          1. Navigator
        31. Node
          1. Node
        32. Number
          1. Number
        33. Object
          1. Object
        34. Option
          1. Option
        35. RegExp
          1. RegExp
        36. Screen
          1. Screen
        37. Select
          1. Select
        38. String
          1. String
        39. Style
          1. Style
        40. Text
          1. Text
        41. Textarea
          1. Textarea
        42. Window
          1. Window
    7. V. CGI and Perl
      1. 12. CGI Overview
        1. A Typical CGI Interaction
          1. Transferring the Form Data
          2. Creating Virtual Documents
        2. URL Encoding
        3. Extra Path Information
        4. CGI Environment Variables
      2. 13. Server Side Includes
        1. Configuring the Apache Server for SSI
        2. Basic SSI Directives
          1. config
          2. echo
          3. exec
          4. flastmod
          5. fsize
          6. include
          7. printenv
          8. set
        3. SSI Environment Variables
        4. Configurable Time Formats for SSI Output
        5. Conditional Statements
      3. 14. The CGI.pm Module
        1. HTML Tag Generation
        2. Importing Method Groups
        3. Maintaining State
        4. Named Parameters
        5. Using JavaScript Features
        6. Debugging
        7. CGI.pm Reference
        8. Accept
          1. Accept
        9. append
          1. append
        10. auth_type
          1. auth_type
        11. autoEscape
          1. autoEscape
        12. button
          1. button
        13. checkbox
          1. checkbox
        14. checkbox_group
          1. checkbox_group
        15. cookie
          1. cookie
        16. defaults
          1. defaults
        17. delete
          1. delete
        18. delete_all
          1. delete_all
        19. dump
          1. dump
        20. end_html
          1. end_html
        21. filefield
          1. filefield
        22. header
          1. header
        23. hidden
          1. hidden
        24. image_button
          1. image_button
        25. import_names
          1. import_names
        26. isindex
          1. isindex
        27. keywords
          1. keywords
        28. nph
          1. nph
        29. param
          1. param
        30. password_field
          1. password_field
        31. path_info
          1. path_info
        32. path_translated
          1. path_translated
        33. popup_menu
          1. popup_menu
        34. radio_group
          1. radio_group
        35. raw_cookie
          1. raw_cookie
        36. ReadParse
          1. ReadParse
        37. redirect
          1. redirect
        38. referer
          1. referer
        39. remote_host
          1. remote_host
        40. remote_user
          1. remote_user
        41. request_method
          1. request_method
        42. reset
          1. reset
        43. save
          1. save
        44. script_name
          1. script_name
        45. scrolling_list
          1. scrolling_list
        46. self_url
          1. self_url
        47. start_html
          1. start_html
        48. startform
          1. startform
        49. start_multipart_form
          1. start_multipart_form
        50. submit
          1. submit
        51. textarea
          1. textarea
        52. textfield
          1. textfield
        53. url
          1. url
        54. use_named_parameters
          1. use_named_parameters
        55. user_agent
          1. user_agent
        56. user_name
          1. user_name
      4. 15. Web Server Programming with mod_perl
        1. Installing mod_perl
        2. Design of mod_perl
        3. mod_perl Handlers
        4. Running CGI Scripts with mod_perl
        5. Server Side Includes with mod_perl
        6. <Perl> Sections
        7. Apache:: Modules
        8. The Perl API
          1. aborted
          2. allow_options
          3. allowed
          4. args
          5. as_string
          6. auth_name
          7. auth_type
          8. auth_type
          9. bytes_sent
          10. connection
          11. content
          12. content_encoding
          13. content_languages
          14. content_type
          15. current_callback
          16. custom_response
          17. dir_config
          18. dir_config
          19. document_root
          20. err_header_out
          21. err_headers_out
          22. filename
          23. fileno
          24. get
          25. get_basic_auth_pw
          26. get_handlers
          27. get_remote_host
          28. get_remote_logname
          29. get_server_port
          30. gid
          31. handler
          32. hard_timeout
          33. header_only
          34. header_out
          35. headers_in
          36. headers_out
          37. hostname
          38. internal_redirect
          39. internal_redirect_handler
          40. is_initial_req
          41. is_main
