Output of tick_marks.c
The Scale can have any kind of widget as a child, but it is common to use Labels to represent tick marks. All of the
children are evenly distributed along the axis of the slider; no other layout method is possible. As you can see in the
figure, the tick marks are placed all the way to the left of the Scale widget to leave space for the value indicator. It is
not possible to force the tick marks up against the Scale by using the XmNalignment resource of the Labels or to
control the layout of the tick marks in any way.
14.6 Summary
The Scale widget is a simple widget, both in concept and in practical use. In this chapter, we have showed a few
possible uses of the Scale to represent a range of values. The range of a Scale, as well as its orientation, are
customizable. The widget also provides callbacks that allow an application to keep track of the value of the Scale as
the user changes it. These features make the Scale quite versatile.
14 The Scale Widget 14.6 Summary

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