A.9. File and Folder Handling
ChDir Statement
Changes the current directory
ChDrive Statement
Changes the current drive
Close Statement
Closes a file opened using the Open statement
CurDir Function
Returns a variant containing the current path
CurDir$ Function
Returns a String containing the current path
Dir Function
Returns the name or names of a matching file or folder
EOF Function
Returns a flag denoting the end of a file
FileAttr Function
Returns a value denoting the attributes of the current file
FileCopy Statement
Copies a file
FileDateTime Function
Returns the date and time a given file was created
FileLen Function
Returns the length of a file in bytes
FreeFile Function
Returns the number of the next available file
Get Statement
Reads from a file opened in random or binary mode
GetAttr Function
Returns the attributes of a given file or folder
Kill Statement
Deletes a file or folder
Loc Function
Returns the position of the current file read or write marker
LOF Function
Returns the length of an open file in bytes
MkDir Statement
Creates a new folder
Open Statement
Opens a file for reading or writing
Print# Statement
Writes to a sequential text file
Put Statement
Writes to a file opened in random or binary mode
Reset Statement
Closes all files opened using the Open statement
RmDir Statement
Deletes a folder
Seek Function
Sets or returns the position of the current file read or write marker
SetAttr Statement
Sets a file's attributes ...
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