          42. is_virtual
          43. kill_timeout
          44. last
          45. local_addr
          46. location
          47. log_error
          48. log_error
          49. log_reason
          50. loglevel
          51. lookup_file
          52. lookup_uri
          53. main
          54. method
          55. method_number
          56. names
          57. next
          58. no_cache
          59. note_basic_auth_failure
          60. notes
          61. path_info
          62. perl_hook
          63. pnotes
          64. port
          65. post_connection
          66. prev
          67. print
          68. protocol
          69. proxyreq
          70. push_handlers
          71. read
          72. register_cleanup
          73. remote_addr
          74. remote_host
          75. remote_ip
          76. remote_logname
          77. request
          78. request_time
          79. requires
          80. reset_timeout
          81. run
          82. send_cgi_header
          83. send_fd
          84. send_http_header
          85. server
          86. server_admin
          87. server_hostname
          88. server_root_relative
          89. set_handlers
          90. soft_timeout
          91. status
          92. status_line
          93. subprocess_env
          94. the_request
          95. uid
          96. unescape_url
          97. unescape_url_info
          98. uri
          99. user
          100. warn
          101. warn
    8. VI. PHP
      1. 16. PHP
        1. Installation and Configuration
        2. Embedding PHP in HTML
          1. Including Files
        3. Language Syntax
        4. Variables
          1. Dynamic Variables
        5. Data Types
          1. Integers
          2. Floating Point Numbers
          3. Strings
          4. Booleans
          5. Arrays
          6. Objects
          7. Type Casting
        6. Expressions
        7. Operators
        8. Control Structures
          1. if
          2. switch
          3. while
          4. do/while
          5. for
          6. foreach
        9. Functions
          1. Passing Arguments to Functions
          2. Variable Scope
          3. Static Variables
        10. Web-Related Variables
        11. Sessions
        12. Examples
          1. Showing the Browser and IP Address
          2. Intelligent Form Handling
          3. Web Database Integration
        13. Function Reference
    9. VII. HTTP
      1. 17. HTTP
        1. Client Requests
          1. Methods
            1. The GET method
            2. The HEAD method
            3. The POST method
            4. Other methods
        2. Server Responses and Status Codes
          1. Informational
          2. Client Request Successful
          3. Redirection
          4. Client Request Incomplete
          5. Server Errors
        3. HTTP Headers
          1. General Headers
            1. Cache-Control
            2. Connection
            3. Date
            4. MIME-Version
            5. Pragma
            6. Transfer-Encoding
            7. Upgrade
            8. Via
          2. Client Request Headers
            1. Accept
            2. Accept-Charset
            3. Accept-Encoding
            4. Accept-Language
            5. Authorization
            6. Cookie
            7. From
            8. Host
            9. If-Modified-Since
            10. If-Match
            11. If-None-Match
            12. If-Range
            13. If-Unmodified-Since
            14. Max-Forwards
            15. Proxy-Authorization
            16. Range
            17. Referer
            18. User-Agent
          3. Server Response Headers
            1. Accept-Ranges
            2. Age
            3. Proxy-Authenticate
            4. Retry-After
            5. Server
            6. Set-Cookie
            7. Vary
            8. Warning
            9. WWW-Authenticate
          4. Entity Headers
            1. Allow
            2. Content-Encoding
            3. Content-Language
            4. Content-Length
            5. Content-Location
            6. Content-MD5
            7. Content-Range
            8. Content-Transfer-Encoding
            9. Content-Type
            10. ETag
            11. Expires
            12. Last-Modified
            13. Location
        4. Cookies
          1. The Set-Cookie Response Header
          2. The Cookie Request Header
        5. Media Types and Subtypes
    10. VIII. Server Configuration
      1. 18. Apache Configuration
        1. Understanding Apache
          1. Loading Modules
          2. Server Configuration
          3. Handling Requests
          4. Access Control
          5. Password and Group Files
          6. Virtual Hosting
          7. Log Files
        2. Basic Server Configuration: Core Directives
        3. AcceptPathInfo
          1. AcceptPathInfo
        4. AccessConfig
          1. AccessConfig
        5. AccessFileName
          1. AccessFileName
        6. AddDefaultCharSet
