1 | The shift in the denomination of the field is intentional. While in North America Communication is perceived as being one discipline and is usually not explicitly qualified as a science but rather listed among the arts, despite its strong social sciences component, in continental Europe the field is more often perceived as multi-disciplinary and its component disciplines are often qualified as sciences: hence Communication Sciences. |
2 | Cf. The original version in French states: “La société n’admet aucune communication concernant, soit l’origine du langage, soit la creation d’une langue universelle”. |
3 | Cf. J. Barkov, L. Cosmides, J. Tooby (1992). |
4 | Cf. M. Hauser, N. Chomsky, T. Fitch (2002). |
5 | Cf. D. Bickerton (1981); J. Hurford (2012). ... |
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