Book description
Web Programming with HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript is written for the undergraduate, client-side web programming course. It covers the three client-side technologies (HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript) in depth, with no dependence on server-side technologies.
Table of contents
- Cover Page
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Dedication
- Brief Table of Contents
- Table of Contents
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- About the Author
1 Introduction to Web Programming
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 Creating a Website
- 1.3 Web Page Example
- 1.4 HTML Tags
- 1.5 Structural Elements
- 1.6 title Element
- 1.7 meta Element
- 1.8 HTML Attributes
- 1.9 body Elements: hr, p, br, div
- 1.10 Cascading Style Sheets Preview
- 1.11 History of HTML
- 1.12 HTML Governing Bodies
- 1.13 Differences Between Old HTML and HTML5
- 1.14 How to Check Your HTML Code
- 1.15 Case Study: History of Electric Power
2 Coding Standards, Block Elements, Text Elements, and Character References
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 HTML Coding Conventions
- 2.4 HTML Elements Should Describe Web Page Content Accurately
- 2.5 Content Model Categories
- 2.6 Block Elements
- 2.7 blockquote Element
- 2.8 Whitespace Collapsing
- 2.9 pre Element
- 2.10 Phrasing Elements
- 2.11 Editing Elements
- 2.12 q and cite Elements
- 2.13 dfn, abbr, and time Elements
- 2.14 Code-Related Elements
- 2.15 br and wbr Elements
- 2.16 sub, sup, s, mark, and small Elements
- 2.17 strong, em, b, u, and i Elements
- 2.18 span Element
- 2.19 Character References
- 2.20 Web Page with Character References and Phrasing Elements
- 2.21 Case Study: A Local Hydroelectric Power Plant
3 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 CSS Overview
- 3.3 CSS Rules
- 3.4 Example with Type Selectors and the Universal Selector
- 3.5 CSS Syntax and Style
- 3.6 Class Selectors
- 3.7 ID Selectors
- 3.8 span and div Elements
- 3.9 Cascading
- 3.10 style Attribute, style Container
- 3.11 External CSS Files
- 3.12 CSS Properties
- 3.13 Color Properties
- 3.14 RGB Values for Color
- 3.15 Opacity Values for Color
- 3.16 HSL and HSLA Values for Color
- 3.17 Font Properties
- 3.18 line-height Property
- 3.19 Text Properties
- 3.20 Border Properties
- 3.21 Element Box, padding Property, margin Property
- 3.22 Case Study: Description of a Small City’s Core Area
4 Organizing a Page’s Content with Lists, Figures, and Various Organizational Elements
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Unordered Lists
- 4.3 Descendant Selectors
- 4.4 Ordered Lists
- 4.5 Figures
- 4.6 Organizational Elements
- 4.7 section, article, and aside Elements
- 4.8 nav and a Elements
- 4.9 header and footer Elements
- 4.10 Child Selectors
- 4.11 CSS Inheritance
- 4.12 Case Study: Microgrid Possibilities in a Small City
5 Tables and CSS Layout
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Table Elements
- 5.3 Formatting a Data Table: Borders, Alignment, and Padding
- 5.4 CSS Structural Pseudo-Class Selectors
- 5.5 thead and tbody Elements
- 5.6 Cell Spanning
- 5.7 Web Accessibility
- 5.8 CSS display Property with Table Values
- 5.9 Absolute Positioning with CSS Position Properties
- 5.10 Relative Positioning
- 5.11 Case Study: A Downtown Store’s Electrical Generation and Consumption
6 Links and Images
- 6.1 Introduction
- 6.2 a Element
- 6.3 Relative URLs
- 6.4 index.html File
- 6.5 Web Design
- 6.6 Navigation Within a Web Page
- 6.7 CSS for Links
- 6.8 a Element Additional Details
- 6.9 Bitmap Image Formats: GIF, JPEG, PNG
- 6.10 img Element
- 6.11 Vector Graphics
- 6.12 Responsive Images
- 6.13 Case Study: Local Energy and Home Page with Website Navigation
7 Image Manipulations, Audio, and Video
- 7.1 Introduction
- 7.2 Positioning Images
