25. Dressing Down for Success: Appealing to Consumers with a Personal Video Demystifies a Confusing Subject and Builds Trust
At first glance, this site looks like just another corporate, professional insurance website, but then suddenly, a video shows a woman walking across the screen. Dressed in a bathrobe, she is wearing cold cream and carrying a laundry basket. This is how we meet State Farm insurance agent Deborah Becker. The biggest impression of the video is that dealing with the agent is fun and easy—and she starts by poking fun at herself. The video is engaging, personal, and fun—yet it manages to bring you back to the business matter at hand (i.e., dealing with your insurance needs).
Why It Works
Traditionally, insurance agents and financial service representatives have taken a staid and serious tone in communications with consumers. After all, insuring your home, auto, business, and other assets is very important to most of us. As Deborah Becker says, “We created the freedom for a back-and-forth comfortable exchange.” Yet, the professionalism is there, and you get a sense that she as an agent still thinks the subject matter and nature of the visitor's interest is serious and important.
It differentiates her from other competing agents in her local area. Deborah says, “Our experience has shown that the average consumer does not really differentiate between the companies ...
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