Chapter 4

Creating the Page Layout


Bullet Understanding page layout basics

Bullet Learning the fundamentals of Flexbox layouts

Bullet Getting a grip on Grid layouts

Flexbox is essentially for laying out items in a single dimension — in a row OR a column. Grid is for layout of items in two dimensions — rows AND columns.


Why are some web pages immediately appealing, while others put the “Ugh” in “ugly”? There are lots of possible reasons: colors, typography, image quality, the density of exclamation points. For my money, however, the number one reason why some pages soar while others are eyesores is the overall look and feel of the page. We’ve all visited enough websites to have developed a kind of sixth sense that tells us immediately whether a page is worth checking out. Sure, colors and fonts play a part in that intuition, but we all respond viscerally to the big picture that a page presents.

That big picture refers to the overall layout of the page, and that’s the subject you explore in this chapter. Here you discover what page layout is all about, and you investigate two CSS-based methods for making your web pages behave the way you want them to. By the time you’re ...

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