          1. AddDefaultCharSet
        7. AllowOverride
          1. AllowOverride
        8. AuthName
          1. AuthName
        9. AuthType
          1. AuthType
        10. CGIMapExtension
          1. CGIMapExtension
        11. ContentDigest
          1. ContentDigest
        12. DefaultType
          1. DefaultType
        13. <Directory>
          1. <Directory>
        14. <DirectoryMatch>
          1. <DirectoryMatch>
        15. DocumentRoot
          1. DocumentRoot
        16. ErrorDocument
          1. ErrorDocument
        17. ErrorLog
          1. ErrorLog
        18. FileETag
          1. FileETag
        19. <Files>
          1. <Files>
        20. <FilesMatch>
          1. <FilesMatch>
        21. ForceType
          1. ForceType
        22. Group
          1. Group
        23. HostNameLookups
          1. HostNameLookups
        24. IdentityCheck
          1. IdentityCheck
        25. <IfDefine>
          1. <IfDefine>
        26. <IfModule>
          1. <IfModule>
        27. Include
          1. Include
        28. KeepAlive
          1. KeepAlive
        29. KeepAliveTimeOut
          1. KeepAliveTimeOut
        30. <Limit>
          1. <Limit>
        31. <LimitExcept>
          1. <LimitExcept>
        32. LimitRequestBody
          1. LimitRequestBody
        33. LimitRequestFields
          1. LimitRequestFields
        34. LimitRequestFieldsize
          1. LimitRequestFieldsize
        35. LimitRequestLine
          1. LimitRequestLine
        36. LimitXMLRequestBody
          1. LimitXMLRequestBody
        37. Listen
          1. Listen
        38. ListenBacklog
          1. ListenBacklog
        39. <Location>
          1. <Location>
        40. <LocationMatch>
          1. <LocationMatch>
        41. LockFile
          1. LockFile
        42. LogLevel
          1. LogLevel
        43. MaxClients
          1. MaxClients
        44. MaxKeepAliveRequests
          1. MaxKeepAliveRequests
        45. MaxMemFree
          1. MaxMemFree
        46. MaxRequestsPerChild
          1. MaxRequestsPerChild
        47. MaxSpareServers
          1. MaxSpareServers
        48. MinSpareServers
          1. MinSpareServers
        49. NameVirtualHost
          1. NameVirtualHost
        50. Options
          1. Options
        51. PidFile
          1. PidFile
        52. require
          1. require
        53. RLimitCPU
          1. RLimitCPU
        54. RLimitMEM
          1. RLimitMEM
        55. RLimitNPROC
          1. RLimitNPROC
        56. Satisfy
          1. Satisfy
        57. ScoreBoardFile
          1. ScoreBoardFile
        58. SendBufferSize
          1. SendBufferSize
        59. ServerAdmin
          1. ServerAdmin
        60. ServerAlias
          1. ServerAlias
        61. ServerName
          1. ServerName
        62. ServerPath
          1. ServerPath
        63. ServerRoot
          1. ServerRoot
        64. ServerSignature
          1. ServerSignature
        65. ServerTokens
          1. ServerTokens
        66. ServerType
          1. ServerType
        67. SetHandler
          1. SetHandler
        68. SetInputFilter
          1. SetInputFilter
        69. SetOutputFilter
          1. SetOutputFilter
        70. StartServers
          1. StartServers
        71. TimeOut
          1. TimeOut
        72. UseCanonicalName
          1. UseCanonicalName
        73. User
          1. User
        74. <VirtualHost>
          1. <VirtualHost>
      2. 19. Apache Modules
        1. mod_access
          1. allow
          2. allow
          3. deny
          4. deny
          5. order
        2. mod_actions
          1. Action
          2. Script
        3. mod_alias
          1. Alias
          2. AliasMatch
          3. Redirect
          4. RedirectMatch
          5. RedirectPermanent
          6. RedirectTemp
          7. ScriptAlias
          8. ScriptAliasMatch
        4. mod_auth
          1. AuthAuthoritative
          2. AuthGroupFile
          3. AuthUserFile
        5. mod_auth_anon
          1. Anonymous
          2. Anonymous_Authoritative
          3. Anonymous_LogEmail
          4. Anonymous_MustGiveEmail
          5. Anonymous_NoUserID
          6. Anonymous_VerifyEmail
        6. mod_auth_dbm
          1. AuthDBMAuthoritative
          2. AuthDBMGroupFile
          3. AuthDBMUserFile
        7. mod_autoindex
          1. AddAlt
          2. AddAltByEncoding
          3. AddAltByType
          4. AddDescription
          5. AddIcon
          6. AddIconByEncoding
          7. AddIconByType
          8. DefaultIcon
          9. FancyIndexing
          10. HeaderName
          11. IndexIgnore
          12. IndexOptions
          13. ReadmeName
        8. mod_cern_meta
          1. MetaDir
          2. MetaFiles
          3. MetaSuffix
        9. mod_cgi
          1. ScriptLog
          2. ScriptLogLength
          3. ScriptLogBuffer
        10. mod_cgid
          1. ScriptSock
        11. mod_dav
          1. Dav
          2. DavDepthInfinity
