
I discovered the ROI Methodology eight years ago in a partnership agreement between ROI Institute and my training and consulting institute, “Arab Institute for Marketing and Sales”

(AIMS), which was founded 17 years ago. To date, more than 90,000 professionals have been involved in our programs. We conducted several ROI Certification programs to develop human resources experts in measuring the return on investment. We have obtained consulting contracts, including one with Mobily, one of the largest communications companies in Saudi Arabia. I have also read several books from ROI Institute on measurement, monetary benefits, and return on investment, written by Jack and Patricia Phillips.

In my view, calculating the return on investment requires courageous stakeholders as well as an efficient skillful environment and a credible, scalable methodology.

I write this foreword today in Granada (Spain) where one-fifth of 100 young leaders (male and female) graduates receive a European Fellowship on managing the nonprofit organizations, in cooperation with the Euro Arab Foundation and the University of Granada. I have spent more than thirty years working with charities and nonprofits inside Saudi Arabia and outside Saudi Arabia in the Philippines, Pakistan, Jordan and Albania. I found that our business relies on trust.

Over the past fifteen years, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has had a big leap in the third sector, nonprofits, which achieved a growth of 100%. In Saudi Arabia, ...

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