7Build a Marketing Team

Serotonin clients are often early‐stage Web3 projects, where the only employees are the founders along with a few engineers and product specialists. When we first engage with them, one of their first questions is usually about how to build the ideal marketing function. For an early‐stage project that hasn't yet achieved product‐market fit, it makes sense to stand up a light and agile marketing department to conduct the tests and experiments to probe for market fit. Teams shouldn't plan to invest heavily in marketing until there's a value‐capture moment on the horizon, such as a major partnership, product, or token launch, where excellent marketing would catalyze step‐function growth for the project. Even before this return‐on‐investment (ROI) moment is on the horizon, however, projects should set themselves up for success with the right marketing foundation. That means identifying a target audience, distilling the product offering into a value proposition, and messaging that value proposition clearly to the target audience on the channels where they live.

When building a marketing team, a project should think about the channels most relevant for its current stage based on the size and type of audience it seeks to reach. Most likely, an early‐stage, pre‐product‐market‐fit Web3 startup should focus on owned and earned channels at the beginning and branch out into paid channels as it grows and gathers data on ROI. The owned marketing channels for early‐stage ...

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