AC Alternating current
CSC Current-sourced converter
DC Direct current
DCC Diode-clamped converter
DER Distributed energy resource
DFIG Doubly-fed induction generator
DG Distributed generation
DES Distributed energy storage
FACTS Flexible AC transmission systems
GTO Gate-turn-off thyristor
HVDC High-voltage DC
IGBT Insulated-gate bipolar transistor
IGCT Integrated gate-commutated thyristor
LHP Left half plane
MIMO Multi-input-multi-output
MOSFET Metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor
NPC Neutral-point clamped
PCC Point of common coupling
PI Proportional-integral
PLL Phase-locked loop
PMSM Permanent-magnet synchronous machine
PWM Pulse-width modulation
pu Per-unit
PV Photovoltaic
RHP Right half plane
SCR Silicon-controlled rectifier
SISO Single-input-single-output
SM Synchronous machine
STATCOM Static compensator
SVC Static VAR compensator
UPS Uninterruptible power supply
VCO Voltage-controlled oscillator
VSC Voltage-sourced converter

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