Appendix U


MediaElement Options
Option Description Type
alwaysShowControls Determines whether controls are hidden when the mouse cursor leaves a video.Default value: false Boolean
alwaysShowHours Determines whether the hour marker is present in video time, for example, HH:MM:SS. This option shows the HH: portion.Default value: false Boolean
AndroidUseNativeControls Determines whether native controls are used on Android devices.Default value: false Boolean
audioWidth If a value is provided, it overrides the width of the <audio> element.Default value: -1 Integer
audioHeight If a value is provided, it overrides the height of the <audio> element.Default value: -1 Integer
autosizeProgress Determines whether the size of the progress bar should be automatically calculated based on the size of other elements.Default value: true Boolean
autoRewind Returns to the beginning when media ends.Default value: true Boolean
clickToPlayPause Determines whether clicking a <video> element toggles play/pause.Default value: true Boolean
defaultAudioHeight The default height in pixels of an <audio> player. This value is used if no height is specified on the element.Default value: 30 Integer
defaultAudioWidth The default width in pixels of an <audio> player. This value is used if no width is specified on the element.Default value: 400 Integer
defaultSeekBackwardInterval The default amount of time to move backward when a key is pressed.The default value is:function(media) ...

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