          3. DavLockDB
          4. DavMinTimeout
        12. mod_deflate
          1. DeflateBufferSize
          2. DeflateFilterNote
          3. DeflateMemLevel
          4. DeflateWindowSize
        13. mod_dir
          1. DirectoryIndex
        14. mod_env
          1. PassEnv
          2. SetEnv
          3. UnsetEnv
        15. mod_example
          1. Example
        16. mod_expires
          1. ExpiresActive
          2. ExpiresByType
          3. ExpiresDefault
        17. mod_headers
          1. Header
        18. mod_imap
          1. ImapBase
          2. ImapDefault
          3. ImapMenu
        19. mod_include
          1. XBitHack
        20. mod_info
          1. AddModuleInfo
        21. mod_isapi
        22. mod_log_config
          1. CookieLog
          2. CustomLog
          3. LogFormat
          4. TransferLog
        23. mod_logio
        24. mod_mime
          1. AddCharset
          2. AddEncoding
          3. AddHandler
          4. AddLanguage
          5. AddType
          6. DefaultLanguage
          7. ForceType
          8. RemoveEncoding
          9. RemoveHandler
          10. RemoveType
          11. SetHandler
          12. TypesConfig
        25. mod_mime_magic
          1. MimeMagicFile
        26. mod_negotiation
          1. CacheNegotiatedDocs
          2. LanguagePriority
        27. mod_proxy
          1. CacheDefaultExpire
          2. CacheDirLength
          3. CacheDirLevels
          4. CacheForceCompletion
          5. CacheGcInterval
          6. CacheLastModifiedFactor
          7. CacheMaxExpire
          8. CacheRoot
          9. CacheSize
          10. NoCache
          11. NoProxy
          12. ProxyBlock
          13. ProxyDomain
          14. ProxyPass
          15. ProxyPassReverse
          16. ProxyReceiveBufferSize
          17. ProxyRemote
          18. ProxyRequests
        28. mod_rewrite
          1. RewriteBase
          2. RewriteCond
          3. RewriteEngine
          4. RewriteLock
          5. RewriteLog
          6. RewriteLogLevel
          7. RewriteMap
          8. RewriteOptions
          9. RewriteRule
        29. mod_setenvif
          1. BrowserMatch
          2. BrowserMatchNoCase
          3. SetEnvIf
          4. SetEnvIfNoCase
        30. mod_so
          1. LoadFile
          2. LoadModule
        31. mod_speling
          1. CheckSpelling
        32. mod_ssl
          1. SSLCACertificateFile
          2. SSLCACertificatePath
          3. SSLCARevocationFile
          4. SSLCARevocationPath
          5. SSLCertificateChainFile
          6. SSLCertificateFile
          7. SSLCertificateKeyFile
          8. SSLCipherSuite
          9. SSLEngine
          10. SSLMutex
          11. SSLOptions
          12. SSLPassPhraseDialog
          13. SSLProtocol
          14. SSLProxyCACertificateFile
          15. SSLProxyCACertificatePath
          16. SSLProxyCARevocationFile
          17. SSLProxyCARevocationPath
          18. SSLProxyCipherSuite
          19. SSLProxyEngine
          20. SSLProxyMachineCertificateFile
          21. SSLProxyMachineCertificatePath
          22. SSLProxyProtocol
          23. SSLProxyVerify
          24. SSLProxyVerifyDepth
          25. SSLRandomSeed
          26. SSLRequire
          27. SSLRequireSSL
          28. SSLSessionCache
          29. SSLSessionCacheTimeout
          30. SSLVerifyClient
          31. SSLVerifyDepth
        33. mod_status
          1. ExtendedStatus
        34. mod_suexec
          1. SuexecUserGroup
        35. mod_unique_id
        36. mod_userdir
          1. UserDir
        37. mod_usertrack
          1. CookieExpires
          2. CookieTracking
        38. mod_vhost_alias
          1. VirtualDocumentRoot
          2. VirtualDocumentRootIP
          3. VirtualScriptAlias
          4. VirtualScriptAliasIP
      3. 20. Web Performance
        1. Client-Side Performance
          1. Memory
          2. MTU Size
          3. Switching Proxies
          4. Do You Have a Faulty DNS Library?
        2. HTML Authoring
          1. Keep the Content Small
          2. Short Pathnames
        3. Programming
          1. Unbuffered Reads and Writes
          2. Logging
          3. Compressing Files
        4. Administration
          1. AllowOverride
          2. Buffered Logs
          3. Max-Clients
          4. Persistent Connections
          5. Reverse DNS
          6. Do Not Restrict by Domain
          7. Set FollowSymLinks
          8. FancyIndexing Off
          9. Use Specific Index Files
          10. MaxRequestsPerChild
          11. Some Notes on Sizing Apache
          12. Using mod_status
        5. Using Analysis.cgi to Find A Bottleneck
        6. Monitoring Web Performance Using Perl
    11. Index
    12. Colophon

Product information

  • Title: Webmaster in a Nutshell, Third Edition
  • Author(s): Robert Eckstein, Stephen Spainhour
  • Release date: December 2002
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9780596003579