String, String$ Functions |
Named Arguments
String(number, character)
Use: Required
Data Type: Long
The length of the required string.
Use: Required
Data Type: Variant
Character or character code used to create the required string.
Return Value
A Variant of subtype string made up of character, repeated number times.
Creates a string comprising a specified single character repeated a specified number of times.
Rules at a Glance
If number contains Null, Null is returned.
If character contains Null, Null is returned.
character can be specified as a string or as an ANSI character code. For example:
strBuffer1 = String(128, "=") ' Fill with "=" strBuffer2 = String(128, 0) ' Fill with Chr$(0)
Programming Tips and Gotchas
The String function is useful for creating long strings of "_" , "-", or "=" characters to create horizontal lines for delimiting sections of a report.
When calling Win32 API functions that write string values to a buffer, the String function is typically used beforehand to create a string variable of the proper length and to fill it with a single character, like Chr$(0). For example, given the following statements in the declarations section of a code module:
Private Declare Function GetWindowsDirectory _ Lib "kernel32" _ Alias "GetWindowsDirectoryA" _ (ByVal lpBuffer As String, _ ByVal nSize As Long) As Long Private Const MAX_PATH = 260
the following code fragment retrieves the drive and path to the Windows directory:
Dim strWinDir ...
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