Book description
"An invaluable full-color training package for Web design
Web design consists of using multiple software tools and codes-such as Dreamweaver, Flash, Silverlight, Illustrator, Photoshop, HTML, and CSS, among others-to craft a unique, robust, and interactive websites. This book teaches you how to effectively use all the major tools involved in web design to create a site that is both attractive and functional.
You'll go beyond the basics to learn best practices of good web design so you can go from the drawing board to a successful site.
Combining full-color, step-by-step instructions with lesson files and video training from web experts is like having your own personal instructor guiding you through each lesson-but you work at your own pace!
Discusses properties of good web design and best practices for building a site that is both attractive and functional
Offers clear instruction that makes learning complicated tasks less intimidating
Demonstrates how to approach site design concept creation and bring a vision from the drawing board through to full and dazzling operability
Combines a full color step-by-step instructional book along with lesson files and video training from web design experts
This training package takes you beyond the basics in a series of easy-to-absorb, five-minute lessons. "
Table of contents
- Cover
- Opening Pages
- Table Of Contents
- Starting Up
Lesson 1
Lesson 1: Planning Your Website
- Starting up
The goals of web design
- The difference between print design and web design
- The web demands user interaction
- Defining the user experience
- User-centered design
- The stages of the planning process
- Defining goals and strategy
- Research
- Scenarios and characters
- Information architecture
- Defining the navigation design of the SmoothieWorld site
- Rethinking site navigation
- The role of usability testing
- Wireframes, prototypes, and mockups
- The evolving field of interactive prototypes
- Be creative during the planning process
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 1: Planning Your Website
- Lesson 2
- Lesson 3
- Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 5: Graphics, Color, and Transparency
- Starting up
- Optimizing graphics for the web
- Resizing the image
- Adjusting the image size
- Applying the Unsharp Mask filter to an image
- Selecting the best image format
- Choosing the best file format for your image
- Saving images as GIFs
- Using the color table
- Saving as a PNG
- Slicing an image
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 5: Graphics, Color, and Transparency
Lesson 6
Lesson 6: Formatting Text with CSS
- Starting up
The importance of typography on the web
- The challenges of fonts on the web
- Setting a font-family
- Sizing text with CSS
- Pixels and points are not the best choices
- Using a combination of percent and the em measurement
- Using margins to modify the space between your text
- Setting paragraph line-height
- Transforming text with CSS
- Working with HTML lists
- Styling HTML lists
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 6: Formatting Text with CSS
Lesson 7
Lesson 7: Introduction to CSS Layout
- Starting up
- Working with a CSS reset file
A brief history of layout techniques on the web
- An overview of page layout options
- Understanding <div>s: creating a two-column fixed-width CSS layout
- Understanding the CSS float property
- Creating columns with the float property
- Working with the clear property
- Creating a list-based navigation using floats
- Adding text styles
- The effect of margins and padding on your fixed-width layout
- A review of using margins and padding for layout
- Styling your footer with a background image
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 7: Introduction to CSS Layout
- Lesson 8
- Lesson 9
Lesson 10
Lesson 10: Introduction to Interactivity
- Starting up
Interactivity on the web
- JavaScript
- Adobe Flash
- JavaScript basics
- JavaScript events
- Placing your JavaScript into an external document
- The Document Object Model
- JavaScript frameworks
- Hiding an element with jQuery
- Adding an event to trigger the show effect
- Adobe Flash overview
- Generating code to add Flash movies to a page
- Integrating Flash into a pre-existing design
- Inserting Silverlight content into a web page
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 10: Introduction to Interactivity
- Lesson 11
Lesson 12
Lesson 12: HTML5 Essentials
- Starting up
- Defining HTML5
- The motivation behind HTML5
- HTML5 markup
- The <video>, <audio>, and <canvas> elements
- HTML5 markup is still evolving
- The rest of the HTML5 family
- CSS3 integration with HTML5
- How to begin using HTML5/CSS3
- Starting with an HTML5 foundation
- Words of encouragement
- Self study
- Review
Lesson 12: HTML5 Essentials
- Appendix
- About the Author
- Credits
- Copyright Information
Product information
- Title: Web Design with HTML and CSS Digital Classroom
- Author(s):
- Release date: November 2014
- Publisher(s): Wiley
- ISBN: 9780470583609
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