I incorporated points that came from several VoIP and signal processing contributing members, as well as from interactions with customers, service providers, third-party developers, interoperability events, publications, standards, recommendations, and conference contributions. I enjoyed the interactions with several contributors from all across the world, and I am grateful for their several decades of contributions, hard work, and foresight in advancing VoIP and signal processing.

I sincerely thank Prof. V. John Mathews, Prof. D. C. Reddy, and Dr. V. V. Krishna for their close technical and personal guidance while going through various stages of compiling this publication.

Several members devoted time in reviewing the material. I thank Dhruva Kumar N and Vasuki MP (Encore Software, India) for reviewing fax chapters and sharing several technical views; Simon Brewer (Analog Devices, Inc.) and his team members for sharing several technical views and knowledge. I would like to thank my colleagues Darren Hutchinson, Chris Moore, Sreenivasulu Kesineni, James Xu, and A.V. Ramana for reviewing some of the chapters.

At Ikanos Communications, Inc., several members provided encouragement for this effort. I thank Sam Heidari, Sanjeev Challa, Ravi Selvaraj, Dean Westman, Michael Ricci, Fred Koehler, Sandeep Harpalani, Ravindra Bhilave, Margo Westfall, Noah Mesel, and my software team members.

Special thanks to the following team members: Venkateshwarlu Vangala, Vijay S. Kalakotla, ...

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