Book description
VERILOG HDL, Second Editionby Samir PalnitkarWith a Foreword by Prabhu Goel
Written forboth experienced and new users, this book gives you broad coverage of VerilogHDL. The book stresses the practical design and verification perspective ofVerilog rather than emphasizing only the language aspects. The informationpresented is fully compliant with the IEEE 1364-2001 Verilog HDL standard.
Among its many features, this edition—
Describes state-of-the-art verification methodologies
Provides full coverage of gate, dataflow (RTL), behavioral and switch modeling
Introduces you to the Programming Language Interface (PLI)
Describes logic synthesis methodologies
Explains timing and delay simulation
Discusses user-defined primitives
Offers many practical modeling tips
Includes over 300 illustrations, examples, and exercises, and a Verilog resource list.Learning objectives and summaries are provided for each chapter.
About the CD-ROM
The CD-ROM contains a Verilog simulator with agraphical user interface and the source code for the examples in the book.
Whatpeople are saying about Verilog HDL—
“Mr.Palnitkar illustrates how and why Verilog HDL is used to develop today’smost complex digital designs. This book is valuable to both the novice and theexperienced Verilog user. I highly recommend it to anyone exploring Verilogbased design."
—RajeevMadhavan, Chairman and CEO, Magma Design Automation
“Thisbook is unique in its breadth of information on Verilog and Verilog-relatedtopics. It is fully compliant with the IEEE 1364-2001 standard, contains allthe information that you need on the basics, and devotes several chapters toadvanced topics such as verification, PLI, synthesis and modelingtechniques.”
—MichaelMcNamara, Chair, IEEE 1364-2001 Verilog Standards Organization
Thishas been my favorite Verilog book since I picked it up in college. It is theonly book that covers practical Verilog. A must have for beginners andexperts.”
—BerendOzceri, Design Engineer, Cisco Systems, Inc.
“Simple,logical and well-organized material with plenty of illustrations, makes this anideal textbook.”
—Arun K. Somani, Jerry R. Junkins Chair Professor,Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames
Professional Technical Reference
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458
ISBN: 0-13-044911-3
Table of contents
- Copyright
- About the Author
- List of Figures
- List of Tables
- List of Examples
- Foreword
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
1. Basic Verilog Topics
- 1. Overview of Digital Design with Verilog HDL
- 2. Hierarchical Modeling Concepts
- 3. Basic Concepts
- 4. Modules and Ports
- 5. Gate-Level Modeling
6. Dataflow Modeling
- 6.1. Continuous Assignments
- 6.2. Delays
- 6.3. Expressions, Operators, and Operands
- 6.4. Operator Types
- 6.5. Examples
- 6.6. Summary
- 6.7. Exercises
- 7. Behavioral Modeling
- 8. Tasks and Functions
- 9. Useful Modeling Techniques
2. Advanced VerilogTopics
- 10. Timing and Delays
- 11. Switch-Level Modeling
- 12. User-Defined Primitives
- 13. Programming Language Interface
14. Logic Synthesis with Verilog HDL
- 14.1. What Is Logic Synthesis?
- 14.2. Impact of Logic Synthesis
- 14.3. Verilog HDL Synthesis
- 14.4. Synthesis Design Flow
- 14.5. Verification of Gate-Level Netlist
14.6. Modeling Tips for Logic Synthesis
14.6.1. Verilog Coding Style
- Use meaningful names for signals and variables
- Avoid mixing positive and negative edge-triggered flipflops
- Use basic building blocks vs. use continuous assign statements
- Instantiate multiplexers vs. Use if-else or case statements
- Use parentheses to optimize logic structure
- Use arithmetic operators *, /, and % vs. Design building blocks
- Be careful with multiple assignments to the same variable
- Define if-else or case statements explicitly
- 14.6.2. Design Partitioning
- 14.6.3. Design Constraint Specification
14.6.1. Verilog Coding Style
- 14.7. Example of Sequential Circuit Synthesis
- 14.9. Exercises
- 15. Advanced Verification Techniques
3. Appendices
- A. Strength Modeling and Advanced Net Definitions
B. List of PLI Routines
- B.1. Conventions
- B.2. Access Routines
B.3. Utility (tf_) Routines
- B.3.1. Get Calling Task/Function Information
- B.3.2. Get Argument List Information
- B.3.3. Get Parameter Values
- B.3.4. Put Parameter Value
- B.3.5. Monitor Parameter Value Changes
- B.3.6. Synchronize Tasks
- B.3.7. Long Arithmetic
- B.3.8. Display Messages
- B.3.9. Miscellaneous Utility Routines
- B.3.10. Housekeeping Tasks
- C. List of Keywords, System Tasks, and Compiler Directives
D. Formal Syntax Definition
- D.1. Source Text
- D.2. Declarations
- D.3. Primitive Instances
- D.4. Module and Generated Instantiation
- D.5. UDP Declaration and Instantiation
- D.6. Behavioral Statements
- D.7. Specify Section
- D.8. Expressions
- D.9. General
- Endnotes
E. Verilog Tidbits
- Origins of Verilog HDL
- Interpreted, Compiled, Native Compiled Simulators
- Event-Driven Simulation, Oblivious Simulation
- Cycle-Based Simulation
- Fault Simulation
- General Verilog Web sites
- Architectural Modeling Tools
- High-Level Verification Languages
- Simulation Tools
- Hardware Acceleration Tools
- In-Circuit Emulation Tools
- Coverage Tools
- Assertion Checking Tools
- Equivalence Checking Tools
- Formal Verification Tools
- F. Verilog Examples
- Bibliography
- About the CD-ROM
Product information
- Title: Verilog® HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis, Second Edition
- Author(s):
- Release date: February 2003
- Publisher(s): Pearson
- ISBN: 9780130449115
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