- 7.3 Shortcut Icon
- 7.4 iframe Element
- 7.5 CSS Image Sprites
- 7.6 Audio
- 7.7 Background Images
- 7.8 Web Fonts
- 7.9 Video
- 7.10 Centering Content Within the Viewport, Color Gradients
- 7.11 Case Study: Using an Image Map for a Small City’s Core Area and Website Navigation with a Generic Home Page
8 Introduction to JavaScript: Functions, DOM, Forms, and Event Handlers
- 8.1 Introduction
- 8.2 History of JavaScript
- 8.3 Hello World Web Page
- 8.4 Buttons
- 8.5 Functions
- 8.6 Variables
- 8.7 Identifiers
- 8.8 Assignment Statements and Objects
- 8.9 Document Object Model
- 8.10 Forms and How They’re Processed: Client-Side Versus Server-Side
- 8.11 form Element
- 8.12 Controls
- 8.13 Text Control
- 8.14 Email Address Generator Web Page
- 8.15 Accessing a Form’s Control Values
- 8.16 reset and focus Methods
- 8.17 Comments and Coding Conventions
- 8.18 Event-Handler Attributes
- 8.19 onchange, onmouseover, onmouseout
- 8.20 Using noscript to Accommodate Disabled JavaScript
9 Additional JavaScript Basics: window Object, if Statement, Strings, Numbers, and Input Validation
- 9.1 Introduction
- 9.2 window Object
- 9.3 alert and confirm Methods
- 9.4 if Statement: if by itself
- 9.5 Game Night Web Page
- 9.6 prompt Method
- 9.7 Game Night Web Page Revisited
- 9.8 if Statement: else and else if Clauses
- 9.9 Strings
- 9.10 Word Ordering Web Page
- 9.11 More String Details
- 9.12 Arithmetic Operators
- 9.13 Math Object Methods
- 9.14 Parsing Numbers: parseInt, parseFloat
- 9.15 Water Balloons Web Page
- 9.16 Constraint Validation for Form Controls
- 9.17 Constraint Validation Using the Number Control’s Attributes
- 9.18 Constraint Validation Using CSS Pseudo-Classes
- 9.19 Comparison Operators and Logical Operators
- 9.20 JavaScript for the Improved Water Balloons Web Page
- 9.21 Case Study: Dynamic Positioning and Collector Performance Web Page
10 Loops, Additional Controls, Manipulating CSS with JavaScript
- 10.1 Introduction
- 10.2 while Loop
- 10.3 External JavaScript Files
- 10.4 Compound Interest Web Page
- 10.5 do Loop
- 10.6 Radio Buttons
- 10.7 Checkboxes
- 10.8 Job Skills Web Page
- 10.9 for Loop
- 10.10 fieldset and legend Elements
- 10.11 Manipulating CSS with JavaScript
- 10.12 Using z-index to Stack Elements on Top of Each Other
- 10.13 Textarea Controls
- 10.14 Dormitory Blog Web Page
- 10.15 Pull-Down Menus
- 10.16 List Boxes
- 10.17 Case Study: Collector Performance Details and Nonredundant Website Navigation
11 Object-Oriented Programming and Arrays
- 11.1 Introduction
- 11.2 Object-Oriented Programming Overview
- 11.3 Classes, Constructors, Properties, new Operator, Methods
- 11.4 Point Tracker Web Page
- 11.5 static Methods
- 11.6 Event Handlers
- 11.7 Primitive Values Versus Objects
- 11.8 Using addEventListener to Add Event Listeners
- 11.9 Using Prototypes to Emulate a Class
- 11.10 Inheritance Between Classes
- 11.11 Pet Registry Web Page
- 11.12 switch Statement
- 11.13 Arrays
- 11.14 Arrays of Objects
- 11.15 Book Club Web Page
- 11.16 Case Study: Downtown Properties Data Processing
12 Canvas
- 12.1 Introduction
- 12.2 Canvas Syntax Basics
- 12.3 Rectangles Web Page
- 12.4 Drawing Text with fillText and strokeText
- 12.5 Formatting Text
- 12.6 Drawing Arcs and Circles
- 12.7 Drawing Lines and Paths
- 12.8 Umbrella Web Page
- 12.9 Face Web Page
- 12.10 Using Canvas for Transformations
- 12.11 Moving Face Web Page
- 12.12 Case Study: Solar Shadowing Dynamics
- Appendix A HTML5 and CSS Coding-Style Conventions
- Appendix B JavaScript Coding-Style Conventions
- Review Question Solutions
- Index
Product information
- Title: Web Programming with HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript
- Author(s):
- Release date: January 2018
- Publisher(s): Jones & Bartlett Learning
- ISBN: 9781284091809
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