Interfaces, Abstract Members, and Classes

We have alluded to the fact that a class may implement all, some, or none of the members of the interfaces that it defines. Any interface member that does not have an implementation is referred to as an abstract member. The purpose of an abstract member is to provide a member signature (a template, if you will) that can be implemented by one or more derived classes, generally in different ways.

Let us clarify this with an example. Recall from our discussion of inheritance that the CEmployee class defines and implements an IncSalary method that increments the salary of an employee. Recall also that the CExecutive and CSecretary derived classes override the implementation of the IncSalary method in the base class CEmployee.

Suppose that, in a more complete employee model, there is a derived class for every type of employee. Moreover, each of these derived classes overrides the implementation of the IncSalary method in the base class CEmployee. In this case, the implementation of IncSalary in the base class will never need to be called! So why bother to give the member an implementation that will never be used?

Instead, we can simply provide an empty IncSalary method, as shown here:

' Employee class
Public Class CEmployee

    . . .

    Public Overridable Sub IncSalary(ByVal sngPercent As Single)
    End Sub

End Class

Alternatively, if we want to require that all derived classes implement the IncSalary method, we can use the MustOverride keyword, as shown here:

' Employee class
Public MustInherit Class CEmployee

    . . .

    Public MustOverride Sub IncSalary(ByVal sngPercent As Single)

End Class

As mentioned earlier, when using MustOverride, there is no End Sub statement associated with the method. Note also that when using the MustOverride keyword, Microsoft requires that the class be declared with the MustInherit keyword. This specifies that we cannot create objects of type CEmployee.

In each of the previous cases, the IncSalary member of the base class CEmployee is an abstract member.

Any class that contains at least one abstract member is termed an abstract class. (Thus, the CEmployee class as defined earlier is an abstract class.) This terminology comes from the fact that it is not possible to create an object from an abstract class because at least one of the object’s methods would not have an implementation.

There are also situations where we might want to define a class in which all members are abstract. In other words, this is a class that only defines an interface. We might refer to such a class as a pure abstract class, although this terminology is not standard.

For example, imagine a Shape class called CShape that is designed to model the general properties and actions of geometric shapes (ellipses, rectangles, trapezoids, etc.). All shapes need a Draw method, but the implementation of the method varies depending on the type of shape — circles are drawn quite differently than rectangles, for example. Similarly, we want to include methods called Rotate, Translate, and Reflect, but, as with the Draw method, each of these methods require a different implementation based on the type of shape.

Thus, we can define the CShape class in either of the following ways:

Public Class Class2

    Public Overridable Sub Draw(  )
    End Sub

    Public Overridable Sub Rotate(ByVal sngDegrees As Single)
    End Sub

    Public Overridable Sub Translate(ByVal x As Integer, _
                                     ByVal y As Integer)
    End Sub

    Public Overridable Sub Reflect(ByVal iSlope As Integer, _
                                   ByVal iIntercept As Integer)
    End Sub

End Class


Public MustInherit Class CShape

    Public MustOverride Sub Draw(  )
    Public MustOverride Sub Rotate(ByVal sngDegrees As Single)
    Public MustOverride Sub Translate(ByVal x As Integer, _
                                      ByVal y As Integer)
    Public MustOverride Sub Reflect(ByVal iSlope As Integer, _
                                    ByVal iIntercept As Integer)

End Class

Now we can define derived classes such as CRectangle, CEllipse, and CPolygon. Each of these derived classes will (or must, in the latter case) implement the members of the base class CShape. (We won’t go into the details of such an implementation here, since it is not relevant to our discussion.)

Interfaces Revisited

We have seen that interfaces can be defined in class modules. VB.NET also supports an additional method of defining an interface, using the Interface keyword. The following example defines the IShape interface:

Public Interface IShape
     Sub Draw(  )
     Sub Rotate(ByVal sngDegrees As Single)
     Sub Translate(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
     Sub Reflect(ByVal iSlope As Integer, _
                 ByVal iIntercept As Integer)
End Interface

Note that we cannot implement any of the members of an interface defined using the Interface keyword — that is, not within the module in which the interface is defined. However, we can implement the interface using an ordinary class module. Note the use of the Implements statement (which was also available in VB 6, but could be applied only to external interfaces):

Public Class CRectangle
' Implement the interface IShape
Implements IShape
Public Overridable Sub Draw(  ) Implements IShape.Draw
    ' code to implement Draw for rectangles
End Sub

Public Overridable Sub Spin(  ) Implements IShape.Rotate
    ' code to implement Rotate for rectangles
End Sub
End Class

Note also the use of the Implements keyword in each function that implements an interface member. This keyword allows us to give the implementing function any name — it does not need to match the name of the method (see the Spin method earlier in this section, which implements the IShape interface’s Rotate method). However, it is probably less confusing (and better programming practice) to use the same name.

The main advantage of using the Implements keyword approach to defining an interface is that a single class can implement multiple interfaces, whereas VB.NET does not permit a single class to inherit directly from multiple base classes. On the other hand, the main disadvantage of the Interface keyword approach is that no implementation is possible in the module that defines the interface. Thus, all interface members must be implemented in every class that implements the interface. This can mean code repetition if an interface member has the same implementation in more than one implementing class.

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