1.2. VSAM functions by release level

Some recent improvements to VSAM are extended format and extended addressability which allows a data set to go beyond the 4 GB limitation, system managed buffering (SMB) for improved performance, data compression, data striping, record level sharing (RLS), and most recently, transactional VSAM. Table 1-1 shows the recent VSAM enhancements by DFSMS release level.


DFSMS/MVS® V1R5 was the last independent release. With z/OS V1R3, DFSMS became an integral component of z/OS. This book is written at the z/OS V1R4 DFSMS level.

Table 1-1. VSAM functions by release level
FunctionAvailable sinceSection described in
Data compression for VSAM KSDSDFSMS/MVS V1 R2Data compression” on page 94
Extended addressability ...

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